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VIDEO "SNIPER TACKLE" (how to engage snipers with balls)

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Lol. 2 pussies who can't hit shit and disconnect when they're about to get owned (the snipers, obviously).

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nice one , too bad they logged off like little cunts

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hahaha, thanks guys, its hard to hit targets ziggin and zaggin (as a sniper) and goin behind bushes while taking fire (was trying to suppres him w the saw) that first shot was his chance while i was movin slow

Edited by WhiteFlash

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Great video, great job on not panicing and leading your obviously unexperienced friend. Rocket need to put a stop to this shit ASAP. I dont know why he isnt focusing on that specific problem already. He must not play the game often not to know how frustrating it is to get some coward disconnect in your face without consequence.

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thanks man, if ur in a thread and want to give some proof or some facts to why DCing ruins the game in certain instances (like this one) feel free to reference this vid

Edited by WhiteFlash

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Isn't this SSMC?

I never go there.

Edited by Texas Red

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If that was me, I would of stayed and either kill you or be killed by you or you're friend.

The snipers were noobs shooting DMRs that close towards they're targets, aggroing zombies around them and revealing they're positions, setting themselves up for failure.

Good work out there

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Well done mate! Disconnecters make me want to punch kittens........

I really hope rocket manages to implement it soon and in a sneaky way, so I can run up to them and shout "DISCONNECT THIS!" while splitting their ALT+F4 keyboard with my axe........

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i wasnt so frustrated by it this time because they retreated, but its still a pain overall in the game sometimes

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DCing is just part of the game.

there is no way to simply fix a deeply flawed concept.

aka this game is trash

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theres lots of ways to fix the DCing problem from a programming perspective, theyll fix it, just gotta be patient. :)

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What a bunch of bitches. They could of stayed low and bailed out once they saw you rushing their position. Due to the fact they had the height advantage, he would of been mostly fine since your vision was partially obstructed by the hill. He was kind of in an Enfilade position. Not a very good one, but a minor one none the less.

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hah, yea i expected the sniper to do SOMETHING not just dc, good experience in any case, gives people some ideas as to how to deal with snipers because they are so pervasive

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hahahah you are a bad ass mofo

"were goin to go balls deep"

run at him no fucks given with the machine gun, firing rambo style, then run at the sniper and on direct go you out here mofo hahaha

I killed someone using an enfield the s ame way you engaged the other enemy and his mate DCed. i feel your pain.

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DCing is just part of the game.

there is no way to simply fix a deeply flawed concept.

aka this game is trash

No it's not?

I don't know why, but people are assuming that I think this is part of the game.

It's not. I posted in a thread that was talking about that, that META-GAMING is explicitly allowed. I.e. infiltrating teamspeak servers and groups etc...

Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit.

It will probably be removed in the future, maybe by freezing your body in place when you log out for a few seconds (like it was before 1.6.5 or so).

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yea going balls deep works sometimes....hehe, in this case courage was the way to go, plus my squadmate did a good job with orders and movement

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And that is why smoke comes in handy sometimes - not only to distract zeds :-)

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haha, looks like theyre puttin down suppresive fire, but they didnt get you down, you got our before you got hit. nice work, the enemy shoulda had overwatch when they moved up. my heart was bumpin too when we charged the MG :)

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Liked the "Yo bro you out there" on direct voice chat lol, was wondering if one of them were going to respond.

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