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Shard (DayZ)

I feel stupid.

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I was playing today, and I spotted somebody from my perch on the building nearest to the control tower in the North West Airfield. So I fired maybe 5, 6 shots. Hitting them I believe. Whoever it was ran away into one of the hangars. I was reloading when somebody sprayed bullets near me. They were real close and hit the concrete around me. So I disconnected.

(I was not in the tower piece of the building, I was on the actual roof outside)

I feel like a coward now, for shooting at the other guy. I don't know if he DC'd or what.

I suppose I was being selfish, I had walked for a couple of hours to get to the airfield from the coast though. (Got lost along the way lol)

I shot at the guy cause I hear people say the Airfield is a firezone, and you don't make friends. (Its too far up north)'

Normally I am a friendly player.

Oh well, what would you have done were you in my position?

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Stood up in slo-mo, pulled out my 1911, and popped the shooter in the face.

Blow the smoke away, walk off like a bawss.

Edited by Zexis
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This story disgusts me. Don't DC to avoid death man. Such a lame goddamn thing to do. If you are being shot at, your fault for being so noticeable.

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What i'm reading.

You were camping the airfield, you see someone and you shoot at him. Then you notice that someone has snuck up on you and fires against you, so you DC in order to make sure you don't loose your stuff.

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A lot of people are calling me what I was that day. And BTW (I was not camping the airfield, I dC's in the tower the day before, and then spawned on the roof. I was scavenging for a better rifle)

What would you have done is not being answered lol.

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I w

A lot of people are calling me what I was that day. And BTW (I was not camping the airfield, I dC's in the tower the day before, and then spawned on the roof. I was scavenging for a better rifle)

What would you have done is not being answered lol.

I would have not fired until I had the 1 shot distance/aim.

If I missed, I would have booked the fuck out of there.

If I heard incoming fire, I would keep running the fuck away.

If I was hit, I'd say "Oh shit I've been hit!"

If I was killed I'd say "Fuck that was intense"

and then respawn.

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First off, I would have rather died trying to shoot my attacker than disconnected. I hope that answered your question. Second, its people like you, who disconnect because you are afraid to lose all of their gear and start over, who are ruining DayZ. This is a survival horror game, not a coward fest. Next time man up, whip out a gun, and either be tactical or go out in a blaze of glory for all I care because its better to die than d/c like a punk.

Edited by Ballahcareum

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I w

I would have not fired until I had the 1 shot distance/aim.

If I missed, I would have booked the fuck out of there.

If I heard incoming fire, I would keep running the fuck away.

If I was hit, I'd say "Oh shit I've been hit!"

If I was killed I'd say "Fuck that was intense"

and then respawn.

Ok, thank you.

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It seems I am the only one on this website who has done this. Everyone else seem like heroes.

Sucks to be me. <_<

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It seems I am the only one on this website who has done this. Everyone else seem like heroes.

Sucks to be me. <_<

Sucks to be you ;) But yep, I did DC in combat like.. mhm.. 50 times already? Though I've had a Last Stand fight for like 150 times as well. Just with so many cheaters and bug abusers who are immortal or can track and see you through the whole map, have cheated gear and guns.. I don't feel like I'm gonna die and lose my few days progress, because of a fucker who spawned all his gear within 1 minute and has the best of the best while being immortal as well.

Edited by Delta-Dude

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Anyone else, opinions?

( I have fraps of what happened hahah) But I don't want to post it.

Edited by Shard

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I wouldn't be able to play my character if I DC'd out of death, really what's the point in playing if you're just going to do that?

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I don't normally DC of of every death. I've been shot so many times now. I honestly try and help players as much as possible. I've been backstabbed so many times so far from just doing that.

And right before this life I had been shot following someone to help them build a car.

I spend an hour or two actually walking to this airfield. It took me forever. And once this happened I panicked and DC'd. So I felt like a jerk and posted it here.

Do you think if I DC'd all the time I was going to die, I would actually say that on the forums?

I am sorry I am not the heroes you all are.

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You don't have to be a hero to not abuse game exploits, you do know that right?

Edited by Ichimaruu

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You don't have to be a hero to not abuse game exploits, you do know that right?

Yes, I was referring to the others who claim they would have gotten up and run after whoever it was to shoot them. "I would have died trying to shoot my attacker than disconnected"

(He would have had to have gotten up and followed him to do that

I feel like the scapegoat now for all people who hate the regular dc'rs

Edited by Shard

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"I would have died trying to shoot my attacker than disconnected"

Incorrect quote is incorrect. Check your vision and re-read my post. Should be a "rather" in there somewhere.

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Incorrect quote is incorrect. Check your vision and re-read my post. Should be a "rather" in there somewhere.

My bad. Did not change the meaning much. Point is still valid

Edited by Shard

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Shards, to give a counter example/possibility, I'll tell you about my encounter last night. I was returning to my base after meeting up with a total stranger who needed a transfusion (medics ftw). I had my hatchet out and, despite thinking about how poor of a defensive position it put me in, I chose not to switch to my ak74.

Not 2 mins later, I encountered another survivor in the woods. He was running a tangental course, wearing cammo, and I was sure he had seen me. I immediately changed course and sprinted away. I looked over my shoulder and saw that he was following me.

I had no way to defend myself and wanted to disconnect so badly. I really didn't want to lose my 12 day old character to some poor decision and a random encounter. But I didn't DC. I ran like a mad man, I ziged and zaged, and I constantly watched over my shoulder. Eventually I didn't see him any more, so I proned under a tree and waited for a moment or two to be sure he'd given up.

No shots were fired, I learned a valuable lesson about preparedness, and I realized that I am able to evade a hostile player, just like I would a zombie. If I'd just DCed, I'd know none of that, and I'd have denied myself that aspect of the game.

Edited by Survivor-Kyle
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I guess the tl;dr of the above is that, you get out of DayZ whatever you put in. DCing to avoid the most terrifying aspects of the game reduces it to being every other game out there, with no risks and superficial rewards.

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I once, and only once, DC'd in a 'combat' situation. Me and a friend were moving through the forest when had to go for a minute so he DC'd to the lobby. I decided to stay because it always takes me ages to join the game.

I sat at my computer doing other things while my character was prone in a bush and then I heard a gunshot and was unconcious

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I once, and only once, DC'd in a 'combat' situation. Me and a friend were moving through the forest when had to go for a minute so he DC'd to the lobby. I decided to stay because it always takes me ages to join the game.

I sat at my computer doing other things while my character was prone in a bush and then I heard a gunshot and was unconscious so I quickly DC'd because I didn't want to die because I was essetially afk.

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I have a stupid question.

How come the guys who shoot first, always end up disconnecting, if you shoot back?

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i don't see why everyone DC's so much. i'm a pretty new player and have gotten shot many times, with good gear and with only an axe. never been tempted to DC because dying and losing your stuff is part of the game. if you're so scared of losing your stuff, just run around in the woods and try not to come into contact with anyone. instead of attacking people, then DCing when people attack you.

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It is what it is, if people are given the option to cheat then the majority will do so. It's sad that they have to resort to this but that's life and i've not had this happen to me yet but only because i'm still yet to kill a human player. I have died serveral times though and lost all of my great gear but that's apart of the beauty to this game. So in my opinion, you're just cheating yourself no matter how long it took you to get to the airfield.

what would you have done were you in my position?

Well just before i broke my cpu fan and could actually play this game lol. I was off on a mission for food, my hunger level was getting to the point where even if i'd of seen an unarmed man i would of had to shoot him. I was way up north east and was approaching a town where i knew players would be roaming but i had no other choice at this point, i had to go in. Within seconds or running towards a building i heard 2 gun shots, close enough and loud enough for me to absolutely S**t it haha. I started to run, zig zagging all over the place. I ran through the centre of town (bad idea) i know, seen a dead body on the floor then started to run off in another direction, dodging all the Zeds i had aggro'd. Continued to run until i noticed a house i could enter (again probably not the best idea). I used the windows to scout if i was followed, no sign of anyone. After getting my adrenline down irl lol i realised i still needed food. Scanned the house, no food just empty tin cans and a knife. I'll take that it was needed anyway, still wary of my hunger and bandit/bandits i was stuck as to what i should do. I remember just sitting there waiting for someone to come near the house for a good 10-15 minutes and within that time i'd heard 3-4 more gun shots off in the distance. Eventually i knew i just had to get out of there, as i was desperate for food at this point so I ran out the house, went off over the field and to my amazement i saw a goat in the field. Still knowing human players where about i had to be quick so i shot the goat, gutted the meat and got the hell out of there.

That was one of the most intense moments in Dayz which i've actually survived and none of that would of been possible if i'd off d/c the minute i'd been shot at. So as i said anyone who d/c just cheats themself out of an experience in the game and yes even dying is one of them.

Edited by Sharpy_D

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I try to act in Day Z as I would in real life. Real life you get no do-over’s. Disconnecting to save your character even once could place you on the slippery slope of justification. Once you’re on that slope it’s hard not to justify disconnecting again and again. After all one more time wouldn’t hurt, right? To me this would change the very nature of the game. Instead of having the experience of playing an intense horror survival thriller it would simply become another game.

In your situation with my current gear, I would have just popped a few smokes and bugged out or moved to alternative firing location. At least then I’d have time to locate my attacker and if the smoke did its job and concealed my movements it would give me the opportunity to return the favor and get the drop on my attacker. You ever hear of “one shot, one kill”? If I’m not 100% positive I can kill it with the first shot I won’t shoot. No point in wasting ammo and giving your position away. That’s just me though.

After dyeing the second time (I was trying to help a guy who was bleeding out only for him to kill me) I made a mad dash back to that area for some payback. I made a few stops on the way to gather supplies and find a weapon. Came across the corpse of the player not too far from where he backstabbed me (That’s right Karma’s a ….) and got all my gear back + what he was carrying. A few seconds later on my way out I began to take sniper fire. He must have been what dropped my killer. He hit me in the leg and I went down. Luckily I was able to get out of his line of sight by rolling behind a fence. Once I patched myself up I followed the fence to a nearby bush I was able to get eyes on his hide. He was in the lighthouse 250 to 300yrds out. I was left with only three options, none of which I fancied. I could try to run for it, which would most likely result in getting shot again (He shot me sprinting from cover to cover, so I knew he was a good shot). I could wait him out and let him come to me. Or I could disconnect… Yes the thought crossed my mind. I chose to wait it out. And it paid off big. The moment I saw him leaving the lighthouse my fear and doubt turned into excitement. Any advantage he had disintegrated the moment stepped onto open ground. The tables were turned now things were in my favor. I got the drop on him and had I disconnected I would have missed out on that experience. Nothing is certain, fate has a way of changing, just let things play out and you won’t be sorry.

P.S. I commend you for your honesty man, thanks for sharing this experience with us.

Edited by Dirtdiver

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