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Epsilon 349

Going Unconscious upon entering a server (not in shock)

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BTW . This is a very stupid mechanic to prevent server hoppers.. the people it mainly effects is legit players. Legit players stay on their home server. When ever you log into that one server you pass out. For server hoppers its like meh. I dont have to go back to that server. I find another server. Because ... well... they're server hoppers.. lol. stupid mechanic. think of something better imo

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I was not killed, nor was I in shock, I merely noticed that all the zeds were standing around and would not aggro, so I thought "this is bullshit, no challenge", so I aborted to the lobby and went right back in. Unconscious, but only for like 5 minutes. Now every time I log in (home server - haven't tried others yet) I am unconscious. So the only solution is a total reset or does this actually stop happening after some time like some have said?

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this happens to me too... also a server restart changed my friends server version and now he can't get in any servers.

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I posted a new thread, sorry if that was a mistake... PID = 51443270 Can I too get a fix? THanks

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I have the same problem. Couldnt play a single moment today, always drop on floor, glasswatch goes black. I cant hit escape or something else, only alt+f4 helps. Can you guys reset me ? Didnt had any gear etc so i dont mind.

ID: 58732294

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I finally Bleed out... It takes about 4 hours ingame. GL with the rest of you.

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I've been unable to play since I bought the game a week ago because of this bug. It has persisted through server restarts, a patch, and leaving the game running for hours. And still no reset.

I'd understand if I was doing something like an exploit, but I literally only got to play for about five minutes before this happened. Can I get a reset or a word as to when I can get reset?

ID: 53211014

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Hey I just spawned here

And this is crazy

But im unconscious

So kill me maybe?

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I've been having a similar problem where i've died and disconnected and upon relogging get an infinite hourglass. Dont know how to fix it but maybe a reset will help.

My player ID is : 2795266

Thanks :beans:

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Date/Time: 10:00am GMT+12 / 30th July

What happened: Just logged in this morning, shock timer was there. It took about 5 minutes to reach the end of the timer but the timer never goes away. I've been in game on the floor for over an hour now.

Please fix my character ><


Where you were: No idea

What you were doing: Logging in

*Current installed version: Latest DayZ + Arma

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I am also having this issue. My player ID is 17701766. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Date/Time: August, 2st around 10PM

What happened: Went unconcious after beign fired upon. The next time I logged out, maybe 30 minutes later, and logged back in I was unconcious again and for every reconnect thereafter.

Player ID: 17701766

Where you were: Electro, by the TEC building, and everywhere I logged in after that

What you were doing: Logging in

*Current installed version: Latest DayZ + Arma

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This problem during for 2 weeks for me impossible to die...

Impossible to do any action on my keyboard the game was freeze

So plz reset my account.

Id : 56540294

I can't do anything with this bug ..

Edited by Xenome

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Never mind, had someone come kill me.

Edited by AADiC

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My issue only is happening on my Clans server. This is the server I play on 90% so it is pretty horrible every tim eI log in to help with a firefight or meet up in a vehicle, I have to wait the 3-5 minute hourglass just to log in! The server has been reset and I have died. Still same issue!

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I've been having this issue too, but the only server hopping I've been doing is when I connect to a server and I'm stuck on waiting for host, or receiving, or 'character setup, please wait' and it's waiting for over a minute (loading off an SSD and it loads lightning quick when it actually works).

I've tried dying to reset it twice but that's still not helped. My player ID is: 649985.

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some servers i log into If I'm on a roof ect , ill just fall over and have to wait 10 minuets to get back up . So i know the pain

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i ran over a rock broke my leg randomly and now im unconscious every time i log on my server now >.>

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Help im having the same problem as the rest, except i dont server hop. US 2008 on the beach near pridgorski or something like that in between cherno and elektro. some one execute me, i let it sit all night long and the hourglass was not even halfway. then i logged out to go do some errands and logged back in the hourglass is full again and now all my icons are purple/red red red and blinking but the 354 health i have isnt going away.

my issue began when i was murdered in the cherno supermarkets back room. as i lay there in the you are dead screen i put on global chat " WHY?"

and then the abort/discon/ok/respawn thing.

but somehow fell on the beach with a broken leg and absolutely no intereaction with the game. no chat, no gear, etc. as it loads in i am able to see my bag sometimes if i am fast, and it still has stuff in it from when i died. i see people post the player id number and ask for a reset, i too would like a reset.

Player ID #: 52044422 US 2008 please fix my guy kill him burn him with fire exorcise the demons within and fry those bugs and let him be reborn unto the shore one with teh sand and the ocean, and hurry before winter comes please and thank you.


well well either someone put me out of my misery. or the kind game gods fixed my guy, or i finally passed form dehydration/hunger/pneumonia/bloodloss/shock/broke leg. will report back if it happens again.

Edited by Seattle

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