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Humanity Information?

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I was searching around for some information on how to restore my humanity and I couldn't find a FAQ thread on how it works.

Here's my problem...

Got betrayed decided enough is enough, got CZ and murder about 6 player which landed me about -20,000 humanity. I figured it wouldn't be hard to get rid of that and bring my humanity back to 2500... WRONG.

I've tried waiting, it doesn't increase overtime.

I've tried the blood pack thing, no one will let me close enough to help them. They see me they shoot on sight.

I've tried helping other players in whichever way possible, which inevitably ends up with me getting a bullet in the head when they see my skin.

So anyone have any tips on how I can restore my humanity?

Basically do I have to get a friend on here and sit there and shoot him in the leg and do blood trans all day long? There has got to be a better alternative...

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I personally feel that humanity needs to reset (or at least go up significantly) on each spawn. I have killed people in self defense and merited myself -12000 humanity. Getting back to a normal human is going to take so long that i find myself just playing as a bandit because i am already stuck as one.

It would be a different story if people would stop shooting bandits on sight, but why would they? They're rewarded for killing bandits..with humanity!...

It's a useless system that needs to be looked at from a different perspective. If something doesn't happen soon i will probably lose interest in playing altogether. I REALLY don't want to continue playing if i can't play properly as a human.

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Agree Core

Dead do you know if the speed at which you move is dependent on restoring humanity? Not hard to lock down a key crawling through the forest and walk away for an hour.

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The more people you kill, the longer you play as Opfor.

Promotes PvP.

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Don't you gain humanity for doing blood transfusions and stuff?

Yup, but not nearly as much as you lose from killing someone.

Oh, and OP, don't try the 'shoot my friend then heal them' approach, since even shooting survivors will reduce your humanity a little.

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Does your humanity max out at a certain level from just moving around, or can you eventually get 50k just for going on a really long walK?

This bandit skin madness has to go, it makes no sense. Tracking humanity in a way that's visible only to yourself would be fine, but the bandit skins do nothing useful, as made apparent by the contrast between your character and mine. I don't play nice at all, I run with a crew that often hunts and preys on other players, but because I'm lucky enough to have all the bandit kills, and a few others in self defence, I've got more humanity than I began with.

Personally, I'd like to see bandit skins gone, and have everyone be able to choose exactly what their character wears. Evil just shouldn't be so readily apparent.

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They should change it so that when you shoot someone, regardless of your current state (bandit or not), you should go to a temporary state for a short time but only for the person you hit (like "attacking" or something). If the person you attacked then shoots back and kills you while in the temp state, then they don't loose any humanity (and gain some if you were originally a bandit).

That way you could defend yourself without loosing humanity, and would give bandits more incentive to hold people up without firing a shot (i.e. you could play as a bandit but without actually becoming one if you never fire first).

Sort of like how the criminal status worked in UltimaOnline.

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tolk: yep, that is what this game needs, a "gray" system like the one in Ultima online and

Mortal Online

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