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Dayz makes me paranoid IRL.

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I'm one all nighter away from peeking around corners before I exit my own bathroom.

TY Dayz team. :)

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I lean in the supermarket

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It makes you paranoid? My hands can't stop shaking whenever I engage someone in close combat.

That's why I snipe.

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It makes you paranoid? My hands can't stop shaking whenever I engage someone in close combat.

That's why I snipe.

Yeah me too, dont forget the racing heart

Don't break your bones on your way out.

hahahaha classic!

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Yeah me too, dont forget the racing heart

Yeah. Last night me and my friend were in the Barracks when we spotted someone (it was midnight). We fired at him and he disappeared.

I walked around for a bit when I saw movement. I fired 2 rounds and nearly killed my own friend. Good thing ArmA doesn't have bullet penetration, my friend was saved by a wooden fence.

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Arma 2 HAS bullet penetration but its not sth like in COD that bullets are going straight after hitting the fence but they are changing directions a little

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Arma 2 HAS bullet penetration but its not sth like in COD that bullets are going straight after hitting the fence but they are changing directions a little

A .45 would cut through a half rotten wooden fence like butter.

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I laughed alot.. Especially when he is getting shot at himself and sounds like a little girl.

Yep, funny although infinte grenades ?? Can you say hacker

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i think it was a glitch... or he percieved it as a glitch. the ammo duping is a bit meh, but i do it myself because why not do it if everyone else does.

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I'm nothing like the guy in the video..... I would have died sooner. lol

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i usually don't realize the effects of close combat until after i die or after i'm looting/running away. i start to come down from the adrenaline spike and realize my heart is pounding and i'm all tense haha

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he should have died when he was crouching in the field looking for people. the first guy to get shot who had the jump on old mate, if he had aimed properly he would have killed/knocked out/taken a good chunk out of him.

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Don't forget to crouch sprint when in towns!

Lol, that doesn't work with the latest patch. Zombies aggro me and my friends from a mile away, but they don't care if I fire with an AKM.

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Lol, that doesn't work with the latest patch. Zombies aggro me and my friends from a mile away, but they don't care if I fire with an AKM.

With the newest patch the infected have better vision but their hearing has been downgraded. Just pretend you are Sam Fisher.

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Just pretend you are Sam Fisher.

The Fisher reference alone deserves beans.

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The Fisher reference alone deserves beans.

I'm glad you found it as entertaining as I did when I thought it up xD

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Yup, the first time i had a successful confrontation with another human player it was me and another guy from my group. We were in a military medical camp and right after he told me not to go in too fast because there might be someone in there, i saw a guy with an mp5 waiting for us, i screamed "holy shit" and we both spammed our Winchester/ Lee Enfield on him. After that i realized that my heart was pounding and i had a sudden adrenaline rush.

The second time was when i saw 2 heavily equipped players with m107/ghillie suits, i just respawned and they even had a car. They went out of their car because someone else tried to shoot them while they were driving. Then i took the opportunity and snatched the car when they were away for a brief moment. started blowing my horn and singing my victory song. I then proceeded to hide the car and loot it. If only i had recorded it.

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Any combat in this mod really gets your heart racing. For example, I was walking through the woods outside of Prig (small town just outside of Cherno (Couldn't remember the full name)) when I saw an ATV, it had full gas and everything. Then I see some guy with an axe come out from behing a tree and not even a second later, he just starts bashing me with it, I raised my AKM and unloaded about 3 bullets until he was bleeding on the ground and then ALT+F4'd like a noob. I took the ATV. But I noticed that my heart was racing. Winning feels good! Wasn't much of a fair fight though, Paul Bunyan v. a gun weilding maniac trying to steal your ATV.

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