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Hi everybody.

My nick is CaHutap (in-game САНИТАР), i'm russian. My nick translates as 'corpsman' B)

I love killing bandits...

I play on RU, DE and LU servers.

That's all. :blush:

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Hi, im Gabriel Ns

I used to play as bandit, them went to the good side, but neither of both are fun while playing alone and its hard to make friends in DayZ

If any of u guys wants a experienced player to join your group, call me

Steam: Gabriel_Ns

Skype: Gabriel_Ns

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I'm Steve.C. I am friendly to the point of giving you my last can. I will not fire on you unless you fire first. I have killed in self-defense and will not hesitate to do so again.

If you need anything and I respond, know that my word is my bond: I will never initiate force.

PS- To the guy who gave me a FAL and a 1911 in the barn above Electro... once again I do not judge a book by its cover and once again I am vindicated. You had a bandit headwrap but gave me gear for no reason other than to give another a leg up. Thank you, and I will continue to try to help others.

Edited by Steve.C

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Hello everyone, if you haven't noticed I'm Kermit the Frog. I love helping out and killing the walking dead although if someone tries to get the jump on me I'll kill them with my bullets, as well as my hatchet... and maybe a few frag grenades to be sure.

But yes, I am the little gree frog, and I will enjoy kill all of the Z's around.

Enjoy the apocolypse everyone, happy hunting.

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Hi guys

I've been on here a week or so, hiding in the new players section mostly. The names Darren in real life and in game. I live in the South West and am over 40 lol. I play mostly on UK servers, 120, 122 and 198 off the top of my head. Friendly so long as you don't shoot or take to wearing a rag on your head. Playing just to stay alive, making it to Day 2 would be nice.

Anyway if you see me around say hi or wanna team up pm me on here. :)

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Hey there folks, my name's the Poor_Survivor, eh, from Canadaka. I play on whichever server has the lowest ping at the time ^.^

Oh Yeah! Im Poor Survivor when I'm playing. Try my best to be as Canadian (friendly) as possible!

Edited by Poor_Survivor

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Hello :D Lessy45 here

Love killing zombies <3 super scared to the point of heart racing when they come after me though xD

Also have shot 4-5 bandits and I was shaking crazily after :o

Will be seeing you guys on US servers :3

Maybe we can team up? :P

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Glad to see I'm not the only old-timer around here. Let's just say my daughter is starting her last year of high school.

I've been playing mostly pve in WoW and such for years. Just finished an especially brutal stint in SWToR (everything you've read is true).

Been having a blast turning off all the lights, putting on my headphones, and playing with one of my gazillion zombie dvd's running in the background.

About the time I learned how to deal with zeds, I started running into other players. Between the two, it keeps my heart pounding and gives me that visceral jolt 9-5 grown-up life is missing. So to the a-hole snipers and bandits, thanks, I guess. To the hackers... I hope it helps fill that hole in your unhappy soul...losers!

Just trying to survive, haven't killed anyone yet. I don't alt-f4 like a pussy, but I do run like one!

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Hi all, im a newbie. Been playing for like two or three weeks. Love the game.

Im from Sweden, so if someone out here is a swede, contact me so maybe we can team up.

Playing as sgt. Ortblad.

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hi there. my name is Alex, 17 y.o.

currently living in Russia.

No. Im not a dumbass like the most of the russian players out here.

playing dayz for week or so, and no, Im not a complete noob at this game. in addition to a quite good knowledge of english I also have a head on my shoulders and a sense of humor.

would love to communicate via skype with english-speaking player

so if u want to team up, u r welcome, just send me a skype message. skype - didmyworst

Edited by didmyworst

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Hey! Im ShadowTS6

And i am new to the game and looking for more people to group with.

Im 27 and play most evenings and sometimes during the day if i have the time.

Im UK resident so similar timezones would be great.

i have also created a group on Steam that anyone 18+ can join in regards to creating a new group (link below)


Many Thanks

Darren (ShadowTS6)

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Oy, FSB is my nick ingame.

I can be found running through the woods and scavenging lonely farms or abandoned airfields on my own or with my brother.

I'll never shoot at sight and i'll always try to hide with my gillie suit to avoid confrontations, but if you open fire at me be prepared to get it returned properly.

See you in the woods B)

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hello there

My name is IncognitoNico

I'm the person who knows the most about the game and doesn't own it, that's right I don't have it, my PC can't run it ='( but I'm going to get one that can, so I know almost everything a regular guy that plays DayZ has to know. I know how to repair cars, helis blah blah blah, I know the names of almost al the cities, cherno, elektro, balota, starry, etc

So yeah I a very friendly person I live in south america but as almost all of south american gaming comunities suck I'm always playing with US/european people so I can manage english preety good, and I wish to have somebody to play with me before I get the game because since almost none of my friends can run a game like this, and the ones that do I don't think they're going to like it (they're all CoD fags that think CoD is realistic)

So yeah I want to come up with a good In Game Name: you got any suggestions? send me a PM, my name is Nico BTW so if you can come up with a name I would appreciate it if I don't have one already, so yeah, I'm not planning on killing anybody, in fact I'm going to try and only fire if fired upon at anybody, bandit or hero.

Edited by IncognitoNico
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I'm Edoardo (ingame).

Since i am really suspicious, i dont like to meet other survivor, i prefer to observe and avoid big city(cherno and Elektro) and scavange in night. Unfortunately i met a friendly survivor and i headshotted him automatically, and i'm sorry for that.

I'm not a veteran but i'm not a newbye too. I killed a Bandit and i am a bit proud of it, becouse i think that they ruins too much the game experience with spawn killing and camping on the big cities.

Hi all!

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Hey guys, I'm PulseSlayer from Luxembourg and I started playing DayZ today, but followed everything on Youtube and the Forums. If you want to hook up with me just read the signature below :) If you don't own a Steam Copy of the game just watch out for my ingame name: The Seeker. I'm also looking for other luxembourgish players because none of my friends actually play this game. If someone has some problems regarding writing English, I also understand German and French!

I hope I'm going to meet some of you out there!

See you in the Wilderness ;)

Edited by PulseSlayer
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I'm Wolvy/Ali and I've been into FPS games for 5 years...while Dayz less than 5 days. Im getting the slight hang of it, still dont know what the hell Im doing but Im a fairly quick learner ;) Waiting to hook up with a clan/group of some sort soon to improve and have a bit more fun. And..I'm a girl, and yes...Im real.

cya in the woods O_o

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Trizzo in game and on forum. Loving dayz, been looking foward to it. (was away for 2 months and couldn't play)

I'm from Australia and im looking, preferablly, for an oz clan. A serious clan but one that like helping, trading, and not being bandit troll dicks. (A team that likes to take on bandits would be sweet!) I have multiple pieces of intel on various tent cities and stashes that i have found with coords. I use Mumble but i can TS/Vent/Steam if you play how i like to play.

Looking foward to playing with a good team of survivors.

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Hi there!

I'm looking for a mature (25+) buddy or more to explore the map of Chernarus and help survivors on the way. If we manage to kill some bandits even better. I play on SI, AT and DE servers late in the evenings (GMT+1)

If someone is interested, please do send me a PM!

Edited by VidKo

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Hi all im a friendly player, got hero skin with 0 murders. You'll probably find me in Elektros west firestation or Balota ATC tower shooting zeds and bandits. I like to fill up other peoples tents, repair cars, ride bikes through cherno and generally get shot alot by people who KoS.

My game style is run about till i'm geared then ill go stealthy or just kill as many zeds as possible.

In game name: Riggs

steam name: TorvakUK

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My name's Luke and I've been playing for about a month. I'm pretty much addicted to this game and want the experience of teaming with survivors. WHich is something I haven't done alot of. I'm from US, Ohio and I'm just really looking for that active clan to join. PM me if you want another on your team. Thanks

Steam name: DoubleOZero

Edited by LukeTheDuke

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hey all im kinda new im 21 from uk and av been playing for about a week. anyone wana team up?

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