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why are the zombies spotting me from such a long distance? im always crouched.

i just started this game and i dnt even get to do anything before i die, cant enjoy the game!

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If a zombie is facing you he will eventually see you. Crouched or not, use walls, buildings whatever, stay out of sight and be quiet.

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Check your visibility rating when crouched, its probably 50+

A zombie will see you easily if you remain in its line of sight for more than a few seconds. I suggest trying to sprint towards a tree or fence.

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Learn how to properly avoid zombies. It may take a bit of trial and error, and you will probably die several times before you figure it out, but it's possible, believe me.

Zombies can't hear you unless you get fairly close to them, but they can see you from pretty far away if you aren't concealing yourself, either by crouch walking or going prone. Just pay attention to what direction the zombies bodies are facing, and keep trying. You'll figure it out eventually.

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Wait my dear newbie a hotfix is on the way.

No there isn't. Working as intended.

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I suggest the prone option, its pretty much the best option to by pass zombies, you can get pretty close to them while they are faced away from you.

Note: Hold shift to move quieter when near the Zombies/Zeds.

Another note: You can throw empty cans to pull them away from a area for a short time.

One last note: If you fire a un-silenced gun in the middle of a city, get away from that area as soon as possible, it will pull all the zombies towards where the shot went off.

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why are the zombies spotting me from such a long distance? im always crouched.

i just started this game and i dnt even get to do anything before i die, cant enjoy the game!

How about before freaking out you SEARCH THE FORUMS FOR SOME GUIDES OR SIMILAR POST'S YOU TWIT ! There is only about four megabillion threads like this already because apparently hardly anyone knows how to use a forum anymore.


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Working as intended.

You actually have to sneak and be relatively smart now.

You can't just run past a zombie 20 meters away now.

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its pretty annoying that they spot u from such a long distance, they should change it, for someone with no weapons and a beginner its impossible to play

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Breaking their line of sight is SO MUCH EASIER now than it was before. If you aggro, get behind a house/tree/fence/car/pile o' rubble... he'll quickly forget why he was chasing you.

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Yes, it is possible to sneak passed them. However, I think it's easier sprinting passed them then losing them by running into a building. Your choice.

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its pretty annoying that they spot u from such a long distance, they should change it, for someone with no weapons and a beginner its impossible to play

Well you should probably start by not walking through the zone they are looking at, crouch walking or otherwise, only prone will protect you if you're walking directly in front of a Zeds gaze in the open. But you're right, they should totally make the game easier for those who haven't even learned to play it yet.

On a different note I absolutely love the new Zed sight mechanics, they're most definitely a step in the correct direction. You can acutally break line of sight by zig-zagging through trees now!

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Bah... I thought we were moving away from DayZ: The Premiere Crawling Simulator...

There's no reason to make a tedious game any more tedious that it already was. I can understand making the zombies more ferocious for the high-tier players is a must (well, no I don't, but that's a whole 'nother topic) but when you've gotta crawl from the beach all the way to a house, then stand up and aggro anything that remotely glances at you, it's pretty annoying.

But hey. It's rocket's mod. We'll adapt... I guess.

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its pretty annoying that they spot u from such a long distance, they should change it, for someone with no weapons and a beginner its impossible to play


Protip: Uninstall Arma 2 OA

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Always interesting how everyone finds the new topic button but never in a million years sees all the other thread about the exact same thing.

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