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Goal: Create a winning formula that creates tension and fun, and then deliberately ruin it to upset the community all for the sake of "experimentation".

Examples: Create a stable build with a fulfilling diversity of features in, where persistence, AI, and community enjoyment are at a satisfactory and balanced level. Then, rather than simply attempt to polish the "winning build", proceed to change the game to unstable build with more bugs and game-breaking difficulty as a result of those bugs just to add in Bear Traps and give people with low end hardware a 5 frames-per-second boost . Basically this equates to the belief in the naive, failure-prone doctrine of "Ambition over basic functionality". In addition, create a rather cruel and unfun scenario of spawning with no weapons while simultaneously having to deal with poorly coded zombies, that despite being half-brain-dead meat puppets, are able to very quickly and accurately see and react to human beings moving in a stealthy manner up to 100 meters away in a very unrealistic way which should be viewed as a complete failure for a "simulator". To allow further belittling of "noobs" and those who have understandably died in this very harsh, unfair, and unrealistically hazardous environment, not only are trolls allowed to simply block people from quality loot effortlessly with barbed wire that is too glitched to be able to remove (the prompt for someone with a toolkit to remove wire does not come up 90% the time and requires one to be in the exact spot and angle to look at the single polygon on the fence that brings up the "remove fence" context sensitive action) , bear traps now allow players to outright kill players with no effort simply because they are troll-minded and find enjoyment from ruining people's fun, they do not gain anything from it,besides the satisfaction of ruining someone's fun and it requires no survival skill.

Defense methodology for naysayers: Simply respond to all blatantly valid criticisms and complaints with statements along the lines of "its an alpha shut up, I'm in charge" along with the followers of the mod who are stupid enough to believe that this is an acceptable form of logic. And label anyone with reasonable issues with the unrealistic difficulty curve as "carebears" and belittle them.

In summary, the plan suffers from being overly ambitious, having very poor priorities, and honestly, a sense of enjoyment from frustrating the playerbase. While I will admit I do not posses the potential coding and developing skills of the mod creator, I do posses the prioritization and common sense (not saying much and is hardly flexing my ego, only very basic prioritization and common sense would be required) that would allow for one to properly make this mod with minimal frustration and dips in quality gameplay experience.

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It's simpler than that I think. There just is no plan. Pretty much fishing in the dark.

Inb4 12 pages of comments you've read before...

Edited by Wulfear
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Maybe you should stick to mainstream games where the plan is to milk the playerbase for the biggest possible amount of their money.

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Ya know, the USA government system is one giant experiment that has been claimed to have been ruined since day 1 and by every president since.

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I like turtles.

Haha, Ninja Turtles!

Goal: Create a winning formula that creates tension and fun, and then deliberately ruin it to upset the community all for the sake of "experimentation".

Examples: Create a stable build with a fulfilling diversity of features in, where persistence, AI, and community enjoyment are at a satisfactory and balanced level. Then, rather than simply attempt to polish the "winning build", proceed to change the game to unstable build with more bugs and game-breaking difficulty as a result of those bugs just to add in Bear Traps and give people with low end hardware a 5 frames-per-second boost . Basically this equates to the belief in the naive, failure-prone doctrine of "Ambition over basic functionality". In addition, create a rather cruel and unfun scenario of spawning with no weapons while simultaneously having to deal with poorly coded zombies, that despite being half-brain-dead meat puppets, are able to very quickly and accurately see and react to human beings moving in a stealthy manner up to 100 meters away in a very unrealistic way which should be viewed as a complete failure for a "simulator". To allow further belittling of "noobs" and those who have understandably died in this very harsh, unfair, and unrealistically hazardous environment, not only are trolls allowed to simply block people from quality loot effortlessly with barbed wire that is too glitched to be able to remove (the prompt for someone with a toolkit to remove wire does not come up 90% the time and requires one to be in the exact spot and angle to look at the single polygon on the fence that brings up the "remove fence" context sensitive action) , bear traps now allow players to outright kill players with no effort simply because they are troll-minded and find enjoyment from ruining people's fun, they do not gain anything from it,besides the satisfaction of ruining someone's fun and it requires no survival skill.

Defense methodology for naysayers: Simply respond to all blatantly valid criticisms and complaints with statements along the lines of "its an alpha shut up, I'm in charge" along with the followers of the mod who are stupid enough to believe that this is an acceptable form of logic. And label anyone with reasonable issues with the unrealistic difficulty curve as "carebears" and belittle them.

In summary, the plan suffers from being overly ambitious, having very poor priorities, and honestly, a sense of enjoyment from frustrating the playerbase. While I will admit I do not posses the potential coding and developing skills of the mod creator, I do posses the prioritization and common sense (not saying much and is hardly flexing my ego, only very basic prioritization and common sense would be required) that would allow for one to properly make this mod with minimal frustration and dips in quality gameplay experience.

Alpha ;)

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This post is going to end well.

See my sig, op - let's you know a little of what we're in for, here.

Also, Alpha.

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I'm still trying to find these dreaded bear traps. Guess I should spend more time playing and less time posting.

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Maybe you should stick to mainstream games where the plan is to milk the playerbase for the biggest possible amount of their money.

You man how like I played that "Mainstream" game series Arma for nearly a decade and enjoyed it?

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Actually Rocket's overall plan is to have the mod become a full game in it's own right, with the ability to have players build within the world, maybe underground trading posts, more animals for those who want to basically run a 'farm' to survive, motion-captured zombies who's facial features degrade over time based on how long they have been infected for, put in things that require groupwork to get done...... have you even watched his Rezzed video where he talks about all this?

This is just another tl:dr-style post from a whiny crybaby stamping his feet because the in-early-development alpha mod didn't work 100% correctly for him all the time.

Sack up dude, help us all playtest this mutha of a survival sim into the greatest online experience of recent times, or go back to paying out £45 for this year's clone of last year's games that a studio pumps out and the fanboys lap up.

Edited by GeeksterDayZ
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He has a point. They've made it so half of us can't even connect to a server, for the sake of what? Bear traps?

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Actually Rocket's overall plan is to have the mod become a full game in it's own right, with the ability to have players build within the world, maybe underground trading posts, more animals for those who want to basically run a 'farm' to survive, motion-captured zombies who's facial features degrade over time based on how long they have been infected for, put in things that require groupwork to get done...... have you even watched his Rezzed video where he talks about all this?

This is just another tl:dr-style post from a whiny crybaby stamping his feet because the in-early-development alpha mod didn't work 100% correctly for him all the time.

Sack up dude, help us all playtest this mutha of a survival sim into the greatest online experience of recent times, or go back to paying out £45 for this year's clone of last year's games that a studio pumps out and the fanboys lap up.

Bro the game is broken, and I am a longtime Arma and original Operation Flashpoint ( I learned the Opflash editor before most kids master long division) vet who has no qualms with playing a WELL MADE brutally realistic game. Like I posted, the best retort you guys can come up with "Ur a casuwal gaming biotch, its in alpha so dat means they can make da game as bad as dey want u criebaybee!! Sak up dood!"

Edited by FrankDaTank1218

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Actually Rocket's overall plan is to have the mod become a full game in it's own right, with the ability to have players build within the world, maybe underground trading posts, more animals for those who want to basically run a 'farm' to survive, motion-captured zombies who's facial features degrade over time based on how long they have been infected for, put in things that require groupwork to get done...... have you even watched his Rezzed video where he talks about all this?

This is just another tl:dr-style post from a whiny crybaby stamping his feet because the in-early-development alpha mod didn't work 100% correctly for him all the time.

Sack up dude, help us all playtest this mutha of a survival sim into the greatest online experience of recent times, or go back to paying out £45 for this year's clone of last year's games that a studio pumps out and the fanboys lap up.

Yep.. this might intrest ya if you have'nt seen it yet.


I cant wait to see how it all turns out!

enjoy! :)

Edited by HooDoo

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I agree with everything except for barbed wire, everytime i've seen it, I was capable of crossing it, with V, but so could the zombies, just like they always do, by walking through it :P

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Actually Rocket's overall plan is to have the mod become a full game in it's own right, with the ability to have players build within the world, maybe underground trading posts, more animals for those who want to basically run a 'farm' to survive, motion-captured zombies who's facial features degrade over time based on how long they have been infected for, put in things that require groupwork to get done...... have you even watched his Rezzed video where he talks about all this?

Yeah. I plan to leave Earth and colonize Mars. Just have a few details to work out....

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This is an alpha mod that is being tested by a vast 500,000 strong base of free-will testers.

A tester does not get annoyed by changes to the build and he does not whine about the direction the build is moving toward. He only proceeds to test and report problems with the build.

When the game is in beta phase, players are allowed to play the mod to iron out the remaining bugs and do the final stress testing.

When the game exits beta phase and the first release is made, then players get to whine about issues and direction or lack of.

Then they are reminded they are in fact playing a free mod someone used their own personal time to make for everyone else's enjoyment and that they should really not be whining at all.

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This is an alpha mod that is being tested by a vast 500,000 strong base of free-will testers.

A tester does not get annoyed by changes to the build and he does not whine about the direction the build is moving toward. He only proceeds to test and report problems with the build.

When the game is in beta phase, players are allowed to play the mod to iron out the remaining bugs and do the final stress testing.

When the game exits beta phase and the first release is made, then players get to whine about issues and direction or lack of.

Then they are reminded they are in fact playing a free mod someone used their own personal time to make for everyone else's enjoyment and that they should really not be whining at all.

This is a poorly made mod with ENORMOUS POTENTIAL that may someday become a full game, it is not a full game in developement, its installed like a mod, distributed like a mod, and from a software stabndpoint, behaves like a mod. EVERY OTHER MOD is entitled to criticism, but Dayz is put on an untouchable pedestal by its creators and its fanboy forum commandos.

Edited by FrankDaTank1218

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Bro the game is broken, and I am a longtime Arma and original Operation Flashpoint ( I learned the Opflash editor before most kids master long division) vet who has no qualms with playing a WELL MADE brutally realistic game. Like I posted, the best retort you guys can come up with "Ur a casuwal gaming biotch, its in alpha so dat means they can make da game as bad as dey want u criebaybee!! Sak up dood!"

I like how you downgrade our criticism by quoting it incorrectly and adding a childish misspelling behaviour to it. In combination with the heavy emphasis on how you are the godsent of Arma players that has sucked up the games knowledge with his mothers milk that makes you sound kind of childish yourself.

You also seem to miss the arguement here: It's an alpha. That means the game has the right to be bad, because it's still being developed.

There is nothing more to this.

You can't take a half finished car from a factory and then complain that it doesn't have wheels.

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