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Anyone else feel zombies still aggro heavily?

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I thought in the recent updates they fixed the crazy zombie aggro, more specifically they changes kneeling. I just logged off of DayZ because I couldn't play it due to the harsh aggro, I was kneeling at the edge of a tree line and I was right-click zooming in at a field and I see a zombie sprinting at me all the way across a farm. Zombies between me and the sprinting zombie were NOT aggro-ing and after shooting it with my AKM zombies which were MUCH closer did not aggro either.

Just a little odd. Also before you all start bashing me for either sucking or telling me to stop complaining, I am not. I am just wondering if it is an actually issue in the new patch or whatever else it may be.

Edited by Freekill0
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Ya the new aggro system is all luck. There really isn't any way to tell if something will aggro or not.

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as long as they dont break your legs so easily I wouldn't complain..

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Yeah. Make it like or at least make it a server option. Crawling and they still aggro from like 20 meters away.

Edited by Shaimou

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Not really, no. I was in the NW Airfield and I shot up zombies all around, their buddies who were right next to them didn't seem to care at all.

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  On 7/14/2012 at 3:55 PM, krtshv said:

Not really, no. I was in the NW Airfield and I shot up zombies all around, their buddies who were right next to them didn't seem to care at all.

The zombies dont care about you lil' gun and its sound at all. You can go all rambo and stuff in the middle of a town and the zombies dont give a fuck. But as soon as they see you crawling somewhere far away the entire town wants you for dinner.

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^ This. So many times going prone in a town, only having aggroed a zed 50m+ away. Shooting him and noticing the zed right beside me not aggroing.

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Only played a little bit since but I haven't had much trouble sneaking around near zombies, even within a 100 meters. As long as your careful about your visibility it seems ok. Time will tell, though. I may have just gotten lucky.

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  On 7/14/2012 at 4:04 PM, Dancingg said:

^ This. So many times going prone in a town, only having aggroed a zed 50m+ away. Shooting him and noticing the zed right beside me not aggroing.

This has happened to me on multiple occasions after this latest patch. Aggro is very random right now.

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I agree with this new update the zombies line of sight is a bit too enhanced. I have been spotted multiple times at distances over 200 meters while simply crouch walking. It does not need much tweaking, but toning it down a notch would make it more playable.

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Line of sight seems much more consistent now too. I don't seem to pull zombies through barricades quite so easily, and I can move more quickly when they are walking away from me than when they are facing me.

I still occasionally feel like "Oh, no way!" when I do pull, but it's never so egregious that I would think it was a bug or "random."

Not saying it couldn't use some more polish, but it doesn't feel broken or anything.

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I played for a couple hours last night and I noticed strange aggro behaviors in the zombies. At first it was rather annoying, not being able to tell where a zombie may or may not aggro me and my friend, but over time, we found the new mechanics a lot of fun, honestly. We felt good to be able to open up a little bit and take down several zombies as we rolled through a town. We had no choice really, but being forced to open fire was like being forced to have a little "fun." We also saw a couple guys hauling ass from zombies, trying to avoid firing their weapons. We just killed the zombies for them and hollered at them in direct to take care.

Prone is about the safest way to avoid any aggro, but we hate to be prone all the damn time. We find we are less able to react to surprises and it slows the game down. So we just kind of rambo'd our way through towns.

It seems as if some kind of "critical" effect was added to whether a zombie notices you or not. We had a couple who were way out in a field, maybe 80 meters off, something normally we crouch-walk by with ease, even in daylight, spot us, but not all. So out of a small group of zombies, 1 or 2 may bolt out after us.

They can still be lost by LOS. We lost a couple that way; running into a building and leaving out the back door. We also managed to simply lose some by taking a corner or just running. We had one just give up chase really easily.

Like I said, the changes felt fun, but it may become a tiresome mechanic, especially when we have players looking for us. We seemed really safe last night, even on a crowded server. I almost wonder if the M4 and revolver shot noises scared some people away. We must have let loose 100+ rounds last night.

Ultimately, I had fun, but I can't say whether this change will be fun in the long run or just annoying. I was having a blast last night.

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Not really. They seem to be improved now. But, I can't say whether they still exploit walls etc. I've gotten so good at avoiding them that I just don't notice the issues anymore.

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I found that the aggro is extremely consistent in 2.3. Yes, their senses are, in general, better - but it's a logical increase rather than abritrary.

No longer can we just crouchrun through an area and avoid detection by proning. If you're crouching in front of a zombie, it'll see you. If you're close to a zombie, it'll see you if it looks your way, no matter what. If you're sprinting through a field, they will see you from several hundred meters off. On the flip side, though, it's easy to avoid them. You can run around them if you're watching their eye movements. We can run in buildings and shoot without alerting the horde. Tin cans offer great ways to distract zed from looking your way.

I enjoy the increased senses because it makes zombies feel more like a threat. I used to be able to quite literally crawl anywhere in the game. As long as you didn't trip a zombie with your face, you'd never be detected. Now it feels like I actually have to try when stealthing it up - and my zombie kill count has shown that I have a good ways to go.

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  On 7/14/2012 at 3:53 PM, Stry423 said:

as long as they dont break your legs so easily I wouldn't complain..

Definitely this, I was so happy when Rocket said he was making it so bones wouldn't break as easily.

Then the update came out and my legs were broken in 1 hit by 1 zombie while I was being chased by 15+.

Completely fucked because of a single hit, you can't tell me that a human (even infected like in the game) could BREAK A LEG with 1 hit while running and hitting a running target...

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Back on topic please. The issue with aggro is the wildness of it. Like I said, I was in a treeline crouched north of Cherno right-click zooming the city when I see a tiny little man sprinting in a zig zag pattern at me. He was so far away it took a good 45 seconds for him to make his way across the farm and into the trees. I wasn't even moving. Then my AKM doesn't aggro zombies 30ft away nor does my full standing back peddling, it just seems... wrong. Like another instance was I was in a barn waiting to leave and I see a zombie walking in my direction from nearly 75m away maybe 100m. I'm kneeling just watching it, its pathing eventually turns it around in the other direction, it walks about 15m further away from me, turns around again due to its random pathing and starts sprinting at me. I had even made a single movement I was just watching it. So directly facing me at 75-100m while kneeling it wont aggro but when it walks away to 115m it spins around and sprints at me? Without any change from me what-so-ever. Then after a backpeddling gun fight no other Zeds notice my movement nor gunfire. After patching myself and walking to the forest I hear more Zeds and one comes aggroing at me from behing a building on the other side of the street while I was kneel walking. Still too far away from the usual distance AND didn't the update add some sort of weaker aggro if objects are between you and the Zed?

Regardless I was just wondering if it was a bug or the true update, and if this is how it will stay un-tweaked I don't think I'll be adventuring into cities anytime soon seeing as previously you had to sneak by them on a street-wide basis but now, if it wasn't just a weird issue with my server, they will aggro from the coast into Cherno city hall.

Edited by Freekill0

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In my opinion they have shifted agro to far towards sight and to far away from sound in the current build. I consider myself a very sneaky player but lately I have been getting zombies agroing from a block away or more while moving slowly and carefully but at the same time I have fired off my revolver in one of the super markets and did not even get a rise out of a couple zombies outside on the street not thirty feet away.

Currently solo players entering towns are taking a pretty major risk even if they are extremely careful while groups of idiots running around shooting up the place take less of a risk since their gun shots do not pull half the city like it used to. Some adjustment is needed.

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Just have one of your team aggro all the Zeds and run to the forest. And you go in get all the loots.

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The aggro does seem random at time with guns, If I am prone sneaking I still never aggro them.

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Actually i think how they spot is fine, have yet to aggro a zombie when looting a town in

Just the not aggroing on gunfire needs to be fixed, else the zombies are fine. (My opinion, just don't rush anything, you can crawl by zombies like 10m away and they won't ever recognize you)

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I agree, zombie behavior seems very odd. One time I was sneaking through a town, plenty of zombies shuffling all around me, no problem. Suddenly a single zombie comes rampaging through the treeline, out of nowhere, and kills me. Many other times I've experienced these issues. Before these new updates which supposedly "decreased" their visual range and made it "harder" to break bones, the zombies seemed to operate perfectly. Now, Zombies have an easier time detecting from a distance, even when crouching or prone, and I've already gone through 3 morphine injectors due to zombies.

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I don't mind zombies atm, they're fairly easy to avoid and only become a problem in PVP. However, there is certainly something up with their aggro range - occassionally, I see one singular zombie running from miles away at me while the others just ignore me.

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My assumption of what the issue may be is this: Some people were having issues with zombies spawning right on or near them and insta-aggroing. I feel maybe is has something to do with that like a zombie is (atleast serverside) meant to be in location X, but location X is occupied by something else. So serverside they are still in location X, but clientside they are in location Y. When you are in range to aggro said zombie at location X, they coming running from location Y as thats where they are clientside. Also ever since Rocket posted how zombie aggro works (the whole clientside serverside shifting) I always wondered if issues like this could happen.


Zombie is at location X on serverside

Location X is occupied by a object

Zombie at location X aggros

Due to aggro zombies switch to clientside

Zombie since he can't be in location X on clientside switches to next spawn in list

Zombie spawns location Y (very far away)

Zombie hauls like an idiot across a field.

Just a hunch though, no idea.

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