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whats with punishing bandits?

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Ok so i am having a hard time understanding why so many people want measures to punish bandits...... i see no justification for their attitude and feel that they are simple butthurt and need to get over it, anyone knows that in a world like this going to a once heavily populated place would be an incredibly high risk, zombies, bandits animals and disease and injury would all hinder you in such an environment, i worked long and hard to get myself self sufficient in game and find my way to the random heli crashes and so on to gear up to take on the elements and players and zombies. i will quite frequently camp cherno and wait for retards to stop to loot things then insert a 50. cal shot into their behind. i will then wait creep down and take the medical supplies they took from the hospital and head back out on my way again. its survival of the fittest, anyone who cries about campers in COD, Battlefield or any other game need forget all that shit when they play DayZ none of us "bandits" are going to change our habits, you simply need to adapt to the environment.

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lol at another post. i see "no justification". Well you must blind then. People want it, because right now there are NO benefits NOT to shoot. On the other hand you only gain if you kill on sight. Add sniper rifles that one hit you from 0.8-1 km and you have a problem.

Was it that hard for ?

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I bet there are people (not me) who would want a PvE version of this game.

And right now its a stupid Pvp. Now what ?

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because right now there are NO benefits NOT to shoot

There are altruistic reasons not to shoot. But it seems not many people get a feeling of altruism over the internet for strangers they don't know with digital avatars.

Also, holy crap your text is hard to read. What's up with that?

Edited by HKurban

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I guess because it's possible to aggressively misquote and misunderstand some things Rocket have said in interviews and in general, and because it's always more difficult to cut out content than it is to add it. People get accustomed to what they had before and so when you take it away they mourn its loss and talk a lot of nonsense in the process (but I guess most of us are guilty of that at some time or another)

Everybody and anybody who mentions deathmatching, CoD or advocates a flawed binary bandit system that tells them what to shoot without any thought required on their part, have gone so far off the plot that I genuinely worry for them.

There are altruistic reasons not to shoot. But it seems not many people get a feeling of altruism over the internet for strangers they don't know with digital avatars.

There are less altruistic reasons not to shoot people, chief amongst which is that shooting people is loud with 95% of the weapons and any place you are likely to bump in to prey is also likely to have other people to prey on you and your fresh kill. Alerting zombies and firing gunshots will always make it easy for other people to come and ruin your success.

Most of my deaths while alone are making a risk assessment of going down to loot a kill i've made and taking one in the back while being temporarily blind and immobile.

Edited by Cavan

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After having been a friendly since I started I have recently taken to hanging with a bandit group of Beanditos. To all those killed, it's just a game. If nothing else we are testing the PVP aspects. When the game releases and nothing has changed, then you can whine.

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There are less altruistic reasons not to shoot people, chief amongst which is that shooting people is loud with 95% of the weapons and any place you are likely to bump in to prey is also likely to have other people to prey on you and your fresh kill. Alerting zombies and firing gunshots will always make it easy for other people to come and ruin your success.

this is the best solution for me, making infected harder to deal with and a higher count of them will in general make you think if even only for a brief second. the main isue is the fact that there is no penalty to death, it is not hard to find capable equipment and if you have a base or a friendly server then losing quipment means nothing just like dying

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I'm pretty sick of it, really. Because those who were defending themselves from another survivor are labeled as bandits, as per the system.

So there are plenty of people caught in the cross-fire. And yet, nobody ever seems to be able to comprehend that.

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lol at another post. i see "no justification". Well you must blind then. People want it, because right now there are NO benefits NOT to shoot. On the other hand you only gain if you kill on sight. Add sniper rifles that one hit you from 0.8-1 km and you have a problem.

Was it that hard for ?

rofl, you fail so hard, so what you are saying is that you want this game to be a typical shitty mmo? its REALISTIC so making buffs/anti-buffs etc is fucking ludicrous. punishing people for hunting for the things they need is completely retarded, you seriously think that in a post apocalyptic world you would be safe from strangers? people would kill and gank purely to survive and protect their territory, hell i know i would.

so whats your big justification for nerfing and noobing the game? just because hundreds of people out of thousands want someone to avenge their butthurt. those people can go back to COD and Skyrim. this game is ultra realistic, adding in punishments and rewards beyond that which is already available is a pathetic console gamer attitude. i suggest manning up and if you dont like being killed spend all day hiding in the trees.

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I myself are pretty concerned about the direction PvP is moving in DayZ. This game offers you great room for emotions and atmosphere what is generally the thing the most people love about it. Many of you are talking about not to punish murders because it restricts the player in his decisions. Thats absolutely right. BUT at the moment many players that wanted to play quite friendly survivors at the beginning are forced into the life of a paranoid murderer, because they made the experience, that they get either sniped without any reason or get shot on sight by other paranoid madmen. There is no weighting of pros and cons or decision making process wether to reveal yourself and talk to a stranger or just shoot him in the back of his head. For 75% of people its shoot on sight. 25% just like to play it deathmatch-style, the other 50% are just super paranoid because the last 3 times they tried to contact a player they got instantly shot.

This is the main problem and i think it kills much of the games potential and fun actually. I am absolutly ok with bandits that kill players for their equipment...but there has to be sence and decision behind it. I hope you got my point. We dont need punishment for bandits, we need more reasons to team up and to not shoot people. Maybe i am just one of the altruists, but instead of busting arround with: " I racked up 13 murders just with an axe last life" I say: "I never started a firefight until now" and i am pretty proud of that.

Btw: Thanks to the cool germans inside the store, who did acutally stay calm when me and my friends entered ^^ Was kind of a mexican standoff but these situations make this game great

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Rocket has stated before he has plans for *end-game* if a phrase like that even belongs in a game like Dayz, you decide. But I've seen him talk about AI death squads, something similar to raiding, underground structures, working power plants, and a lot of other things he has in mind to give people who want to play cooperatively more of a reward than playing by yourself shooting people in cherno that earned their equipment and then stealing it like a little bitch... Everyone has the right to play how they want though.. nothings really going to change unless Rocket says so.

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I myself are pretty concerned about the direction PvP is moving in DayZ. This game offers you great room for emotions and atmosphere what is generally the thing the most people love about it. Many of you are talking about not to punish murders because it restricts the player in his decisions. Thats absolutely right. BUT at the moment many players that wanted to play quite friendly survivors at the beginning are forced into the life of a paranoid murderer, because they made the experience, that they get either sniped without any reason or get shot on sight by other paranoid madmen. There is no weighting of pros and cons or decision making process wether to reveal yourself and talk to a stranger or just shoot him in the back of his head. For 75% of people its shoot on sight. 25% just like to play it deathmatch-style, the other 50% are just super paranoid because the last 3 times they tried to contact a player they got instantly shot.

This is the main problem and i think it kills much of the games potential and fun actually. I am absolutly ok with bandits that kill players for their equipment...but there has to be sence and decision behind it. I hope you got my point. We dont need punishment for bandits, we need more reasons to team up and to not shoot people. Maybe i am just one of the altruists, but instead of busting arround with: " I racked up 13 murders just with an axe last life" I say: "I never started a firefight until now" and i am pretty proud of that.

Btw: Thanks to the cool germans inside the store, who did acutally stay calm when me and my friends entered ^^ Was kind of a mexican standoff but these situations make this game great

i think you need to stop and realise that its more of an observation of humans in general rather than a problem with the game. most people shoot on sight because if you were in a post apocalyptic scenario especially something as horrific as war and well a zombie apocalypse. punishing people for doing something that essentially comes natural to HUMANS is pathetic, unrealistic, and plain wussy.

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i think you need to stop and realise that its more of an observation of humans in general rather than a problem with the game. most people shoot on sight because if you were in a post apocalyptic scenario especially something as horrific as war and well a zombie apocalypse. punishing people for doing something that essentially comes natural to HUMANS is pathetic, unrealistic, and plain wussy.

I honestly doubt. Maybe i got more faith in humans, but i am pretty sure they would meet each other with paranoia and a lot of respect, but would not shoot any other human beeing on sight. That scenario is hilariously unrealistic i think. I am the last one stating that PvP should be removed. Its what actually makes this game, but PvP should be more weighted up than it is now. A playerkill should matter. At the moment i kind of have the feeling that a huge group of people shoot players like they shoot zombies.

And now i got to work ;-) Have a nice day

Edited by EndEffeKt

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" For 75% of people its shoot on sight. 25% just like to play it deathmatch-style, the other 50% are just super paranoid because the last 3 times they tried to contact a player they got instantly shot."

Err, that's 150%.

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I honestly doubt. Maybe i got more faith in humans, but i am pretty sure they would meet each other with paranoia and a lot of respect, but would not shoot any other human beeing on sight. That scenario is hilariously unrealistic i think. I am the last one stating that PvP should be removed. Its what actually makes this game, but PvP should be more weighted up than it is now. A playerkill should matter. At the moment i kind of have the feeling that a huge group of people shoot players like they shoot zombies.

And now i got to work ;-) Have a nice day

There is no realistic way to do that, any attempt would just compromise the game, the realism and fact that people can hunt and be hunted and shit scared 24/7 is what makes this game.... if u want a team based zombie game that doesnt make you scared play killing floor or left4dead. this isn't about any of that console gamer shit, get the point people.

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Ok so i am having a hard time understanding why so many people want measures to punish bandits......

i'm pretty sure anybody who gets ganked is gonna wanna punish the one who killed them and i dont see how any bandit can complain about being killed, the problem i have found as a very new player is that whilst i've heard talk of sniping and heavy machine guns i'm yet to even come across one crashed helicopter on my travels (though perilously searching) so i find it quite annoying once i load up at cherno etc. and then got sniped from afar as i never get the chance to go salvage those same items myself.

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There wouldn't be any benefits for not shooting people because there aren't. This isn't a movie portrayal of the ZA, this is a brutal and gritty portrayal where you are on your own.

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Because these whiners are ignorant sheltered 12 year olds who think human beings are nice people who want to work together and live happily ever after.

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Saw a guy today on the hill with a rifle near the coast. He shot new players (they had the small backpack) from under a pine tree. Took me a bit but I got to him and shot him and he left the server. The only reason he had to do that was to grief new players. He was set up to to see the market with barbwire at the other doors he could not see. This is why people and to punish bandits lol.

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so what op is saying, is the game needs to adjust to people that dont care att all about the game, and just go around killing because thats what they feel to do... right...

Edited by LumberBack

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so what op is saying, is the game needs to adjust to people that dont care att all about the game, and just go around killing because thats what they feel to do... right...

Shut up and go catch another bullet between your eyes. I care very much about the game and have argued points that at least make both parties happy multiple times. So quit putting words in my mouth and stop trying to hinder my gaming experience because you don't want me to shoot you without accruing penalties for my 'heinous crimes'.

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I have no problem with going in a rampage from time to time. This represents the occasional maniac that should exist IRL.

But ALWAYS playing the game as a pure survivor or a pure murderous PVP fan is just missing a big part of it.

When I play, I roleplay. Sometimes (most of the time) I go lonewolf, and avoiding people, only asking for guys on a forum I'm in for the occasional help in self injecting a bloodbag and trading a bit of medical supplies [When I play lonewolf, I love to just raid hospitals]. Other times, I go for a round of banditry. Still lonewolf, and hunting for survivors. It's simple but challenging really: Start as a lonewolf, find a gun and binoculars, take a vantage point, spot someone and go hunting for beans. On rare occasions I go for Elektro or Cherno, run like a headless chicken for guns and ammo, and fire around, killing folks for the lols. But that's really rare, and always feels pointless (especially since the game isn't built for that).

What I despise though are the guys that feel like their way of playing (always shooting on sight) is the right way. There is no other reason than "dude was there, I want his stuff, or just to ruin his day cuz I have loads of stuff anyway". They justify themseves by saying "In this situation, dogs eat dogs". Seriously, thinking about it: Would you be able to pull the trigger on someone you never saw before? Would you just down people that ust don't do anything remotely threatening more than a mile away with your sniper rifle? Would you bait someone that's asking for help to kill him with cold blood?

Even when saying friendly, people either run away (sensible) or shoot (not wanting to bother). This really is, to me, gamebreaking as many interactions, especially for people that don't want to be part of a regular group on TS/MUMBLE/whatever, aren't even remotely possible.

Edited by Deuzerre

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What I despise though are the guys that feel like their way of playing (always shooting on sight) is the right way.

And I really am appalled with these guys that feel like my way of playing is the wrong way.

I suppose we're at an impasse here. Agree to disagree and never speak of it again?

Edited by KWilt

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Shut up and go catch another bullet between your eyes. I care very much about the game and have argued points that at least make both parties happy multiple times. So quit putting words in my mouth and stop trying to hinder my gaming experience because you don't want me to shoot you without accruing penalties for my 'heinous crimes'.

lol yeah i wouldnt want to stand in the way of your fantasy of being a massmurderer...

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