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Is streamsniping considered cheating?

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I wouldn't call that action cheating, mainly because they are playing with their "Camera" on to show people how they are playing, and then you might get stream sniped. It's your own risk if you want to stream while playing DayZ but of course it can be annoying, but no I don't recall stream sniping as "Cheating"

I'm not stream sniping if you think I am, I'm just a random guy writing this down. :)

Edited by voddler

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Didn't rocket say that any form of "meta" gaming is allowed (e.g. infiltrating TS to know where they at). So i guess watching stream and killing them is just a form of "meta" gaming

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Twitch.tv/Luzarius is the stream we are having this argument in if a DEV can come in and settle this it would be very nice and helpful.

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Twitch.tv/Luzarius is the stream we are having this argument in if a DEV can come in and settle this it would be very nice and helpful.

Rocket said here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4227-request-allow-bans-for-death-dodgers/#entry62024 that meta-gaming is allowed. Sniping people from stream and infiltrating teamspeaks and vents are all meta-gaming and therefore stream sniping is condoned by Rocket.

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I'd say its against the spirit of the game but I'm a little old fashioned with the notions of integrity and fairplay. In the old days we called this "ghosting", that was spectating others and telling your friends where the enemy was and was greatly shamed and looked down upon. This is no different imo.

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If Blizzard thinks it's fine, then I don't see why it wouldn't be fine for DayZ.

You're the one broadcasting your gamescreen freely (or hosting a password-less TS) and it's your job to moderate who can and can't interact with it.

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I'd say its against the spirit of the game but I'm a little old fashioned with the notions of integrity and fairplay. In the old days we called this "ghosting", that was spectating others and telling your friends where the enemy was and was greatly shamed and looked down upon. This is no different imo.

Luckily for most of them being shamed and looked down on doesn't bother people hiding behind a computer monitor.

I would call it cheating, but I'm not Rocket. If your going to snipe someone why not do it fair and square? Or

If it's that big of an issue... maybe they should password their teamspeak, or not stream.. by doing these things your inadvertently putting yourself at risk and you probably have what is coming to you.

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I want a Dev to go into Luz chat and end this debate.

The developers have much more important things to be doing and problems to be solving than proving you correct in some petty debate on someones stream. Just link them to the post that I linked in my post. It was a post of Rocket saying meta-gaming is allowed. Stream sniping is meta-gaming. Rocket condones stream sniping. It is clear as can be in that post, so just link them that instead of begging for a dev.

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No. It's just metagaming.

You broadcast your position to the public, you expect not to get sniped? Metagaming, plain and simple.

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I wouldn't snipe someone who has few followers on his/her stream, but if there would be wide enough audience then I just might do it for the lulz

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Besides it being totally cheeseball, its not cheating.

But seriously how lame is that.

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Hell no that can't be cheating. If those live streamers do not want to be stream sniped they simply don't need to stream dayZ.

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why would you do it though, yeah to destroy the game for some else so you can get some laughs... thats the problem about the internet, its me, me, me...

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why would you do it though, yeah to destroy the game for some else so you can get some laughs... thats the problem about the internet, its me, me, me...

Man, you must not get on the internet much. It's pretty much a series of tubes, filled with lulz.

Some people actually come on here to fuck with people anonymously, because they've got free time.

Schadenfreude is a wonderful thing.

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Bladerunner09, I remember you threatening the project regarding a streamer before. Stop watching streams if you are only here to make drama about them every time.

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"Hey guys I am on the hotel in Cherno, sniping n00bs. Look at me!"

You'll be dead before you can say "can of beans".

Edited by Vitdom

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It's not cheating, it's called being stupid (the streamer, not the sniper)

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When you go out of your way to seek attention, you sometimes get "unwanted" attention. If you put a big neon sign over your head and scream "LOOK AT ME!!!", expect to be found by people that you would rather not be seen by.

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use common sense:

is it unfair? yes!

does it work AGAINST authenticity? yes!

does it work AGAINST immersion? yes!

so, should you do it? no!

but of course you need a 20 page long set of rules, so people never have to use their brain.


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LOL @ the little kid responses. Come on now... this is ridiculous.

Edited by nightpaws

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it is cheating, the only reason why its allowed is, that there is no way to proof it.

anyone claiming that it isn't cheating ... i mean common.

people streaming their game sure don't do it to show off their position, they want to show the game to others, and maybe draw a few more players to the game.

way to ruin it.

Edited by Azrail

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