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Any tips on how to effectivly use it, to kill from range. Should I aim higher if enemys are further away or should I always aim center mass?

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tricky part with m14 is to know how to aim when your target is below you or you are below your target. otherwise you can place the dot and shoot anything else including moving targets. its easy cuz bullet velocity is amazing.

Edited by hazedaze

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Best long range weapon in the game IMO.

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Your opinion is the most stupid I've heard to date.

I dont't see whats so stupid about that Its an amazing medium to semi-long range battle rifle and if used correctly can be used to way past 600m maybe even 800m. You'r obviously just not that good xD.

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Just found one the other day , having a blast with it.

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That gun is popular with the Zeds, they all want a piece of it after it fires.

Who shoots Zed`s with a M14 (or any other primary except silenced ones)?

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Who shoots Zed`s with a M14 (or any other primary except silenced ones)?

I saying the gun is damn loud and attracts the zeds. fuuuu

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Go for centermass to begin with. At 1-200 meters your overshooting your sights, at 3-400 your sights are on target. At 500 below. When shooting at targets look for bullet decals where your round hits either the target/ground and make corrections, if you need to.

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Who shoots Zed`s with a M14 (or any other primary except silenced ones)?

I shoot them with my Mk 48, which is basically a M14 aim with 100 round clips and higher rate of fire, but only full auto.

Yes the zeds all come and they all die, easier then stealthing around and more fun, until the unlimited ammo bug is fixed I will continue.

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Amazing allround gun for PvP imo.

I suggest carrying a somewhat silent weapon for zombies though. At the moment, I am rolling with an M14 AIM, an AS50 and an M9SD for zombies.

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Their saying that because AS50 blows every other rifle out of the water lol.

If you can't even use the right "they're", how am I supposed to trust in your knowledge of rifles?

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Who shoots Zed`s with a M14 (or any other primary except silenced ones)?

I don't know, maybe peeps that aren't scurd of a bunch of mindless zeds and want to run up their numbers. SD's are great when you have 'em, but when you don't, go ahead and make some noise!

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I shoot them with my Mk 48, which is basically a M14 aim with 100 round clips and higher rate of fire, but only full auto.

I know a few gun aficionado's who would just cringe at what you said there ;) . Along with that "best long range weapon" comment from I can't remember who... But as long as you can hit what you are aiming at...who cares :D .

Except that "even out to 800m" comment...either you've got a huge monitor displaying a massive amount of pixels or you're talking out of your @*&! The aimpoint on both weapons isn't nearly enough to engage anything at that distance me thinks. The MG maybe with a spotter...maybe...

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Download "The Shooting Range" Map for ARMA II. It is fantastic to test out weapons. Google it, I'm too lazy to copy pasta.

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Download "The Shooting Range" Map for ARMA II. It is fantastic to test out weapons. Google it, I'm too lazy to copy pasta.

I suppose you mean this one? It's the best thing since sliced bread for people who really want to know what their weapons are capable of doing....or not capable of doing, for that matter ;)

Been around for ages and most Arma vets use it all the time..

Edited by Mercator

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m14 is one of the best all-around weapons in the game IMO. Can use it close range, medium range, longish range and has good accuracy and stopping power while retaining a high rate of fire. DMR mags aren't that rare, so finding ammo for it is relatively easy. Hard to say there's a better gun, perhaps the machine guns (like the m249 SAW) are better, but still you can't go wrong carrying an m14. Yeah, the shots aren't silenced so using it on zombies isn't recommended (this is what makes the m4a1/m16 series good, even though they can be loud guns, the SD rounds don't attract zombies), but as an anti-player weapon, the m14 is pretty good.

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