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Players should be recognizable as friendly or not friendly

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I would like some means of knowing players who are to be engaged in combat from those that mean you no harm.

My idea would be to have some kind of visual effect on players who kill everyone they see, and a different one on people who don't kill others. Like 2 sets of models for each type of clothing. One model for murderers and one for non murderers.

Once you have five murders for example (I can't be sure what quantity would be best) from then on you would have the "bandit" version of any clothing you're wearing. Killing bandits would not change your appearance in this scheme obviously.

This seems to me to be the easiest way to allow players to work together more instead of having to go with the "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude all the time.

I haven't read through all of these suggestions yet so if I've doubled up on someone else's suggestion, sorry.

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This suggestion was in the game before but they took it away. I think the devs want the game to be as close to realism as possible.

And you can allways scream in direct chat "friendly"

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There is actualy a heart beat for those who have killed someone can be heard from about 20M away, not sure what heartbeat is that loud but yeh know..listen.

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This suggestion was in the game before but they took it away. I think the devs want the game to be as close to realism as possible.

And you can allways scream in direct chat "friendly"

I could imagine a realistic scenario where the societal evolution of the survivors leads to non-murderers comming up with a way of distinguishing themselves from murderers. In reality it would have to be something very subtle that the bandits couldn't easily pick up on and duplicate with the purpose of lulilng peacful survivors in to confidence. But this is a video game and a more blatant and permanent means of distinguishing folks is merely representative of that evolution.

Screaming friendly has done nothing but give away my position so far. I have only seen one stranger so far that hasn't immediatly opened fire on me and that's probably only because we both had nothing more than a hatchet at the time.

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I'm guessing you only started playing in the last few weeks because this has already been in-game.

It's nice knowing who you can trust or who you can't, but it takes away from the "stress" when you immediately know you need to shoot someone in the face.

I'm not saying I don't like the idea.. I just wanted to point out that it's been done already and removed for whatever reason.

I'm sure something will be done at some point.. tptb are looking for a way to deal with this, but so far they've not been happy with the attempts made.

(or at least that's what I gather from reading interviews and changelogs/forum posts)

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Screaming friendly has done nothing but give away my position so far. I have only seen one stranger so far that hasn't immediatly opened fire on me and that's probably only because we both had nothing more than a hatchet at the time.

but wouldnt some sort of gesture only work if you are visible anyway? sound gives a general direction, but you dont have to be visible at least

Though i would welcome a streamlined 'friendly' gesture just for the fun of using it for banditry

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but wouldnt some sort of gesture only work if you are visible anyway? sound gives a general direction, but you dont have to be visible at least

Though i would welcome a streamlined 'friendly' gesture just for the fun of using it for banditry

I'm not suggesting a gesture. I'm suggesting permanent player models distinguishing bandits from friendlies. A friendly gesture that is abused by bandits would change nothing, nobody would trust it.

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This takes away from the realism of the game, and destroys the tension of not knowing who to and who not to trust, which is a major component of the human interaction in DayZ (which is one of the biggest factors of the entire game).

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I'm not suggesting a gesture. I'm suggesting permanent player models distinguishing bandits from friendlies. A friendly gesture that is abused by bandits would change nothing, nobody would trust it.

As people have previously said, this already existed in the form of a humanity feature and bandits being given their own skin upon killing "x" amount of people. This feature was taken away due to it "punishing" PvP-oriented players, which is against the philosophy of the gamemakers. The solution? Don't be so trusting of random people, especially if they are armed. You're feeding yourselves to the wolves if you foolishly shout "FRIENDLY?!" in Chernogorsk, and that's your fault. Your survival is no one else's responsibility but your own.

edit: woops, I forgot this forum engine doesn't have automerge. Sorry!

Edited by McSlaughter

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I'm not suggesting a gesture. I'm suggesting permanent player models distinguishing bandits from friendlies. A friendly gesture that is abused by bandits would change nothing, nobody would trust it.

Last time I scan over a post then reply. I am glad bandit skins are gone. In this case I retract my support, but leave you with a bump.

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I would like some means of knowing players who are to be engaged in combat from those that mean you no harm.

My suggestion: Disarm yourself if you want to be known as a friendly. Either put your primary in your backpack (if you have one big enough) or don't equip a primary at all. Keep your flashlight as secondary. This seems fairly realistic as well IMO. Of course some will still try to kill you if disarmed, but not nearly as many :)

I'd love to see armbands or some kind of custom skin that groups can wear to better identify during CQC, etc.

Edited by walkerbait421
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The heart beat thing is pretty good because from far away you cant really tell through facial expressions and sound and pitch of the voice that the person means you ill. But with the heart beat feature it sort of represents that and when another player is nearby you can hear the heart beat which represents this player is a killer and must be shot on sight.

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Okay, you know this was in the game and that rocket took it out because it didn't work? Because it wasn't a good choice in his opinion? I can see this was your first post on these forums, please read through some of the topics/use the search function before you make a useless thread like this again.

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Has he got a scope? Shoot him.

Is he looking at you? Shoot him.

Has he seen you? Shoot him.

Is he sitting on a roof? Shoot him.

Is he heavily armed? Shoot him.

Live and let live unless the fucker sees you/shoots you/reveals your position/is obviously camping.

Even then killing isnt the only way, kneecapping is pretty debilitating and has gotten me out of some hairy situations against a better armed opponent.

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This takes away from the realism of the game, and destroys the tension of not knowing who to and who not to trust, which is a major component of the human interaction in DayZ (which is one of the biggest factors of the entire game).

This sums it up.

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You wouldn't know i had bad intentions until i kill you....even your best friend could be an enemy ( f.e. Shane from the walking dead )

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There is actualy a heart beat for those who have killed someone can be heard from about 20M away, not sure what heartbeat is that loud but yeh know..listen.

Literally I can't hear this, ever. My sounds aren't exactly low. My effects is at a reasonble level and I hear gunshots in the distance better than my friends. But even my friends who all have a fair few murders at a time at least SHOULD have heartbeats, but I never hear them. Usually I have about 10+ murders on a character and they all say my heartebeat is very clear. :/

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Yes, big twirly mustaches and an automatic monologue when they press fire with their sights over another player.

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This is already implemented. If someone is shooting at you, they aren't friendly. If they aren't shooting at you, they are friendly (for now).

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Literally I can't hear this, ever. My sounds aren't exactly low. My effects is at a reasonble level and I hear gunshots in the distance better than my friends. But even my friends who all have a fair few murders at a time at least SHOULD have heartbeats, but I never hear them. Usually I have about 10+ murders on a character and they all say my heartebeat is very clear. :/

Skip to about 21:00, when the one player digs in the other's bag for some ammo. They even comment on how his heartbeat is gonna mess with them attempting to be nice for once. Not sure what it takes to get the heartbeat, but I've heard people comment about how it's too easy to regain humanity when you've been murdering; so I dunno.

Edit: Oh neat, and it auto-embedded from just the link. Loving the new forum set-up. :)

Edited by WhiteTigerShiro

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This takes away from the realism of the game, and destroys the tension of not knowing who to and who not to trust, which is a major component of the human interaction in DayZ (which is one of the biggest factors of the entire game).

Actually removing the bandit skin is fake, since a killer in real life usually doesnt go unoticed. Something that REPRESENTS that must be done. The more people get killed, the bigger the bounty reward, most wanted announcements and notoriety among players in community. Right now killers have no downsides. Realism in game is bullshit since there will always be unrealistic features in game, at least in our time.

I like to take on killers in game, but some balance should be done. Killing has become twisted since bandit skin was removed.

Edited by SEF

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