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Which map would you like to see for dayz?

Map diversity  

197 members have voted

  1. 1. Which additional map would you like to see for dayz?

    • Takistan (Desert, Mountain - 13km x 13km)
    • Zargabad (Desert, Big City, Villages 3km x 8km)
    • Utes Island (a small Chernarus 2km x 2km) for small servers
    • Keep it as is, I love Chernarus.
    • Other suggestion, please post ...

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Utes Island:


Edited by liukang_168

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i consider different maps for dayz on arma 2 highly unlikely at this stage in development.

chernarus is good enough for now.

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Takistan. Has every building enterable, no grass, much more optimized than Chernarus. And... just imagine killing muslim zombies :P

[Warned - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy
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Something too complex and too big to fully document ( Whoever make detailed loot maps and other "walkthrough" or spoilers, i hate you with a passion )

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Something too complex and too big to fully document ( Whoever make detailed loot maps and other "walkthrough" or spoilers, i hate you with a passion )


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Keep the map we have, but expand on it and make it much larger.

Add more cities, towns, camps, etc. and make them all enterable!

Edited by Meta
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Ive played DayZ on both Lingor, Takistan and Utes.

Takistan worked, but considering it has other buildings than Chernarus, almost no loot were there.

Takistan, same thing, worked fine though.

Utes worked like a charm.

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It should be a completely new map, or sahrani from Arma with enterable buildings, when Dayz is ported to arma 3 I sure hope its not on that damn greek island, there are hardly any cover judging from screenshots..

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I want to see Chernarus extended because I got attached to that map.

But I also would like to see a new map, as big, because exploring something new is fun.

Or, also I would love to see Chernarus revamped. Every building enterable.

Just imagine those TEC building or hospitals with lots of rooms and floors inside.

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I want to see Chernarus extended because I got attached to that map.

But I also would like to see a new map, as big, because exploring something new is fun.

Or, also I would love to see Chernarus revamped. Every building enterable.

Just imagine those TEC building or hospitals with lots of rooms and floors inside.

I don't think there will be a revamp or an extension, even though I would like to see that 2. I think it would be much easier to implement a takistan version or any other existing one to dayz ...

Edited by liukang_168

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Surely there are more than 3 maps for Arma2? All of the current ones suggested are just to small!!

Requirements (in my views):

- Big, atleast 100x100km as a bare minimum, the bigger the better !

- Forest, part of the game relies on getting wood, which can only be achieved in the forest...

- Diverse layout : large cities, small towns, outposts, airfields, bases, etc.. (current map has this fairly decently)

- More enterable building (the more the better)

Revamping the current map is a whole lot of work, from an interview i saw with Rocket i noticed he said that setting up an excisting map was a reasonable amount of work (though he mentioned wanting to stick to other priorities 'now') ... i would personally realy favor a new map on or around the version. That seems like a real milestone that could be celebrated by resetting everybody to newbspawn on a new terrain, where nothing is known and everything has to be figured out again... This will also give new and possibly good feedback on 'how hard' DayZ currently is, as a lot of complaint for 'its to easy' come from people that know the current map by heart ...

Edited by L0GIN

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Surely there are more than 3 maps for Arma2? All of the current ones suggested are just to small!!

Requirements (in my views):

- Big, atleast 100x100km as a bare minimum, the bigger the better !

- Forest, part of the game relies on getting wood, which can only be achieved in the forest...

- Diverse layout : large cities, small towns, outposts, airfields, bases, etc.. (current map has this fairly decently)

- More enterable building (the more the better)

Revamping the current map is a whole lot of work, from an interview i saw with Rocket i noticed he said that setting up an excisting map was a reasonable amount of work (though he mentioned wanting to stick to other priorities 'now') ... i would personally realy favor a new map on or around the version. That seems like a real milestone that could be celebrated by resetting everybody to newbspawn on a new terrain, where nothing is known and everything has to be figured out again... This will also give new and possibly good feedback on 'how hard' DayZ currently is, as a lot of complaint for 'its to easy' come from people that know the current map by heart ...

Chernobyl ...is a town. not a map...so you could place the city that has chernobyl in it..forgot name.

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they should stitch some of the other maps to chern if possible would be cool, maybe better loot in Takistan due to the military deployments

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Chernobyl ...is a town. not a map...so you could place the city that has chernobyl in it..forgot name.


Day Z is S.T.A.L.K.E.R esque but shouldn't plan on ripping it off completely. I've spent hours in the zone but I dont want another game set there.

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100x100 is quite rare for a custom map, which is quite a large number.

Most Islands I see that are custom made are around the size of 10x10.

However, some maps do look quite good. Take these for example:

Not sure how well a zed apocalypse would do in africa, but it could be better than Resident Evil 5.

>>> Isla Duala

This island looks quite good, and a bit more modern than Chenarus. It also has quite a bit of water, as it looks sort of like a sunken europe.

>>> Ovaron Island

Last but not least, I can assure you that fighting zombies in a jungle-like vegitated island would be quite frighting. Especially at night. And especially if a weapon condition feature is put in.

>>> Razoreniya Island

If we want a change from the soviet states, these might do quite well.

Edited by Zombiestubble
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