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If you can't even use the right "they're", how am I supposed to trust in your knowledge of rifles?

Whats that for bullshit, So if you cant type in proper english you dont know anything about rifles?

U weird

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If you can't even use the right "they're", how am I supposed to trust in your knowledge of rifles?

Grammer Nazis are in high force today.

Yes I intenionally misspelled to irk you.

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My favorite gun by far. The gun can be used in direct combat, while still being highly effective. It hits hard and you can easily land 2 shots within a second on a target, dropping them instantly.

It can be used to well over 500 meters.

The bullet drop is not what you will find to be the problem, more the fact that the red dot sort of hides your target, making it hard to hit precisely. You won't have to aim more than a few millimeters over the targets head, and that is at ~600m.

You will easily find a lot of ammunition for it, both from DMR as well as the m24 mags i believe.

When i started to play with friends after having played alone for about a week i panicked and accidentally one-shot him by a headshot. I acted on reflexes as i thought someone had been sneaking up on us, but i found that all i managed to do was instant kill my mate. After that i learned to hesitate a bit before shooting, and how easy the M14 is to use, and how effective it generally is.

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