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Walkie Talkies.


139 members have voted

  1. 1. Walkie talkie range?

    • 0-500m
    • 0-1km
    • 0-5km
    • 0-10km
    • Other

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Ah' date=' that's fair. I suppose it works as a means for creating a direct line between a group of people with talkies who switch to the same channel, but you could just as easily use skype.


Yeah, but do you have the skype of all the survivors in your sever? There will be plenty of people who will use TS, Skype or Ventrilo or whatever rather then a walkie talkie, i do the same thing ,but i have no way of communicating with other survivors when globat chat is removed.

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Also it will add to roleplay aspect.

Imagine checking diffrent freqeunces on radio to find somebody to communicate or call for help.

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Also it will add to roleplay aspect.

Imagine checking diffrent freqeunces on radio to find somebody to communicate or call for help.

Maybe something along the lines of a unique frequency for each walkie talkie, in order to PM someone.

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Cut from my older thread

I think that in the very least, the side channel (and global channel) should be invisible up until perhaps if the player were to obtain an item such as a walkie talkie or proprietary military device that would allow for the ability for such communication.

In the future, this could even set the basis of global tasks akin to those seen in the more traditional ARMA setting; e.g. Zombies have overrun the radio station that people are using to communicate with the side channel; a group of survivors who aren't too keen on giving up their luxury may need to go in and repair a broken cable that a rat has gnawed or something along those lines.


Dialing into another player/team's frequency would be an awesome feature to have; you never really know just who you've called and whether or not he'll help you.

How interesting it would be indeed to eavesdrop on a group of survivors when you find their frequency and manage to locate them... Enter the Stalker

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Just had about the same idea, the easiest way to implement it would be:

Just remove all chat channels except direct comms. Maybe even remove the ability to write chat at all, requiring the player to have a mic (wich basically everyone has, and if not, can get it for 2 dollars). It would be quite necessary to make the VOIP work reliably. I am usually playing with one pal on TS and each time we check if direct comm works, so we can communicate with other closeby players, but until now it didn't. I remember it only worked the first time I was playing. Since then however, I installed beta patch. Maybe it doesnt work with beta patch? Or it doesnt work with b-patch on non-b-patched servers? Clarification would be good. Some random russian seems to be able to spam the voicechat every time though.

Then make Radios give player access to all the other chat channels. Of course radios should spawn more often then (like matchboxes etc.).

I don't know if it is at all possible in the engine to control access to and or remove chatchannels (via mission). Another, more complicated option would be to make the radio actually a unique item that allows custom frequencies (while also having a public presaved freq. that everyone can "enter" via a button press on the radio or so.) I imagine it quite hard to create such a thing for ArmA though. If I remember the M203 spycam (HuntIR) from ace though, that was pretty elaborate stuff too.

For DayZ, it would be absolutely fitting and further enhancing the experience, immersion, suspense of disbelief etc. wich is what DayZ is about. Even more you feel like being all alone in a small bubble, not necessarily knowing where you are or who is where. Then finding a radio and actually getting in contact with other survivors would be a REAL relief for the player. Also, maybe it would reduce the amount of PVP currently going on (40 of 50 players seem to be having a deathmatch along the coast, shoot first, ask later etc.).

For the far future of the mod it would also be possible to include tracking devices to find location or at least triangulate the position of certain radios (do radios have some sort of ID?) to find/hunt/track people. But that would be something for far beyond 1.0 release and I am not sure if it's viable for DayZ gameplay.

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Yeah' date=' i really dont know the possibilities with this engine, and i dont think the walkie talkie should be some complicated toy with dozens of options and channels and everything, it would be cool,. but i doubt that its possible.

Yet i do think there are alot of ways you can go with a walkie talkie or other things alike.


Yeah i think it would be awesome to add something to it to make it more tactical, however thinking about how alot of people will be using teamspeak and other voice chats it shouldnt affect the use of a walkie talkie to bad.

I mainly think it should offer up more possibilities for communicating other then direct chat and teamspeak, and shouldnt have to many negative things about it.

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Could the Group chat channel come into play here? Maybe if you pick up a walkie-talkie, it has, say, 20 different channels you can switch to, and everyone who owns a walkie-talkie and is switched to a given channel is put into a Group, who can then use Group chat/voice with each other? Is that possible?

I think walkie-talkies are a great idea. Right now, the people I play with use Mumble, and I find it very immersion-breaking to be able to talk to people on the other side of the map. But if someone dies or gets split up, it's hard to get back to the rest of the group without using some sort of comms, be it global/side chat (which needs to be removed) or other third-part means (steam chat, IRC, etc.) which break immersion just as much. If a freshly-spawned player can get their hands on a walkie-talkie, that would be great for coordinating with friends.

However, since they are so useful, they would probably by somewhat rare, and likely be at military spawns, meaning they could be hard to get...but I would love it. That's the game for you! I love playing on hard mode.

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The Radio tower should be the only place you can braodcast voice or chat to everyone.

Could be cool if ppl went there to annoucne safe zones they set up and other things.

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The Radio tower should be the only place you can braodcast voice or chat to everyone.

Could be cool if ppl went there to annoucne safe zones they set up and other things.

I assume that if there is one general place where people can do this it's going to be a hunting ground for bandits and whatnot.

Thats kinda the thing i'm wondering about ,wheter or not they should be rare or how rare they should be.

If they become a really valuable tool it should be more rare, but since the walkie talkie would only work if other people have it aswell it shouldn't be to rare.

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Heres my thought on it:

Fixed radio position: You can broadkast to all who have walkie-talkies across the entire map.

Walkie-talkie: You can communicate to anyone within say 20km or so (were talking crappy civilian versions, maby military versions could have more range)

No walkie: Direct communication only (25 meters i believe)

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Just testing if i can see where my other 2 pages went

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Just testing if i can see where my other 2 pages went

See announcements. Forums were corrupted. Lost a week.

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Here's an idea: Whenever you used the Walkie Talkie, you would also be speaking in direct. Because that only makes sense, right? You are talking into it, you are speaking ingame.

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Just testing if i can see where my other 2 pages went

See announcements. Forums were corrupted. Lost a week.

Ah thanks' date=' didnt see that announcement but that explains it.


Here's an idea: Whenever you used the Walkie Talkie' date=' you would also be speaking in direct. Because that only makes sense, right? You are talking into it, you are speaking ingame.


yeah, atleast in a way that your direct environment would be aware of you conversing with someone, either through that, or through some sound that gets emitted by the use of a walkie talkie, like a tone or a beep.

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i propose random signal strength and indicator not fixed global chat spot

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Radio's could be dropped on military/police zombies, with a fixed number of channels and maximum range of 2km or something similar.

Very good idea, not sure how often i'd use it. But i'd certainly keep one on me and scan through channels in certain areas listening for trouble.

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i propose random signal strength and indicator not fixed global chat spot

Care to explain a little more?

Radio's could be dropped on military/police zombies' date=' with a fixed number of channels and maximum range of 2km or something similar.

Very good idea, not sure how often i'd use it. But i'd certainly keep one on me and scan through channels in certain areas listening for trouble.


yeah after a few comments i think a fixed range should be a good idea, also as a tool to gather intel from your surroundings, check for activity etc.

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teamspeak' date=' ventrilo, mumble bra


Please read the actual chat before you make a comment, you completely missed the point.

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Ooohh :3 Having radios would give a point to the radio tower! Where only people with control of the tower could broad cast :D

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Ooohh :3 Having radios would give a point to the radio tower! Where only people with control of the tower could broad cast :D

Adding a central point to control it seems like a bad idea, but perhaps give the radio tower some influence

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Guessing that radio towers could be the source of signal, the further away you get, to weaker the signal reducing the range of your walkie talkie or whatever.

From what i've seen i believe there is a fair amount of radio towers, varying in size, but i could be wrong about that one?

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And people who don't have the radios will just use teamspeak or another VOIP client. It's nice from a gameplay/RPG standpoint but with such an easy work around that particular game mechanic the dev's time would probably be better spent elsewhere. :/

Unfortunately you're right. Easy work around to not having a radio in game, out of game voip

Solution - Make them interesting, I'd use em for the immersion after all that's what were here for.

- Local chat alerts zombies and everyone within the area can hear you

- Walk talkies (make them as rare as say.. CZ ammo maybe) don't attract zombies (talk quietly in theory) but can be heard by other players using scanners at the base of the big antenna towers

- Scanners can intercept comms so you'd still use local chat if you wanted to be sure you weren't being listened to


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