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Which map would you like to see for dayz?

Map diversity  

197 members have voted

  1. 1. Which additional map would you like to see for dayz?

    • Takistan (Desert, Mountain - 13km x 13km)
    • Zargabad (Desert, Big City, Villages 3km x 8km)
    • Utes Island (a small Chernarus 2km x 2km) for small servers
    • Keep it as is, I love Chernarus.
    • Other suggestion, please post ...

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100x100 is quite rare for a custom map, which is quite a large number.

Most Islands I see that are custom made are around the size of 10x10.

However, some maps do look quite good. Take these for example:

Not sure how well a zed apocalypse would do in africa, but it could be better than Resident Evil 5.

>>> Isla Duala

This island looks quite good, and a bit more modern than Chenarus. It also has quite a bit of water, as it looks sort of like a sunken europe.

>>> Ovaron Island

Last but not least, I can assure you that fighting zombies in a jungle-like vegitated island would be quite frighting. Especially at night. And especially if a weapon condition feature is put in.

>>> Razoreniya Island

If we want a change from the soviet states, these might do quite well.

hmm very nice ... maybe one day we might have different options for server maps

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Chernobyl ...is a town. not a map...so you could place the city that has chernobyl in it..forgot name.


*Edit* Nvm someone beat me to it already, hehe.

Edited by exevious

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Surely there are more than 3 maps for Arma2? All of the current ones suggested are just to small!!

Requirements (in my views):

- Big, atleast 100x100km as a bare minimum, the bigger the better !

- Forest, part of the game relies on getting wood, which can only be achieved in the forest...

- Diverse layout : large cities, small towns, outposts, airfields, bases, etc.. (current map has this fairly decently)

- More enterable building (the more the better)

Revamping the current map is a whole lot of work, from an interview i saw with Rocket i noticed he said that setting up an excisting map was a reasonable amount of work (though he mentioned wanting to stick to other priorities 'now') ... i would personally realy favor a new map on or around the version. That seems like a real milestone that could be celebrated by resetting everybody to newbspawn on a new terrain, where nothing is known and everything has to be figured out again... This will also give new and possibly good feedback on 'how hard' DayZ currently is, as a lot of complaint for 'its to easy' come from people that know the current map by heart ...

Are you aware that 100x100 it is 10.000 square kms?. The chernarus or whatever is called map is just 200 something square kms.....

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Takistan. Has every building enterable, no grass, much more optimized than Chernarus. And... just imagine killing muslim zombies :P

And getting killed by snipers 24/7 because of the missing woods.

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just imagine killing muslim zombies :P

As a Muslim, I found this incredibly offensive and callous. No it is not funny. No it is not tongue-in-cheek. It is simply offensive and unjustified.

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As a Muslim, I found this incredibly offensive and callous. No it is not funny. No it is not tongue-in-cheek. It is simply offensive and unjustified.

You can add me to the ignore list, you know.

And getting killed by snipers 24/7 because of the missing woods.

No. Because there's no woods, snipers will be easily visible in the open and you'll be able to spot them 1km away.

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As a Muslim, I found this incredibly offensive and callous. No it is not funny. No it is not tongue-in-cheek. It is simply offensive and unjustified.

Why would you be offended?

Takistan is a middle eastern map for arma 2... The place is also predominantly Islamic.

Thats like being african and being offended at Resident evil 5 because the zombies are African.

completely forgetting the fact that the setting is IN AFRICA!

Id love to be in a game shooting middle eastern Zombies,

but then id also love shooting Nazi zombies, and North Korean zombies.

Japanese zombies would be cool too.

But obviously within the context of the setting they're in.

Edited by moofactory

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I can understand Jehangir's point, in the middle east there are not just muslims guys! there are all sorts of religions there and also non religious people, and there would be no way to distinguish one from the other, as they would all be 'middle eastern zombies', also and perhaps an eye opener, there is no 'one islam' so there is no 'one moslim', just like christian faith (katholic, protestant, christians of the X'th advent, etc and so on and loads more), islam is also devided in many sub-islams ... so realy if you say 'can you imagine shooting muslim zombies' all you show is how you know nothing and your views are discriminating by picking out a single believe in the middle eastern region ...

It's like saying, we should have a new york area map, can you emagine shooting those fat American zombies!

So please, first of all educate yourself b4 you say something stupid, and generalizing is only good if you talk about 'people in general' not distinguishing between any of them...

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Is there a map builder for Arma 2... I would love to build one of my town and the surrounding area.... that would be great

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I think there is, as some of these maps are custom maps, aka non BI maps, just use the internet to find tools for Arma...

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I'd be better off with Takistan, Zargabad will make you more visable to everyone. I like to blend with nature and not be seen 400 miles away.

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i'd like to see a DayZ map, fuck the old ArmA maps..

i'd suggest:

a map where the cities are absolutely crawling with zombies, unsafe unless you're geared with silent weapons.

a smaller map so that the population density is much higher

a loot system that woks with the map ie. knives can be found in kitchens

more vehicles (mainly pushbikes)

wandering zombies and zombie hordes

valleys/gorges with natural rock caves/formations

i'm sure there are heaps of other great suggestions, but the best suggestion of all would be: why limit yourself to maps that are already years old?

this game has attracted such a large community (very quickly) that surely there are multiple people who can helpe with map design and integration

i like chernarus, but i think it's potential is very limited

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Lingor for the voodoo feel

The maps from Iron Front (an arma based ww2 mod/standalone)

The important thing being that on those maps almost all buildings are enterable.



PS Iron Front's main map is larger than Chenarus :)

Edited by orlok

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I would go for Lingor, but I dont think that this is the right time to think about new maps, lets focus on gameplay issues.

Edited by MinxinG

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I don't see why not, Takistan run's allot better on people computers. Also so many more building, I would love to actually see both. Maybe a diffrent character on cher and taki maybe not. Idk, If it only takes Him 60 minutes then do it!

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Man I just checked out some videos of iron Front:Liberation 44 and am amazed at the quality of work.It oozes passion and I will definitely pick it up at $30 dollars.Its the details details details that gets me about it.They changed things like shouldered weapon viewpoint in first person,death animations,running and gunning at same time,the scopes are beautiful,the weapons have a feel to them,bolt action rifles with reload animations,the crosshairs are perfectly centered.I use to mod for Stalker and many people just couldn't get the hang of centering irons sights.I would help a few modders with that and I'll be honest and say sometimes one weapon could take 8 hours or more. :( Arma2 has many weapon iron sights that are off and that just shows a lacking passion for what they are doing.I don't blame BI though since there is so much work in making the engine and they probably can't afford to have a guy sit for 8 hours making an iron sight perfect.

Now onto the maps.Two of them are larger than Chenarus and have every building enterable and just exude a love for their mod.If BI,Rocket and the IF44 team could come to an agreement to allow stuff to be ported over to Dayz,I feel it would benefit this mod alot.1944 zombie apocalypse right after WW2 ends. :D Just needs passion and people to go in and make period perfect food and drink stuff etc.Not just paste in pepsi and coke and AS50's and call it a day.Here check out this video if you so desire.

Edited by wolfstriked

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we need a real metropolis, not that small cherno or elektro, a maze that we would get lost

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I'm fine with Lingor Island, or some other map someone created out there. . . Granted it would be nice to have a few more open buildings and such too.

Zargabad? Is way too small and the open desert dosen't seem like that much fun to me, but to each their own I guess. All I know is IceBreakr has really put alot of work into his islands and they are something to see and actually create missions on (for those who 'roll' their own with Arma 2's mission editor). Isla Duala isn't too bad but it's a mix of jungle and desert. Panthera is really hilly and alot of the terrain is taken up by the steep mountian like hills / passes.

The only thing with Lingor is that it is a jungle and hard on resources for graphics. . . So if many don't have a upper ended machine out there well. . .

On the other hand I'm also fine with some other crafted landscape, island, or cityscape as long as it is fairly large so people can get 'lost' in them. Even though I'm not sure how well a city would work? Because right now there are only so many buildings in ARMA and some tend to be a bit buggy or get buggy when plopped down on even slighly uneven terrain or stacked on top of one another.

I'd be interested in a map that would have some wide river running in the middle of it with some forest, farmland, and partly damaged cities / roads / and even bridges. Or something that made the boats a bit more useful. . Something with a natural divide with choke points if you catch my drift?

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I would like to see a map the size of tennesse or texas, United States, or pretty much any map the size of a state. If they could make a map that large you could have over thousands of towns many complex citys and so forth. Right now the largest city in dayz is tiny in comparison to the city I live in. If a map that size could be available in the standalone version i would be satisfied.

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