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Dayz makes me paranoid IRL.

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Just made my day right there lol. Beginning he spams and kills people then at the end when the last guy tries to get in the truck and run he looks like he is actually taking aim and missing now lol


Edited by Sento

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Any combat in this mod really gets your heart racing. For example, I was walking through the woods outside of Prig (small town just outside of Cherno (Couldn't remember the full name)) when I saw an ATV, it had full gas and everything. Then I see some guy with an axe come out from behing a tree and not even a second later, he just starts bashing me with it, I raised my AKM and unloaded about 3 bullets until he was bleeding on the ground and then ALT+F4'd like a noob. I took the ATV. But I noticed that my heart was racing. Winning feels good! Wasn't much of a fair fight though, Paul Bunyan v. a gun weilding maniac trying to steal your ATV.

Paul bunyon and al copone in one post TAKE MY BEANS

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