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I CANNOT join a single server after updating. I've tried about 20 servers, i've uninstalled and reinstalled the beta patch,, and I still get "wait for host".

I had the same problem, then I stuck to using ONLY the six launcher to start the game. That allowed me to get past waiting for host.

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Someone posted somewhere else somthing that made sense about all this craziness. MAYBE...just maybe all this craziness is due to the fact that there is zero organization around dayz servers. You thousands of servers all running different versions of the mod with different beta patches and different options And god knows what "messed with". Add 600,000 players all reporting their glitches and bugs across all these servers. How the fuck is anything supposed get fixed? How do you know if something is an actual bug or just a compatability issue? It seems it just creates a big cluster fuck where its impossible to isolate problems and fixing an issue on one server creates chaos on 100 others. Seriously....how the fuck can shit get fixed with so many rogue variables? Really. can someone explain it to me?

Lets face it - this thread is not for bug reporting (true bug reports are given at a different site altogether) its purely a valve for all the pi55ed off people to vent their "omg lost so & so items/was killed by a blade of grass" etc etc but mainly for other people to bitch at other people bitching.

Edited by Turk
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I CANNOT join a single server after updating. I've tried about 20 servers, i've uninstalled and reinstalled the beta patch,, and I still get "wait for host".

Did you download the appropriate beta for Arma II? Are you sure that you put it into the right place?

You should probably post in troubleshooting. Enough people have this working that it's not really that useful, here.

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i wish people would stop saying to get the "94876" beta and saying if we installed it correctly. ONLY HAD TO INSTALL 5 BETAS in the past few months. There is definitely something wrong causing many people to have FPS issues

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  • Ammo clips get refilled after each reconnection. The only exception I found are the flares, the quantity left in a stack is now properly saved. It makes the game 100 times easier, you can run in a supermarket, shot 20 zombies with your AK, logout and log back and have all your bullets...
  • If your backpack is full, trying to put an item in it will delete this item!

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Updated latest beta couldnt connect to shit, Uninstalled the hole game reinstalled updated to stuck with beta 947876 played on local servers and had very few problems other than Z's "not moving around".

Other than that Z's detection seems very good, No crazy spawning, Loot seemed well balanced, preformance citys 35 - 50 fps wooods 60fps overall good player banance and starting to enjoy it again.

Cheers guys keep up the good work.

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So Me and my partner stumbled on a heli crash site and I attempted to create a diversion by intentionally aggro-ing infected by cooking off some rounds from my assault rifle. The infected did not react at all and was able to walk up and shoot them down with no impunity.

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-Zeds clipping & seeing through walls again, yet to be hit but thats due to my never standing up against a wall (something we've all learnt early on.) the zed was swipeing away until he glitched through the wall into zerllero supermarket and the go slow animation kicked in.

Its ALWAYS in the same place, the wall directly opposite the main entrance (or left hand wall as you face the supermarket.)

It has happened in ALL patch versions no matter where i've stood along that wall. I have been seen by zeds in the car park outside as they go aggro and have been hit often, also had zeds walk/glitch through it rarely but when it did it this patch it hadn't occured since 1.6.0 until, i'd say it were to do with the s'markets model or related not patch / zed behaviour changes.

-Zeds are also still able to get aggro when you are inside the smaller 2 roomed black wooden bungalows (when you stand the far side of the windows passed the table. They get super aggro when outside.

On a plus zeds are lieing down & faking being dead. After being chased back into the supermarket, i hid in the corner (nighttime) zed continued in, lost aggro and laid down on its front, stayed there for 5 - 10 mins I tried to see how close I could get until 2-3 feet away it eventually re-triggered aggro, I quickly re-hid & its aggro dropped and it monkeyed off out the back.

Imagine, if you didn't know it was a faker, going up to loot it and SCREECH!!!? Super-shit-thy pants :D

I still believe there is something buggy with Zeds View Distance, when 5 or more closer to you (and facing) don't trigger aggro yet 1 way off in the field 100-200meters away will come forest gumping zig-zagging benny hill style out of virtually nowhere towards you.

The proof being when you run the other 5 still don't notice your running, cos you are out of view distance trigger & noise range, only the (bugged?) rouge eagle eyes has the hots for you.

Edited by Turk
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Sry but your closed testing is peace of shit, half of the bug from the changelogs didn't fixed lol.

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My most common encounters with errors have to do with connectivity.

Some desyncing and lag issues.

Some items I've set on the ground never appear.

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Beta 94876

Logged out a few hours ago and had an AK74 with about 13 rounds left, and just joined a new server with an AKM and a full magazine of 30 rounds. I don't mind, but thought you should know. :)

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[...]If your backpack is full, trying to put an item in it will delete this item!

This is an ArmA 2 issue, the current rucksack system is from that.

Sry but your closed testing is peace of shit, half of the bug from the changelogs didn't fixed lol.

How about being helpful and saying what kinds of issues you're experiencing (and reporting on the bugtracker)? Did you help them test when they ran the testservers?

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-Connection to some servers still times out.

-Logged off in and had not played until, still lost my ghillie suit but all items were in inventory.

-Desyncing appears more common across at least 5 different servers. However, when not red chaining, responsiveness shows improvement (i.e. shooting someone with DMR caused them to immediately lose consciousness rather than it taking 2 or 3 shots before they fell before bleed-out.

-FPS appears more stable.

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I got an L85 AWS lastnight from heli... logged off went to bed. Got up today and POOF L85 gone... Its happening. My mates and i figured my char, was corrupt due to trying to update. Perhaps that was the problem.

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Sry but your closed testing is peace of shit, half of the bug from the changelogs didn't fixed lol.

Sounds like you're not testing it, you're just playing it. Do something useful.

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This is an ArmA 2 issue, the current rucksack system is from that.

How about being helpful and saying what kinds of issues you're experiencing (and reporting on the bugtracker)? Did you help them test when they ran the testservers?

The issues have all been reported....Plus ARE they really issues or just people or servers not having updated correctly. Everythings been said a hundred times. When someone doea say something useful its burried under 20 posts about SOS. Theres really no point in this thread remaning open. Im over this

Good luck Rocket and the dev team......If ARMA II was not a killer game on its own id be bummed about having laid down the $30

Edited by playZ
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I like how people leaving seem to assume that their going is important. The DayZ community keeps growing by leaps and bounds, so meh.

At any rate, most of the bigger bugs have gone. I still get a fair bit of desync on some servers (had some last night whilst trying to line a shot up on another player 10m away...had to leave the area due to it). Outside of that, I do get a few odd zombie spawns (spawning and then vanishing) and zombies coming through walls more than usual.

Outside of those issues, nothing new or game-breaking.

That being said, I love the new ways zombies act. I can now lose a zombie horde via running through the city OR I can just sneak about behind them and they never notice.

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Zombies are much better in, they were way too observant (psychics) with 1.7.2. I have been having the desync issues on some servers and for some reason I seem to have 2 different characters that I log into depending on which server I'm on, both of the servers say they are running so I don't really know what the deal is there. Anyways, my main issue (the zombies) has definitely improved. Still a fun ass mod (until some bastard murders me)!

Edited by jpoon78

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found a bug. don't know if this was allready mentioned.

I picked up clothing from my tent and my alice pack became a coyote pack.

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Played for 5 hours with 5 friends last night and here are my observations.

1. Mostly stable but had a few player vanishing acts that corrected themselves within a minute, not sure if they were the fault of the server.

2. The behaviour of the infected was toned down compared to the version but a few still spotted us sprinting from a distance and gave chase.

At times there were spawning issues; spawning in barns the infected were motionless in corners and very easy to dispatch. At deer stands we saw some unusual spawning behaviours and flashes of recently spawned infected reappearing on screen.

Overall I still think more work is needed on infected spawning behaviour and on aggro reaction, for me they have been 'nerfed' too much.

3.ghille suits prevented some players from logging in.

My impression of the patch was about 5/10 effort as no great improvements were observed.

Please take all the comments as constructive and I hope they are useful in some way.

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I like the aggro change to zombies a lot. still harder than, but not burdensome like 1.7.2 was. I was not able to get the game to run with 94945, most likely because most servers haven't updated to that version yet. each time I would try to join, the game would hang. when I switched back to 94876, joining was fine

one thing I did notice today was inventory lag. only played extensively on one server, so it could have been a localized problem. but almost every time I would try to loot something, it would take forever to appear in my inventory. I could drop things instantaneously, but I could not pick things up. eventually they would appear, but it sometimes took ten seconds or more. not critical, but really annoying

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I really like how zombies behave in the new patch. The only time ive been spotted was when i was being careless, and it was clearly my fault, contrary to the buggy detection in 1.7.2.

Ive also noticed zombies spawning half-buried in the ground, especially inside farm buildings.

I still think the zombie spawing mechanics need a lot of improvements. They should spawn from further away; too many times i approached a building that was clearly zombie-free only to have a bunch of zeds spawn 20 meters away from me once i approach. Also, ive killed several zombies in areas such as a heli crash, only to have the entire group respawn a few seconds later. There wasnt even enough time to loot half the heli before i was all surrounded again. ZeD respawn is crazy right now; you should be able to clear places (especially an isolated place like a heli crash site) without having to fight another horde 28 seconds later

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The best way I can describe zombie aggro is as "inconsistent."

At times it's a simple matter of staying low and behind them, other times they seem to aggro out of nowhere.

For example, I was shooting zombies from around 50-75 meters away and not aggroing nearby zombies, but another time from similar ranges zombies just kept aggroing.

The weird thing is that it should have been more difficult to aggro while shooting in the rain, right?

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