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DayZ screenshot competition

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Here's one I took when crawling out of a town infested with Walkers. Creepy and surreal - had some close calls but just kept low and got out alive.


Sitting at the campfire enjoying some peace and quiet:


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Brace yourselves. Night is coming.


Airfield overrun.


Survivor man Les Stroud giving some helpful advice.


Look at that sexy beast (ty viper)


StalkerZ: Shadows of Chenrarus (ty woodratt)


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got 2 good ones so far, these are both taken from recorded footage so they may not be of the highest quality.

Me and Italipino approaching a barn.


This one is after having find nothing in the barn. (also lol at the chat)


Will upload my other 3 entries when i have another 3.

Good Luck to all, and may the best pic win!

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I did not exactly see any rules so I pretty much went ahead and Photo shopped the image I was able to take. If you don't accept Photo shopped pictures look below for the original.

I know I should have gotten a picture with something actually related to the mod but oh well, it should do.

Now, if the the originally looked like what I have managed to make it look like I would enjoy the game even more "If that is even possible".

Small 640X480:


Large 1920X1080:


Original 1920X1080:


Thank you for your great mod! I hope to host an Australian/New Zealand server in the near future! "Once I decide to pour money into the server project".

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This is my 3rd entry, same deal as the last 2, this was taking from recorded footage i took a few days back. this one has been lightly edited though, hope it still qualifies :s

On my left is 'Italipino' and on the right is 'jordNZ' (who by the way is the only reason i survived long enough to get this shot :D)


I have over 6 hours of footage to look through (literally) so might find something worth posting as my last 2 entries.

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wtf is this rain ?

Yep, there were rains in early pre-alpha versions. I hope they will bring them back.

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Okay so this is my forth entry, again taken from video footage i took a while back, cropped and (very)lightly edited.

I am trying to get a good shot of some zombies, but they seem reluctant to pose for the camera. (something to do with wanting to eat my brains?)


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