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Armed to the teeth, turned a corner, saw a guy and...

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Gave him my PDW. Not to be one of those guys, because I usually shoot on sight if I'm sighted, but that gave me just as much of a thrill as killing or hiding from a guy. The dude thanked me and I ran off into the bushes as was going over to pick up the gun. Felt bloody good and it probably made his night (so far).

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Good job, dude. It's nice to hear some good news once in a while, in this crazy fucked Zed infected world we live in. Keep up the good work.

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You gave him one of the most crappy side arms in the game? Would have been kinder to kill him :P

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I carry a PDW mag or two. That way I have plenty of G17 ammo :D

Good work not being a dick. I think more people should try it.

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I just gave a person an m9. Although I probably should have killed him, since surely the only reason he didnt kill me was becuase he didnt have a weapon.

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Sweet work, nice to know there are people still doing kind acts! i dont shoot on sight either xD

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Nice to see some kindness in the world, kinda want to do the same thing myself :)

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Gave him my PDW. Not to be one of those guys, because I usually shoot on sight if I'm sighted, but that gave me just as much of a thrill as killing or hiding from a guy. The dude thanked me and I ran off into the bushes as was going over to pick up the gun. Felt bloody good and it probably made his night (so far).


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I took inspiration from this thread and tried it myself. I was hanging out near the outskirts of Cherno at the apartment buildings (fully kitted up with a spare Winchester rifle and bunch of ammo) waiting for someone to arrive. Eventually a player arrived with nothing but his torch, painkillers and a bandage, so I offered him the Winchester. He gratefully accepted and went on his way. I am suprised to say that this was one of the most satisflying moment I have had in DayZ.

Edited by johnsmith312

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Good on you man. I don't shoot on sight either, and there have been several times where this has gotten me killed. But honestly, I feel better NOT falling to those people's level. I am more likely to try to help someone than to try to kill them (unless they shoot first, and then it's just self defense).

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I took inspiration from this thread and tried it myself. I was hanging out near the outskirts of Cherno at the apartment buildings (fully kitted up with a spare Winchester rifle and bunch of ammo) waiting for someone to arrive. Eventually a player arrived with nothing but his torch, painkillers and a bandage, so I offered him the Winchester. He gratefully accepted and went on his way. I am suprised to say that this was one of the most satisflying moment I have had in DayZ.

See? It's weird. Killing someone is easy most of the time, but giving someone a weapon? They have just started out and are looking at you in camo and a rifle on your back, you've got to trust that they appreciate what you've done enough to let you go. It's intense haha.

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Half the reason I made this thread was for the slight chance the guy I gave the PDW to would see it and reply haha.

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Good on you - wish more people tried this because actually getting a stranger to converse with you and helping them out is more satisfying than just killing them.

I mean - there are a million games out there where you can kill players. Only one I can think of where you can attempt to bring an enemy on to your side.

I had a thread about my experiments doing this so far - needs updated, but will do it soon after reading your post.

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Last night I stumble upon a bus on a road high up in mountains.As I am searching around it I am looking everywhere to see if anyone is around.Suddenly,as I am walking to go around the bus to other side,a woman appears from the corner I was headed to and just opens fire and wastes me there on the spot.It happened so quick that my only thought before I dropped was ...oh wow a woman.

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I ran around Cherno to offer supplies and a guy broke my arm with his Makarov, I was carrying my hatchet. Word to the wise, the fellow with the hatchet does not enjoy being shot.

Good news is that after I sorted out that bit of business, I was able to pass on supplies to someone hiding in the store. Kids do the strangest things...

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