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About KevinsLunchbox

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. KevinsLunchbox

    DayZ Memes

    Reminds me of CHKilroys Day Z series on youtube.
  2. KevinsLunchbox

    I really did try to be nice.

    I can't tell if this is a troll or not since anyone with a bandit skin should expect bullets at every moment.
  3. KevinsLunchbox

    This post is mostly me complaining.

    A carebear skin? Rain and lag? What kind of thread is this... Also carebear skin = "Shoot me please"
  4. KevinsLunchbox

    Lying in side channel?

    I don't look at the side chat ever, I never type in it, I never read it, it basically doesn't exist to me.
  5. KevinsLunchbox

    The Running Man

    I feel like I'm playing Minecraft when the Herobrine copypasta was created.
  6. KevinsLunchbox

    Should I go to the main airfield ?

  7. KevinsLunchbox


    They knew it was inevitable, they knew death lurched around the corner but they weren't scared. They charged the house with the passion flaming in their eyes, their hearts filled with courage. One by one their comrades would fall, the blood of their brothers spilled but they didn't give up. They fought to the death, they fought for themselves and in the end they were the true winners.
  8. KevinsLunchbox


    I want to see how this plays out, the NCM seem like a formidable force. Who will be the ultimate victor? Bandits? or Do-gooders?
  9. -A Short Bandit Survey for the Bored- .:The Bandit Survey:. .: So why have you chosen to walk the path of “darkness"(was it for the beans =p?) -There's nothing quite like hunting players who've been alive for a long time. .: Lets talk about tactics, what are yours? -I'm like a snail, I basically crawl everywhere. Let's face it, I'm not in a rush. .: Do you prefer to hunt alone or in a pack? -Lone hunter, safer that way. .: Your preferred hunting ground(s)? -Northern area of the map, Petro is a cool place. .: What are your weapons of choice? -DMR is my personal favorite but I use whatever I can get my hands on. .: Your greatest strength as a Bandit? -Patience .: Now how about a weakness of yours, come on everyone has one? -I don't travel around often. .:Lastly, how about telling us your greatest moment(s) as a Bandit of Chernarus? -My first kill
  10. KevinsLunchbox

    Humanity Information?

    Don't you gain humanity for doing blood transfusions and stuff?
  11. KevinsLunchbox

    Safe Zone (No shooting/No Zombies)

    I don't understand how a safe zone would be "safe". Bandits that camp new players/players who just respawned camp in large areas because it's hard to tell where people will respawn, a safe zone gives bandits a "home base", a place to camp on purpose. They don't even need to be in the zone, just watch the borders. Safe zones would probably be even more dangerous than Cherno or the coast.
  12. KevinsLunchbox

    One hell of an assault our group did.

    That was incredible, you guys seriously knew what you were doing. I am impressed by your guys' ability to take them all out. Bravo!
  13. KevinsLunchbox


    I'm a bandit sympathizer but you sound like a jack ass. Oh well, that's the name of the game; kill or be killed.
  14. KevinsLunchbox

    I heard these things are rare..

    Mountain Dew? Oh man I need to find me some of that.
  15. KevinsLunchbox

    DayZ Memes

    I love these, shame I can't think of anything creative or else I'd contribute.