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I have a problem..... When I try to connect to any server, it kicks me off without a reason. I updated Battleye to it's newest verion, but it still kicks me off.

I need help 'cuz I don't want to re-download on account of my bandwidth usage :c

Edited by Mongoose241

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Iv'e got the bad server version problem... Iv'e followed the forum post and still won't work, can some message me a way to fix this please

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hello i'm currently at a standstill I cannot find a single server to play on for I either get JoshWantsDayZ's Computed GUID message and then just sits their with "Wait For Host", or I join a server get through the first few loading and receiving parts, only to be stuck on what I believe to be the last Loading screen (the loading screen without the load bar), I do hope someone can help me find some kind of solution because iv'e tried just about all I can think to do and find using google and am itching to get back to some dayz.

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1. on start up i get "" Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Debbing_counterattack' ""

2. i get as i join a server "" no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgvehicle/citizen1.scope/ ""

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  • Exit Steam
  • Run Steam as Administrator
  • Right Click ARMA 2 > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache | Let it run
  • Launch ARMA 2 let the game load to the main menu, then exit.
  • Right Click ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache | Let it run
  • Right Click ARMA 2 Operation > Set Luanch Options | Remove any text that is located in there, then close it.
  • Launch ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead (NOT COMBINED OPS) let it load to the main menu then exit.
  • Get the beta file Right click > Run as Administrator and let it install.
  • Then FOLLOW this GUIDE on how to get the beta to work with steam.""""

I have tried this, and many other different ways, but they all do NOT work and I still ALWAYS get the error message "Bad Serial Number Given in Setup"

I'm beginning to loose hope, everyone says that the regedit thing works, I tried it and I cant even delete all the Arma 2 OA files in there.....I have even done a FULL re-install of my entire steam program along with Arma 2 and OA. Someone please help me. I just wanna play....

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I am not having this problem, but a friend is. 1-5 minutes after logging in he gets kicked by battle-eye for: global variable restriction #66. He is not getting banned, just kicked.

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Whenever I try to join a server with the Six Launcher, it pops up this message:

Bad serial number given in Setup

And I've been looking for ways to fix it, but haven't found any solutions.

So, I started up Steam, tried to play Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead (I haven't even played it yet, I downloaded DayZ before I even played it) and it popped up THIS error message:

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow'.

And I also looked for solutions to that, and nothing.

Somebody please help???

Thanks in Advance,


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ok i found what the problem is,

the problem was my nick name. or ingame name.

if your name has the work "code" in it , the servers will kick you as the server kicks for scripts containing "code" in them.

solved this by making my name C0DELESS

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I can't play on most servers because I cant get Chenarus update 1.62.103419. DayZ Commander says everything is up to date. DayZ Commander also says that I have Arma II 103419. Idk what's wrong :\

EDIT: It's a "Bad Version, Server rejected connection" error. Idk what to do

Edited by Walluce

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i don't know if this is the right forum for this, but...

I signed of a couple of days ago and when I logged on again i got two error messages

1. "no entry

'bin`config.bin/CFgWeapons/BAF_L85a2_UGL_Holo.BAF_L17_40mm' "

2. "Script z\addons\dayz_code\compile\wild_spawnZombies.sqf not found"

They both take turn appearing in the logging in process to the server, then tells me something went wrong, and ask me to relogg.

I have tried to reinstall the game series and to make new player profiles. I don't have any vast computer knowledge, so i anyone have any tricks or tips up their sleeve it would be appreciated.

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Доброго времени суток!

Возникла следующая проблема: Версия В игру входит, фильтрую сервера захожу на серв (вчера нормально играл на нем) нажимаю ОК и выскакивает такая надпись во время загрузки: Picture \z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa not found и появляешься в чистом поле, слышишь игроков, какое-то недолгое время и disconnect.

переустановка мода, проверка целостности кеша, заходы сначала в Арму а потом в DayZ не помогли. Подскажите плз куда этот файл подевался и как решить сию проблему. Сегодня вдруг вошел на сервер на Ru 3 - начал играть и вдруг при перебросе вещей в палатку вылетел из игры с такой же ошибкой, но смог войти обратно, а через несколько минут был забанен???????? Помогите пожалуйста разобраться с данной проблемой. (Если возможно поясните пожалуйста, за что меня забанили - отношения к читерам и им подобным никогда не имел).

С Уважением Дмитрий!

Edited by 3AKYCb

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Доброго времени суток!

Возникла следующая проблема: В игру входит, фильтрую сервера захожу на серв (вчера нормально играл на нем) нажимаю ОК и выскакивает такая надпись во время загрузки: Picture \z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa not found и появляешься в чистом поле, слышишь игроков, какое-то недолгое время и disconnect.

переустановка мода, проверка целостности кеша, заходы сначала в Арму а потом в DayZ не помогли. Подскажите плз куда этот файл подевался и как решить сию проблему. Сегодня вдруг вошел на сервер на Ru 3 - начал играть и вдруг при перебросе вещей в палатку вылетел из игры с такой же ошибкой, но смог войти обратно, а через несколько минут был забанен???????? Помогите пожалуйста разобраться с данной проблемой. (Если возможно поясните пожалуйста, за что меня забанили - отношения к читерам и им подобным никогда не имел).

С Уважением Дмитрий!

Это английская ветка Решения проблем. Русская ветка находится чуть ниже на форуме!

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Hey there community.


I have the exact same problem here, only, that it won't solve itself when I change my ingame name.

I have three ingame profiles, Including this one (FoxHound1710), [GSG9]Roach and of course the default one.


Problems are the following: 


Everytime I shoot a weapon, throw a flare/grenade or GET any type of damage, such as hit by Zombies, Battleeye kicks me immediatly with the following message: 

BatlleEye: Setveriable value restriction #95


Strangeley, I can interact with the rest of the world without problems. Picking up items, running around, entering and driving vehicles, accessing my stash and so on. Only when I get "In combat" so to speak, I get kicked.  :facepalm:

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You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip etc.'upon joining any DayZ server.

You installed the mod or the shortcut incorrectly. Make sure you add "-mod=@dayz" without quotes in the launch options and DayZ mod files are installed in the proper folder. By default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons"


I tried doing this but It still didn't work. I can log into about 30% of the servers but most of them give me this message. Can anyone help me?

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