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Drayden (DayZ)

Barbed wire everywhere...

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This is getting ridiculous. Every friggin Firestation/Tent/Supermarket seems to be wired on some servers and it really destroys the fun since there is nothing you can do about it (most you can't even get over via "V"). I don't mind starting out with nothing but a Bandage but this is bollocks.


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The real fun starts when someone puts a tank trap in front of the barrack doors on NWA

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Agreed, i was running towards the firehouse in elektro, the one on the ourskirts of the city and it was completely wired, couldnt enter it nor could i climb the ladder on the side of the building..

stupid :/

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If the access box was a lot wider to take them down, I doubt we'd see them up for so long. Unsure if toolboxes are spawning, died with my last one and haven't been to many industrial building since.

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Toolboxes do spawn quite a bit I've found. Try searching in the little industrial outhouse-looking sheds rather than the big industrial buildings and you'll likely fnd them there.

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I don't mind them for blocking to be honest, its the ones that cause the big graphical glitches across the screen where I can't see anything. THAT pisses me right off

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A few days back, I was running through Cherno with a bunch of zombies on my tail. Figured I'd head to the church and line them up for easy shots. The entire entrance was blocked by barbed wire. Thanks to whoever did that. <)

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Toolboxes do spawn quite a bit I've found. Try searching in the little industrial outhouse-looking sheds rather than the big industrial buildings and you'll likely fnd them there.

Yeah, ever since I died with my M107 and FAL, plus all the usual goodies... I've been taking it slow and just surviving with my M4, haven't had any real use for a toolbox so I haven't been looking for em'.

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In ANZ 2 I believe, I may be mistaken but I know it's an ANZ server, the entirety of Cherno is completely blocked off. Literally everywhere. It is sort of annoying since the only way to get around it is to join another server, enter Cherno and then join back - but that can be quite difficult on a constant 50/50 server. Mashing the enter button for 15 minutes at times. However there is a way in there, however someone might have patched that part up too -_-, just near the apartment buildings for anyone who plays on that server.

But anyway, a quick question - Can you use a Toolbox dissemble Tank Traps? Also upon server restarts does the barbed wire disappear? Because that wire around Cherno has been there for about a week now. And I'm assuming it's some sort of hack. There's no way someone has the time and dedication to run barbed wire along the entire perimeter of Cherno.

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If the access box was a lot wider to take them down, I doubt we'd see them up for so long. Unsure if toolboxes are spawning, died with my last one and haven't been to many industrial building since.

Yeah, some times the access box is inside a wall and you can't take it down too.

If a barbed-wire fence could be taken down from any position adjacent/parallel, it wouldn't be so bad!

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i too am a bit frustrated with wire... however, i wouldnt mind it if there were a way to break it down - 999999 hatchet strikes :)???

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i too am a bit frustrated with wire... however, i wouldnt mind it if there were a way to break it down - 999999 hatchet strikes :)???

There is. A toolbox. There's a post above yours all about it XD

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This is getting ridiculous. Every friggin Firestation/Tent/Supermarket seems to be wired on some servers and it really destroys the fun since there is nothing you can do about it (most you can't even get over via "V"). I don't mind starting out with nothing but a Bandage but this is bollocks.


Toolbox, 'nuff said.

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Toolbox is nice and such but in 70% of the time the "hitbox" to cut the wire is hidden in the wall or somewhere inaccessible - now if that was changed (which I doubt since it is coded into Arma I guess) I would be fine with it. But the way it is now it plain and simply sucks.

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Toolbox is nice and such but in 70% of the time the "hitbox" to cut the wire is hidden in the wall or somewhere inaccessible - now if that was changed (which I doubt since it is coded into Arma I guess) I would be fine with it. But the way it is now it plain and simply sucks.

Even if it's not hidden, it's still such a pain in the ass to get the context menu to show up. It takes me average like 3-5 minutes to remove one freaking wire cause I can never get that menu to show up. They really need to make it so it appears anywhere you see the wire, not just 2-4 pixels on the damn post.

Edited by Whattteva

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