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The Running Man

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The running man? Are you serieus?

This is getting scary.

I recorded a voice from last night

these are chat activated serverwide sound files i believe, I've heard this one(which is from a mod called the hidden, for halflife 2), and the I'm So ronery song from Southpark. Both activated via chat commands/keywords.

was this on one of the chicago servers? I think that was where i heard it, possibly dallas.

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You don't see any name when they play it

And no' date=' Eu12


Sometimes you don't see any name popping up when someone speaks over VOIP. It's a bug I guess.

I can confirm that one of those sounds (I see you) comes from the Half Life 2 mod, The Hidden.

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You don't see any name when they play it

And no' date=' Eu12


Server side. A script or something on the server broadcasts a sound to all clients. It's not hard to do, only a simple script/trigger on the map.

something like "when x then sayradio "i_see_you.ogg"" and then a script to make all clients recieve it. Don't remember it 100%, long time since I made a script like that. No name pops up in the chat then.

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You don't see any name when they play it

And no' date=' Eu12


Server side. A script or something on the server broadcasts a sound to all clients. It's not hard to do, only a simple script/trigger on the map.

something like "when x then sayradio "i_see_you.ogg"" and then a script to make all clients recieve it. Don't remember it 100%, long time since I made a script like that. No name pops up in the chat then.

It's actually done through VOIP, not scripts.

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I heard if you really want to piss off "The running man" run inside a fairly large warehouse building, kill him, and then dispatch his horde with all the ammo that you should have been saving up for a situation like this.

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Well from the looks of the screen shot it seems that he was in the area. I wonder if anyone actually saw him and just didn't realize what they were seeing.

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The art of Zombie Whispering goes way back.

It finds it's origins in the bottle-troll movement, a seductive dance if you will.. involving smashing bottles around the feet of your would-be zombie love fiends in an act of courtship.

Few realise that the modern day adaption of hurling a smoke grenade to distract a horde is actually steeped in this age-old tradition.

Some dare recreate the ways of the ancients, but they are mostly legend... mostly.

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Are those radio noises at night even related to The running man?

I recorded those noises again from last night

Any other news about it?

There are darker more sinister things in the wilds than zeds and humans.

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Oi. I posted in this in another thread where someone had mentioned TRM. But I've heard that as of late if spotted he's apparently taken to using having music playing over Direct Communication with running songs. Though I fear he'll probably enjoy the new Aggro from Global chat. Though it'll make his being on a server a lot more noticeable if he decides to use it.

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