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Illegal Copies May Degrade

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So, I was just playing some DayZ, running from the zeds, when I see this message come up. I didn't really think much of it at the time, and shrugged it off as just an auto-post by the server. But now I hear that it is a sign that FADE/DEGRADE is slowly destroying your game?

I bought this game on steam 100% legit, and play this game via SixLauncher, so I don't believe I've done anything to warrant such a response. I just don't want to have my aim go to hell, and turn into a damn bird. If I can get any help on this, it would be appreciated.

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I'm fairly certain that it's an automated message sent from the BattleEye Anti-Cheat client. Everyone I've talked to has received the message, which makes me believe that it's just a simple reminder to people who illegally obtain the game that their game won't patch; thus, it "degrades" in quality over time since it will be a glitchy copy of the game. In essence, it's telling them that they should just stop being assholes and pay up for a real copy of the game.

Could be wrong though.

Edited by Syntricate

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I'm pretty sure that arma 2 has a feature so if you get an illegal copy of the game things break over time to a point where the game is unplayable...think it's just a warning about that innit :)

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I'm almost positive that it shows up whenever someone who has an illegal copy of the game tries to connect to the server. So it is kind of just reminding everyone else what happens.

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I'm almost positive that it shows up whenever someone who has an illegal copy of the game tries to connect to the server. So it is kind of just reminding everyone else what happens.

That sounds like it might make sense. Sometimes I do not see it for an entire day. Sometimes I will every few hours. Sometimes I will see the message 20 times in 10 minutes spamming the fuck out of my chat box. If its an automated message, I have yet to see any type of pattern over the last few weeks.

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I'm fairly certain that it's an automated message sent from the BattleEye Anti-Cheat client. Everyone I've talked to has received the message, which makes me believe that it's just a simple reminder to people who illegally obtain the game that their game won't patch; thus, it "degrades" in quality over time since it will be a glitchy copy of the game. In essence, it's telling them that they should just stop being assholes and pay up for a real copy of the game.

Could be wrong though.

Wrong. FADE deliberately screws up parts of the game (Messing up your aim, swapping controls, etc) until the game becomes pretty much unplayable.

Think of like what happened with Arkham Asylum. They made it so that if you tried to use the cape to glide, it wouldn't work. It would just be a flimsy cape and you'd fall to your death.

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Wrong. FADE deliberately screws up parts of the game (Messing up your aim, swapping controls, etc) until the game becomes pretty much unplayable.

Think of like what happened with Arkham Asylum. They made it so that if you tried to use the cape to glide, it wouldn't work. It would just be a flimsy cape and you'd fall to your death.


A lot of games do it these days actually, but yeah, Arma 2 cracked copies, your aim won't be right and your controls will randomly change, makes it impossible to play.

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The other day a guy joined my server and it displayed the message for him. His nick? Skidrow.

Sure enough, a few seconds later he's kicked for an invalid GUID.

What moron pirates a game and doesn't even bother to change the nick of the profile?

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Lol and once again BI earns a cookie.

I love when developers come up with fun and interesting methods of copy protection.. reminds me of the old Sierra days when you needed the instruction manual to progress through the game.

Anything is better than some shitty DRM bullshit. :)

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So, I was just playing some DayZ, running from the zeds, when I see this message come up. I didn't really think much of it at the time, and shrugged it off as just an auto-post by the server. But now I hear that it is a sign that FADE/DEGRADE is slowly destroying your game?

I bought this game on steam 100% legit, and play this game via SixLauncher, so I don't believe I've done anything to warrant such a response. I just don't want to have my aim go to hell, and turn into a damn bird. If I can get any help on this, it would be appreciated.

I've bought ArmA 2: CO through BI website and downloaded it from sprocket. Not a big fan of Steam's DRM. Yeah, it does show up on several servers i played in fading in and out. I just ignore the message and kept on playing .A prank or the fact the game is launched through the Six Launcher, i could be wrong.

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