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Ghillie Suit DayZ vs. CoD

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Hello survivors out there,

i got my suit a few days ago and srsly.. are you kidding me?

What is this? no real camo gloves and boots? plz change this..

day z




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+1, I guess...

Why not just be a bit more considerate about it? Arma 2 was released in 2009, it'd be surprising if it had completely up to date graphical fidelity...

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Dunno about you, but my suit actually has green-ish camo gloves. It's, no matter how you spin it, a big advantage over any other current set of clothes (or possibly any other that may be added, unless there'll be a better ghillie). The only problem are long distances where foliage / small bushes won't get rendered, afaik, and possibly the black boots / weapon that may break camo somewhat. With the right position and weapon, even that can be overcome.

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I just know the Ghillie Suit from one or two sniper/stealth missions in COD. I'm a little bit disappointed about the GS in Day Z. :|

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The only thing annoying is the boots but if you die because someone saw your boots then you are doing it wrong.

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I just know the Ghillie Suit from one or two sniper/stealth missions in COD. I'm a little bit disappointed about the GS in ARMA 2. :|


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The only thing annoying is the boots but if you die because someone saw your boots then you are doing it wrong.

Thats the first point. The second one is that the boots are ugly like hell.

Thanks DC. :P

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I just know the Ghillie Suit from one or two sniper/stealth missions in COD. I'm a little bit disappointed about the GS in Day Z. :|

You aren't really referring to that snipermission at Prypjat are you? Come on they would been found out hours ago the way to devs let you move in that suit. Especially when you had to evade that squad of infantry and the apc in the middle of the field...those two looked like bumps in the grass.

It's mostly how you use it, i can also be invisible in a normal camo suit. Just have to know where to hide yourself. ;) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_KI3IRH6RxSs/SwNe4H6rEMI/AAAAAAAAAIg/tE1COVIec1U/s1600/CamouflageCouch.jpg

I admit the ArmA 2 ghillie suit lacks gloves and proper boot cover but due to the lack of detail in the distance and ppl turning off shadows and details to get an advantage that's just something you can turn a blind eye to. Even when standing upon a ghille user most players won't see him unless gras is turned off ( happened to me many times during games with other clans when grass was on ).

I almost forgot, i read something about them need beeing allowed to model everything as authentic as they did in VBS2 because this game is a commercial version so that may also be a reason, too.

Edited by Enforcer

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Remove the ghillie suit all together. It is far too effective and the fact that it is loot means it can be farmed and is far too abundant.

Various other camos should be added to the game but they should be earned not just simply found.

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It's, no matter how you spin it, a big advantage over any other current set of clothes (or possibly any other that may be added, unless there'll be a better ghillie).

This. It effectively removes your backpack out of sight.

Complaining about boots is completely missing the point. That's just a discussion about preferences.

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Remove the ghillie suit all together. It is far too effective and the fact that it is loot means it can be farmed and is far too abundant.

Various other camos should be added to the game but they should be earned not just simply found.

Isn't everything that you find in this game earned because you got there in the first place?

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Remove the ghillie suit all together. It is far too effective and the fact that it is loot means it can be farmed and is far too abundant.

Various other camos should be added to the game but they should be earned not just simply found.

Who would tell you you earned the camosuit? I don't think there is a stall that gives them away after you killed 10 zombies.

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Hello survivors out there,

i got my suit a few days ago and srsly.. are you kidding me?

What is this? no real camo gloves and boots? plz change this..

Srysly what evs broo

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Go play COD then?

Who cares as long as the enemy cant see you.

Edited by Frostback

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Who would tell you you earned the camosuit? I don't think there is a stall that gives them away after you killed 10 zombies.

What I was thinking was more in line with the previous bandit system where your skin just changes after a certain action.

For example.

Murder 3 players - Bandit skin 1 - Lightly camoed bandit skin with civilian clothing

Murder 5 players on same life - Bandit skin 2- Heavily camoed skin

Murder 10 people on same life - Bandit skin 3 - Ghillie or half ghillie suit

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I just know the Ghillie Suit from one or two sniper/stealth missions in COD.

Well there's your problem.

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Really, when you compare the two pics of the OP, you clearly see how unrealistic the Arma II camo suit is.

Grey shoes instead of black. And the hands are not covered.

Since you've discovered the ghillie only in Dayz, you are abviously missing 99% that the whole game has to offer. You just need to start the game without -@dayz and see the amazing universe the game offers, just by playing around with the editor.

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What I was thinking was more in line with the previous bandit system where your skin just changes after a certain action.

For example.

Murder 3 players - Bandit skin 1 - Lightly camoed bandit skin with civilian clothing

Murder 5 players on same life - Bandit skin 2- Heavily camoed skin

Murder 10 people on same life - Bandit skin 3 - Ghillie or half ghillie suit

no because it's unfair to more passive players. the current system is just fine imo. like rocket said, its your story, so you should look like what you want to look like.

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Yeah right, gib, let's "award" players for killing, or rather, let's support simple gameplay killing. And again, dunno what face you use, but I have green gloves. Since that was mentioned again...

The ghillie is fine as it is, I see no need to remove or further restrict access. Or, via killing, make it easier to get.

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The skins are fine. There needs to be a few more though. For example the civilian skins can range from white sleeves, blue sleeves, to black sleeves. The cammo in the game is kind of a military mechanic guy, leave that and add a full cammo pattern like the military zombies. Matter of fact just make it so every skin currently in the game civilian and military, and if you want to get crazy the zombie clothes like priest, Mythbuster, Nico Bellic, etc. That's what we call them anyway.

The military cammos and especially the ghillie should be CRAZY rare. The ghillie should be as rare as rangefinders/NVG.

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