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How to end Ganking, and support Honor [ v ]

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Okey, should I start to insult you for real carven? Because you and you're little boy band, THAT WAS AN INSULT, starts to answer my first post by putting opinions and words in my mouth and then fail to recognize that you're actually the ones being condescending and insulting in the fist place. I do agree that I do provide anecdotes but if you had one iota of analytic ability, another insult, you would understand that anecdotes actually do also, instead of just being a satirical or what is seemed to be typical events/experiences, provide a shallow insight to a system, game, situation and/or experiences. this doesn't say that anecdotes are better then scientific evidence, since anecdotes are prone to logical fallacies, only that anecdotes are used to just give an emphasis to what's being discussed. And if you take a hard look at some anecdotes you might find some clear traits in them that actually can be tested by scientific means, like in this case you can actually play the game and see for yourself how much truth they hold.

Please, I wish to give you the possibility to bring up what I've missed so utterly that I'm dismissive of your arguments and further in regards to the game and it's mechanics, so I can answer them. If you feel so insulted that I do actually disagree with this lazy attitude, another insult if you will, in regards to Pk:ers and their actually impact to the game in general, you're more then welcome to silent me for good and show to the rest what a big dick I'm apparently am.

Take care. <- this isn't an insult

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I fail to see how any further discussion with you can be anything but negative, dragon. You cling to your beliefs, I will continue to endorse mine. I won't indulge your desire to continue this ridiculous display of unabated anger and derision at anyone who disagrees with you. I've provided evidence counter to your theories already, you have dismissed it. There's nothing else to say.

Best of luck to you.

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I fail to see how any further discussion with you can be anything but negative, dragon. You cling to your beliefs, I will continue to endorse mine. I won't indulge your desire to continue this ridiculous display of unabated anger and derision at anyone who disagrees with you. I've provided evidence counter to your theories already, you have dismissed it. There's nothing else to say.

Best of luck to you.


Best of luck to you too.

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I wanted to add a comment about the OP.

Not every games have to favor good sport, fair play and honor, check EVE online for a good example.

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DayZ is full from coast-to-coast with braindead, drooling, bloodthirsty zombies who exist for no other reason but to murder you. They have a singular, mindless purpose and no rhyme or reason to their behavior. They will not communicate with you or respond to your attempts to communicate with them. Once they see you, they will hunt you down and stop at nothing to spill your blood.

Awesome! Sounds like an amazing game! I can't wait to play. Where do I sign up? I'm so excited!

Oh, by the way, it also has braindead, drooling, bloodthirsty players who exist for no other reason but to murder you. They have a singular, mindless purpose and no rhyme or reason to their behavior. They will not communicate with you or respond to your attempts to communicate with them. Once they see you, they will hunt you down and stop at nothing to spill your blood.

What the fuck? That sounds awful! These dicks are ruining the game and the community and how can anyone enjoy a game when stuff like this goes on? This game is going to be a complete failure unless we fix this now!

^^ This is literally what you people believe. And yes, it makes you look very silly.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Oh, by the way, it also has braindead, drooling, bloodthirsty players who exist for no other reason but to murder you. They have a singular, mindless purpose and no rhyme or reason to their behavior. They will not communicate with you or respond to your attempts to communicate with them. Once they see you, they will hunt you down and stop at nothing to spill your blood.

What the fuck? That sounds awful! These dicks are ruining the game and the community and how can anyone enjoy a game when stuff like this goes on? This game is going to be a complete failure unless we fix this now!

^^ This is literally what you people believe. And yes, it makes you look very silly.

The same could be said about the group slaughtering these peoples but seeing that most peoples are in the middle I can't care that much more then about the fact that this group, griefers, do effect the general game play quite a lot in regards to their size. This is my only concern and I believe it's lazy to not address this problem to some extent. Eve isn't that bad btw.

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The same could be said about the group slaughtering these peoples but seeing that most peoples are in the middle I can't care that much more then about the fact that this group, griefers, do effect the general game play quite a lot in regards to their size. This is my only concern and I believe it's lazy to not address this problem to some extent. Eve isn't that bad btw.

There are far more zombies than "griefers."

They are responsible for far more player deaths as well.

Why do I not see you calling for a way to address the "problem" with zombies?

I made it so clear, yet you miss the point of my post entirely.

Mindless killers are mindless killers. Saying one type makes the game great while the other ruins it is completely senseless.

Treat both types the same way. Deal with "griefers" as you would deal with zombies.


Problem addressed.

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Amongst the plethora of youtube commentators, Twitch.TV Streamers, and gamers alike there seems to be a shared consensus when it comes to the current state of affairs taking place in DAYZ.

People are frustrated

And who is to blame them honestly... Can any of you really call someone out on being a bad player, when they are unarmed, and being gunned down by someone with an AK-74? Or running through town at night, searching for a source of water, while a sniper with nightvision takes them out from a distance? I certainly can't... and thats what it boils down to people. Regardless of what the Dev's intended the game on being with its Dubbed "social experiment" status. There has been a distinct and dramatic increase in psychotic and antisocial behavior. And unfortunately, the vitcims in turn, have now come full cycle to continue the endless wartorn world that feeds on disregard for empathy.

Here's an example.

Player 2 tries to help Player 1 from being mauled by zombies, only to be shot and looted for valuables. Now disgruntled, player 2 instinctively shoots player 3, who was unarmed and only in search for a water source. Player 3, Who in turn will never trust anyone ever again and begins his own cycle of distrust...etc etc etc.

Do you see where I'm going with this ? There is NO emphasis on kindness, giving, or honor, and the only reward is given to those who shoot first, and ask questions later.

Thats why I'm here, I'm here to suggest a new system which will help reward those who go the extra mile, and encourage players to really struggle through the choice of helping, vs having that extra can of food. And its a fairly simple procedure, given the dev's capable coding skills.

Now, the first step is to bring back humanity, which I know some of you really hated, but just hang with me as I try to explain this as carefully as I can.

What if, humanity was brought back, not as just a gauge of player morality, but as a emphesis on a reward system.... A System in which, a player could have the incentive to not only help the other player, but to ensure that both of them have a well deserved reward at the end. Now how would you do this ? Well heres a short summary of how it could work.

1. Seting up various salvation army stations with millitary NPC's who will reward players who return with humanity and the dogtags (discussed below). And in return with the collected tags and humanity, the salvation captain would then know that these survivors were honorable, and offer them Weapons, body armor, vechile parts, gasmasks, even a Combination safe to have a permenant stash somewhere in the game. All costing X ammount of Humanity / X tag's per purchase. - Example. Body armor. 4000 humanity, 12 dogtags -.

So while the bandits are pillaging, and shooting everyone they can, the team of players who sticks together can effectively attain their own rewards for their hard work and loytalty. Essentially creating Balance.

2. As stated above, we're now be discussing the new form of currency, in the form of dogtags. Each player has a set of dogtags, these are needed to attain rewards from the salvation captain and are only available AS GIFTS. And like humanity, the dogtag symbol will be retained in the UI, and not in the players bag itself. Effectively preventing bandits from bypassing this and just robbing players of their work. As this special form of currency, and to prevent others from farming, the set you have would only be givable once every 24 hours. Basically limiting you to 2 gifts a day. This is another balance issue, and to prevent players from exploiting easy gear.

3.Implementing a penalty / reward system for those who would rather help one another, than to shoot anyone they come across. Going at a 1-10 ratio of Humanity depending on what you do.

Say, for example. You willingly offer player items from your backpack, giving you a 10% humanity boost to zombie / bandit kills for the next hour. Or a passive incease in Humanity earned while within a certain distance of other players who are also not labled as bandits.

The 1-10 ratio comes in the form of assitance and killing. 100 humanity for bandaging or helping them with a blood pack. And -1000 humanity for killing another survivor. Which I know is rough, especially if you are defending yourself. I never said it was perfect, but if you are following the steps above so far, regaining 1000 humanity is not has hard as say, a Bandit killing 15 people, then trying to make up for his actions.

Now if you are still reading all this, and simply think I am a carebear or a noob who wants to deny your kills, thats fine. I understand that some people out there are killing, just to kill. And they are entitled to play the game however they want to. But for me, and alot of other players out there, they want the game to be a real survival horror experience, not just a shoot first, ask questions later... No morality, gankfest. Because lets be honest, even if you are the type who only want to kill, everytime you kill that unarmed player, you could be driving away players, who day by day, will eventually leave the game more barren...And I for one, am against that, because I know the potential this type of game has.

This is a "anti game" and has no rules, but without the insentive for honor, without the consequences for taking a life, there is no reason why anyone is going to hold back... when there is nothing to lose. And the less humanity we have, the more of a game this actually becomes. So if you really do support the "anti game" claim, show your support below for some incentive for justice and kindness.

Hope to hear from you, even if its rage,


i like how well you stated what you think.

but I would like you to think about it this way. if i took all the bandits out would you still play? are just killing the zombies really that fun? come on... in fact i would not play dayz without the bandits. there are beter zombie mods for arma 2 then dayz if you just want to kill zombies, even with friends! so plz stop trying to kill the best part of the game. if you want to change the bandits go to the bandit camp and nicely ask them if they would stop killing unarmed people.

TO ALL BANDITS thank you for makeing this the game i love. cant wait to get shot and shoot you becaues that makes what i do JUST THAT MUCH BETER :D

Edited by mesmichael

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There are far more zombies than "griefers."

They are responsible for far more player deaths as well.

Why do I not see you calling for a way to address the "problem" with zombies?

I made it so clear, yet you miss the point of my post entirely.

Mindless killers are mindless killers. Saying one type makes the game great while the other ruins it is completely senseless.

Treat both types the same way. Deal with "griefers" as you would deal with zombies.


Problem addressed.

No, I didn't miss it I'm just blind because I'm heard that argument over a thousand times and it's silly, my opinion after hearing so many times and not a try to be insulting.

A NPC is to be avoided if dangerous or confronted, yes?

A NPC also isn't that intelligent and intentional as a player, yes?

A NPC does what it's programmed to, yes?

A NPC between different games do carry with them the intention of the developer, yes?

The infected in this game is close to griefers in some regards but they lack intent as the griefers and can be excused for being mindless cannon fodder and this is the reason behind why I see this counterargument as invalid. Yes, they kill more players, for sure, then griefers ever will. But more then not the players that dies are often new players that do not know how to deal with the infected. As soon the new players learn how to deal with the PvE-threat they often will find themselves as 'victims' for griefers.

This will effect the players in many different ways. Many will repeat the cycle of the griefers and other will not whilst some will take it with ease and try to play as they want to, as I do even though I'm being killed over 90% of the times by other players. This remark about my death caused by players isn't a whine more then it's just a stated fact from my experience of the game.

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I actually disagree with some of your ideas. Many people play with there real life friends and clan members. When i play with my friends, i'm always banditing. Its a shame but what you want to do. Kill before someone kills your friend. When we play i'm sometimes sitting in skype with up to 5 people with dedicated roles. Actually 2 medics 1 supporter/sniper and 2 cqbs we have actually no need to join other people. An industrial gate would not be a problem for 5 persons :) . Also the bloodpack fact, Yes you can not bloodback yourself. but have you ever bloodbagged a dead body? The problem with bandits is , that they do not fight with Zs. The camp in the woods. And either they are killed oneshot or they kill you. in 90% of the cases there is no maybe, so they dont need bloodbags.

@the one that said

AI = auto-no for me

Zs are also AI just as a remark.

Edited by DestinyAscension

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I think people confuse griefers and bandits/kos/conflict. I think the percentage of people actually griefing (shooting on the actual coast, or shooting newbs in cherno/elect) is pretty low, I'm not saying that violence is low just people griefing is lower than people think. I think you just have to accept it, its the end of the world some people are going to go off the rocker. KOS is another matter though I think it can be explained by looking at the scenarios that lead to it.

KOS is a product of the game and the scenarios players find themselves in. It will not go away, but rejoice as there is an easy alternative already in place that does not require gamification or magic skins, you simply choose to play the game in the way that will result in the most fun for you. And I will throw in some free advice....

As i'm not sure what game all of the nerf bandits/kos sight people are playing, I will explain the scenarios & game play most people find themselves in.

Even if your playing lone wolf a characters life cycle should resemble something like this:

1. Spawn on the beach

2. Go into a major city (or to Balota)

3. Loot all necessary survival equipment and medical equipment (If at balota find a gun and wait for someone that will have all survival equipment)

4. Leave Coast

5. Hit deerstands on way to Northern Location

6. Loot Stary, NW, Berizino for military equipment

7. Find tents/vehicles

8. Make a camp

9. Loot other peoples camps

10. At any place in timeline above locate and loot helo crashes

11. Farm any location included in stage 6 and horde gear for your eventual death.

If you look at the life cycle you see that at points 3, 6, 9, and 10 you are in direct competition for resources with other players that are at a similar stage in their characters life cycle. This is why people shoot each other in these locations. You decided to go to the fire station first so you have a primary, they went to church so they have a secondary and back pack, you both need/want each others gear so you shoot each other. I think 90% of pvp is centered around conflict or precieved conflict over resources. Precieved conflict equates to someone seeing you were they want to loot.

Leet Advice: Most "vet" or experianced players spend 80% of their time at the above locations listed in stage 6, as this is where they will have a chance at the best gear or best equiped players. If you don't want to be shot then avoid these areas.

Once you get past stage 7 above you have invested a fair amount of time and are well geared, this is the second cause of shoot on sight, you now know that you are a walking target/safe deposit box. People want your gear,cars,tents, etc. So you shoot anyone you see as this is the safest solution. This is just as it would be IRL, trusting someone you don't know has inherent risks and most players/groups that far along have more to lose than gain by being friendly. This can be avoided to a degree, simply avoid equipment that you know other people would kill you for.

IMO there's nothing wrong with the above, or the current KOS play style people use. I think it can be fairly logically explained when you look at the scenarios that occur, and I think its actually fairly authentic.

For all the people that don't like it, there is even a simple solution, just *avoid* the areas described above, and don't pick up gear people would kill to have. There is no need to add anything to the game, or change things to make it less authentic, players simply need to actually play the game the way that maximizes their enjoyment. If you don't want to be shot in the face then avoid the areas, players, and reasons that get you shot in the face. This solution is available to you because the game is a sandbox, you can live like a rat and avoid all contact with other players, you can be a civilian that avoids conflict, or a survivor doing whatever it takes to thrive instead of survive.


Before you QQ about bandit skins or shoot on sight ask yourself the following questions when in game and you are thinking about going to a location or you see a player:

1. Does highend loot spawn here? // Does the player have high end loot?

2. Do other players need/want to come to this location? // Do other players need/want this item?

3. Is this location on the way to a high end location?

4. Does this item make me feel like a badass?

If the answer is yes to any of the above avoid that location/item and understand that the other player will murder you.

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I agree that this scenario will bring out the worst in some peoples and they will kill on sight. The sad part is that it influence all gamers on a server to such an extent that it's actually extremely hard to find someone to befriend and have a normal conversation with, in regards to the current circumstance of course. I really have to say that I like you're "How to survive"-tip a lot, this would help many players to survive and avoid being shot.

I just don't think that the competing for resources actually plays in that much to the game when there's actually an infinite amount of items to loot. Of course one might compete for just that can of food or can of soda but still the best option is to avoid contact if it might lead to a violent confrontation. I've seen many players, myself included, to just wait it out when they see another player. I and others rather just stay hidden until that certain building is empty and one might feel safe enough to make a move.

The only reason why I personally would call for an confrontation with any player is because I'm starving or thirsting to death. I just actually shot another player in the leg so he fell over unconscious. I didn't kill him and I told him frankly that I was desperate and was going to rob him for his soda or else I would die. He asked me for help to give him a blood transfusion, actually, when the server lagged and a infected killed him whilst the server were lagging. I felt like a total jackass that I got him killed for a soda but I would, in that special and rare occasion, die if I didn't have a drink of soda or water very soon.

So... with that anecdote I just want to give another story why I myself would confront another player personally in some very special cases. A way for me to give an shallow example why competing over resources might not be the main reason behind PvP and the way some players act in most cases. That PvP happens because it's fun and a great thrill or because some are plain griefers that love to harass other players because they can.

One of my opinions about this mod is that it lacks content to drive players away from just doing PvP. Of course this are an Alpha and it shows. But in regards to it all, good and bad, I'm fairly optimistic and believe that soon some new great content will be added like extra building options or more ways of communicating with others.

Oh, btw I just got killed by two players and five infected. Nice team work there. :)

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I think another problem can be found in the community aswell. We use the same word for 2 diffrent things. Bandit is not just bandit. In my opinion there are 2 diffrent kinds of bandits.

1. The real Bandit.

The person that really raided his good gear to hunt players and really take the role of a bandit.

Persons that actually acquired a certain status and lack late game content. This is what i call a real bandit.

2. The griefers

Persons which grab the next best weapons and rampage through the cities just as they are playing CoD.And they absolutely dont care bout surviving, what dayz was made for.

Ofc why should you care about surviving if theres a respawn button.

Well, similar to this what xXI Mr Two IXx explained.

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I think that your reward ideas, increased difficulty, and perhaps the consideration of a safe haven. A spawn area without friendly fire. Its an idea that I haven't thought out but it could possibly give players a chance to team up, gather some loot, before going out and engaging the hell that Day Z's social experiment makes us realize:

In a zombie apocalypse, zombies are far lower on your list of dangers than you think. I also think people should be less attached to their gear. With this mentality, there may be less revengeful mindsets when we get killed, and if we care less about what is on us, we would be more likely to risk greeting another player than shooting him.

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Someone elsewhere suggested that positive humanity give you say, a medic skin. Many rewards could be implemented. If the dogtag system was implemented, you could pay a ton for the medic skin, or you could simply earn it the way you earn bandit skin (by humanity difference from start of the game).

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You do not reward or punish people for how they play the game. You completely screw up the game if you do so.

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This is a bad idea in my opinion. Trust who you choose to trust. Kill who you don't. IRL, you would never know who was a psychotic killer and who really did want to help you find your way through town.

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Yes, but in RL even very disturbed peoples wouldn't, in most cases, slaughter you for a ripping good laugh. The current argument that seems to stand as a beacon here is "we should not change the mechanics" but neither, as it seems, do we wish to recognize the slight possibility that the griefer-group do effect the game in quite a substantial manner. If the chance is only 10% being killed by a true griefer, the situation is that those that this griefer killed might of fallen to his/her level and subsequently raised that 10% to perhaps a risk of being killed by unknown players to 30%.

Of course these numbers are taken out of the ass but I want to give you an idea what I'm trying to say here with "...the griefer-group do effect the game...".

So I still would argue that the laid back approach to this, if you will, 'problem' is hurting the game if the developer doesn't recognise the need for stronger reasons not to kill other players; this is lacking in the game.

And let us now move over to the absurd event of an 'zombie'-outbreak and how it might or would effect the society on an individual level. In the event of such an outbreak peoples would panic, that's true and we see similar events throughout history, and surely become less sympathetic and giving. Some would even mind the possibility to kill someone if pushed far enough for some reason.

We become more "family and friend"-oriented because we really have to mind who we wish to put ourself in danger for. A stranger might be hostile competition and a threat to oneself and ones group security. And very young peoples isn't to be easily trusted because they posses the real and direct threat because of facts like that aggressiveness is more prevalent amongst young peoples, also young peoples aren't mature enough to control impulses as adults etc. - the list could go on quite a bit.

But despite this peoples do not wish for a open confrontation, that is if they're not insane, quite scared, traumatized etc, and therefore peoples would rather seek out strangers when they feel that the advantage is theirs in this or similar events like war, famine etc. Peoples in this scenario would probably seek the security of the group and the structure a group provides so one might find a inkling of normal life again. This still doesn't mean peoples might raise a gun towards your face but they probably would only do that because of the initial uncertainty of meeting a stranger.

In DayZ one rather would experience the unnerving situation "...raise a gun towards your face..." to be the moment before that, mostly, inevitable death. Quickly reaching the conclusion that in this game, that claims to be a social experiment with at least a quarter of the complexity of actually simulating a catastrophe and try to see a social behaviour develop amongst groups and individuals, one should rather shoot and ask later. Completely sidestepping that little fact that peoples in most, even in bitter war, would come to each others aid then to depart them of their lives, in this insane search for resources. Even in regions with scarcity peoples would rather be good to their neighbours then not but not stupidly so.

So I fail to understand some arguments that there isn't a problem with the way griefers are effecting this game. Also I want to end this rant with: the feeling of paranoia would still develop because of that initial uncertainty and the few but perhaps effective raiders/bandits that roam through the area that isn't out raiding to find that certain laugh that, accordingly to hearsay, will extend your life. Probably they would rob you and leave you - Oh, yes, whilst laughing of course.

Edited by DreamDragon

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Amongst the plethora of youtube commentators, Twitch.TV Streamers, and gamers alike there seems to be a shared consensus when it comes to the current state of affairs taking place in DAYZ.

People are frustrated

And who is to blame them honestly... Can any of you really call someone out on being a bad player, when they are unarmed, and being gunned down by someone with an AK-74? Or running through town at night, searching for a source of water, while a sniper with nightvision takes them out from a distance? I certainly can't... and thats what it boils down to people. Regardless of what the Dev's intended the game on being with its Dubbed "social experiment" status. There has been a distinct and dramatic increase in psychotic and antisocial behavior. And unfortunately, the vitcims in turn, have now come full cycle to continue the endless wartorn world that feeds on disregard for empathy.

Here's an example.

Player 2 tries to help Player 1 from being mauled by zombies, only to be shot and looted for valuables. Now disgruntled, player 2 instinctively shoots player 3, who was unarmed and only in search for a water source. Player 3, Who in turn will never trust anyone ever again and begins his own cycle of distrust...etc etc etc.

Do you see where I'm going with this ? There is NO emphasis on kindness, giving, or honor, and the only reward is given to those who shoot first, and ask questions later.

Thats why I'm here, I'm here to suggest a new system which will help reward those who go the extra mile, and encourage players to really struggle through the choice of helping, vs having that extra can of food. And its a fairly simple procedure, given the dev's capable coding skills.

Now, the first step is to bring back humanity, which I know some of you really hated, but just hang with me as I try to explain this as carefully as I can.

What if, humanity was brought back, not as just a gauge of player morality, but as a emphesis on a reward system.... A System in which, a player could have the incentive to not only help the other player, but to ensure that both of them have a well deserved reward at the end. Now how would you do this ? Well heres a short summary of how it could work.

1. Seting up various salvation army stations with millitary NPC's who will reward players who return with humanity and the dogtags (discussed below). And in return with the collected tags and humanity, the salvation captain would then know that these survivors were honorable, and offer them Weapons, body armor, vechile parts, gasmasks, even a Combination safe to have a permenant stash somewhere in the game. All costing X ammount of Humanity / X tag's per purchase. - Example. Body armor. 4000 humanity, 12 dogtags -.

So while the bandits are pillaging, and shooting everyone they can, the team of players who sticks together can effectively attain their own rewards for their hard work and loytalty. Essentially creating Balance.

2. As stated above, we're now be discussing the new form of currency, in the form of dogtags. Each player has a set of dogtags, these are needed to attain rewards from the salvation captain and are only available AS GIFTS. And like humanity, the dogtag symbol will be retained in the UI, and not in the players bag itself. Effectively preventing bandits from bypassing this and just robbing players of their work. As this special form of currency, and to prevent others from farming, the set you have would only be givable once every 24 hours. Basically limiting you to 2 gifts a day. This is another balance issue, and to prevent players from exploiting easy gear.

3.Implementing a penalty / reward system for those who would rather help one another, than to shoot anyone they come across. Going at a 1-10 ratio of Humanity depending on what you do.

Say, for example. You willingly offer player items from your backpack, giving you a 10% humanity boost to zombie / bandit kills for the next hour. Or a passive incease in Humanity earned while within a certain distance of other players who are also not labled as bandits.

The 1-10 ratio comes in the form of assitance and killing. 100 humanity for bandaging or helping them with a blood pack. And -1000 humanity for killing another survivor. Which I know is rough, especially if you are defending yourself. I never said it was perfect, but if you are following the steps above so far, regaining 1000 humanity is not has hard as say, a Bandit killing 15 people, then trying to make up for his actions.

Now if you are still reading all this, and simply think I am a carebear or a noob who wants to deny your kills, thats fine. I understand that some people out there are killing, just to kill. And they are entitled to play the game however they want to. But for me, and alot of other players out there, they want the game to be a real survival horror experience, not just a shoot first, ask questions later... No morality, gankfest. Because lets be honest, even if you are the type who only want to kill, everytime you kill that unarmed player, you could be driving away players, who day by day, will eventually leave the game more barren...And I for one, am against that, because I know the potential this type of game has.

This is a "anti game" and has no rules, but without the insentive for honor, without the consequences for taking a life, there is no reason why anyone is going to hold back... when there is nothing to lose. And the less humanity we have, the more of a game this actually becomes. So if you really do support the "anti game" claim, show your support below for some incentive for justice and kindness.

Hope to hear from you, even if its rage,


Anything that you come up with, such as rewards for "good" players, is all the more incentive for bandits to shoot you. The salvation officer camp will be perpetually camped by bandits. This is the beauty and curse of emergent gameplay.

At the end of the day, bandits kill you for fun and for your loot. Regardless of how you get said loot, you will be a bigger target. Especially if your "humanity" affords you exclusive loot.

Edited by Jehangir

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And now you come to the part of my post I warned players about, the cycle of Hatred. Further breeding distrust, and everyone is suspect.

Well that's what happens they choose to lose trust in others we just want supplies

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The fact that even a semi perma death setting makes people think that they will generate more tears/rage by killing you should not be lost in the conversation. Add in the fact that it usually does generate more tears/rage and you end up with a million threads like this and games that never include perma death. I personally can't wait for skills to be introduced, or whatever other features players will be able to build up over their characters life span, thats when the real tears will start. I bet after the first report of some mommy's basement living troll put'n one through the roof of their mouth after their character gets killed rocket will be forced to change his concept, but I hope he sticks to his guns until then.

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