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New Zombies Please?!

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Nothing is truly science fiction. We do not even know how far we can truly stretch our boundaries. Not only in scientific discovers or achievements but the human race as a whole. Anything and everything is technically possible.

Ok, travel faster than the speed of light. Not everything is possible and not NEARLY everything is PLAUSIBLE. A virus that readily mutates its hosts into superhuman creatures or changes/enhances the behaviors/senses to anything above normal human activity at the current time (or near future). Brain capacity is lessened. Of everything that science has observed, there is no readily available evidence of anything NEARLY like that, so its sudden development would be highly improbable.

The most likely outcome would be slow, movement impaired animals. There is a possibility that muscular fitness and age would have something to do with it, but there are not going to be super-powered hulks or acid-spitting mutants. And this doesn't even take into account the Russian demographics.

Russia is currently in its worst population decline ever (http://www.telegraph...on-decline.html) and that means that soon, the majority of their population will be elderly. Their bones frail and most not over-fed as Russia is also in a semi-repression/depression. This puts a lot of slow, saggy, shambling corpses roaming around Russia. They will not mutate more powerful muscles, nor will they develop sentry or pack-hunting skills.

The most logical route for zombies is for there to be (relatively) a lot (Just enough to average the population of their spawn area, be it industrial/rural/urban etc.) of slow, shambling, not-coordinated, and averagely built zombies.

Edited by Moriarti

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There is no doubt that the models, rigging, and skinning used for the Zombies is horrid. And I can assume it will be reworked at some point. Not knowing the engine, but being familiar with OFP, OFP:R, ARMA etc etc, it is pretty flexible as far as that stuff goes, so lets hope its on the "to do" list at some point.

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To be honest this isn't really a suggestion, more of a rant kind of thing and honestly I don't know if it'll stick.. I've already made a suggestion once, and it got lost in the spam of new suggestions.

But anyway it seems you guys at the DayZ dev team have been focusing on things like new weapons, new ways to break your legs (Which DayZ LOVES doing) and new animal AI.. but what about the ZOMBIES??

Isn't this game ABOUT zombies? Zombie apocalypse and all...

What amazes me even further is that NO ONE in this community suggested this.. And that's especially odd, because right now there are NO ZOMBIES in this game.. There's bandits, psychopaths and super - athletes with disfigured faces and an amazing ability to walk through walls and hit you even if you're 2 floors below.

So fine, the wall clipping issue can't be fixed ATM, but can there at least be some degree of variation? In every sci fi horror game I've played I was actually AFRAID of the zombies to the point where I would press Esc to catch my breath.. Here, it's just a trophy... Shoot your gun, and watch your kills go up, nothing more.

No one else feels the same??

While I don't agree with different kinds of zombies like l4d zeds, I do like the idea of variety for the sake of immersion and authenticity. What the hell does the crawler crawl when he has no visible wounds? How many mythbusters have been zombified? This is suppose to be an infected/zombie apocalypse rated M for mutilation for gods sake. Where is the blood? Where is the gore? I dont care if its static gore, it help with immersion. I want to see blood stains all over the street, splashes of blood and bloody handprints all over windows and buildings, why is every body pit full of unwounded dead people? They were just eaten alive or shot, they should have missing legs and chunks strewn about and intestines falling out! I want some authenticity.

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While I don't agree with different kinds of zombies like l4d zeds, I do like the idea of variety for the sake of immersion and authenticity. What the hell does the crawler crawl when he has no visible wounds? How many mythbusters have been zombified? This is suppose to be an infected/zombie apocalypse rated M for mutilation for gods sake. Where is the blood? Where is the gore? I dont care if its static gore, it help with immersion. I want to see blood stains all over the street, splashes of blood and bloody handprints all over windows and buildings, why is every body pit full of unwounded dead people? They were just eaten alive or shot, they should have missing legs and chunks strewn about and intestines falling out! I want some authenticity.

Well for now I am assuming they are working on code and mechanics. I don't know every building, vehicle, weapon, and character the the ARMA II database, but it seems they are using stock assets for right now in the DayZ mod. What their intentions are down the road, I have no clue, but it isn't unheard of to use low poly models or un-skinned models as "place holders" while other aspects of development are being worked.So it's possible you may see those things and more down the road, hell they might be working on them now, or what you see is what you get. Hard to say.

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Well for now I am assuming they are working on code and mechanics. I don't know every building, vehicle, weapon, and character the the ARMA II database, but it seems they are using stock assets for right now in the DayZ mod. What their intentions are down the road, I have no clue, but it isn't unheard of to use low poly models or un-skinned models as "place holders" while other aspects of development are being worked.So it's possible you may see those things and more down the road, hell they might be working on them now, or what you see is what you get. Hard to say.

Yeah, I am aware, but that is my suggestion I suppose to add further down the road. Maybe some fans could sumbit some custom meshes + textures for static decoration. They could implement them later on down the road.

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Yeah, I am aware, but that is my suggestion I suppose to add further down the road. Maybe some fans could sumbit some custom meshes + textures for static decoration. They could implement them later on down the road.

well, maybe make another post under the suggestion, suggesting a fan/community work shop? I mean I use to mod the hell out of OFP back in the day, and there was a decent amount other that did as well. Had a forums and all that jazz, im sure they are still floating around, hell some of them might be on this forums.

I dont think it would hurt to suggest it, maybe get the ball rolling on that aspect.

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I like the idea of slain survivors becoming zombies. Killing them will allow you to access their loot.

Of course, the "zombies" are apparently living humans infected with a pathogen that makes them nuts. Of course that doesn't explain the ashen face and rotting skin.

Anyway, I like the idea of survivors turning into zombies. In fact, I like the idea of player controlled zombies (was that suggested or did I just make that up?). After a few seconds you wake up as a zombie. You wander around half blind, capable of running really fast, and wanting to beat the tar out of whoever you can find. Maybe even get a little revenge on the bandit that shot you.

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The biggest issue i have with zombie variation is:

- there are no females

- there are no elderly

- there are no 'teenagers' (kids will likely go against all sorts of laws being able to shoot them in game)

- there are no extra tall or extra small zombies

- there are no fat zombies

So this 'virus' killed off all of them, and only left the healthy male population between 24-42 years of age ?!

I would love to be chased by a grandma zombie shaking her walking stick as i grabbed some cans of coke from 'her' former house... knowing i must land a headshot of that 'fatty' to kill it, but not being to afraid not being able to outrun it... Or thinking i am seeing a hot blond, to cringe when she turns around... So yeah i would love to see some more variety in the zombies !

there is no law against shooting or killing children in games, but it will get it banned from certain countries (I.E. australia). Look at bioshock, you could harvest the little sisters...

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This is really unrelated but can't the zombies be considered sci fi?

Science fiction is fiction based on fringe or imaginary science. It doesn't have to be futuristic or time-travel or outer space oriented... The virus which wiped out Chernarus, isn't this some kind of scientific background to the story? Only a complete idiot would argue that:

1. Viruses are unrelated to science

2. The virus outbreak featured in Chenarus is based on factual events

THUS what do you have? SCIENCE and FICTION. science fiction oh my goodness!

Also the comment about the 'undead' is pretty ignorant. You suggest that sci fi is supernatural in nature but they are actually two contradictory genres.

I feel like day z could potentially be categorized as a science fiction horror game. Darksider2000 isn't wrong to compare it with one.

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I like the idea of slain survivors becoming zombies. Killing them will allow you to access their loot.

Of course, the "zombies" are apparently living humans infected with a pathogen that makes them nuts. Of course that doesn't explain the ashen face and rotting skin.

Anyway, I like the idea of survivors turning into zombies. In fact, I like the idea of player controlled zombies (was that suggested or did I just make that up?). After a few seconds you wake up as a zombie. You wander around half blind, capable of running really fast, and wanting to beat the tar out of whoever you can find. Maybe even get a little revenge on the bandit that shot you.

Just pointing out, but if a bandit shoots you, why would you become a zombie o.o

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Zombies are NOT science fiction (= science of the future; like Star Trek beaming technology or phaser guns).

There is no zombies in this mod.

They're infected, they are not dead.

Mkay, Rocket named them "infected", but why then is the mod called "DayZ", something like "Day of the Zombies" (mixture of D-Day [=special day] + zombie + ironical daisy [a warm, pleasant, nice summer day, flower stuff with nasty creatures underneath])

Nevertheless, indeed, there should be zombies with survivor/bandit (i.e. player characters) skins!

Edited by RogueTrooper

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Zombies are NOT science fiction (= science of the future; like Star Trek beaming technology or phaser guns).

Mkay, Rocket named them "infected", but why then is the mod called "DayZ", something like "Day of the Zombies" (mixture of D-Day [=special day] + zombie + ironical daisy [a warm, pleasant, nice summer day, flower stuff with nasty cratures underneath])

just cuz they look and atc and eat us ?

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there is no law against shooting or killing children in games, but it will get it banned from certain countries (I.E. australia). Look at bioshock, you could harvest the little sisters...

Not to mention, Bohemia may not pick up the game for a standalone if you could kill kids. Companies don't like to associate themselves with controversy like that,

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