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Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

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I really like the ultra-fast infected. It's harder to feel safe when you know they'll coming running at you from long distances, forcing you to think on your feet and react (correctly) fast.

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for people saying the slow zombies aren't a threat. Picture yourself running passed a shit load of zombies into like the apartment buildings, you didnt even think to close the door because "fuck it".

This horde of zombies have now come into the apartment you ran into blocking in the exits while your trapped in the corner a room.

add that + a struggle mechanic that gives a chance for a zombie to grab you making you immoble until you kill them to get them off you to make it go back down to normal. Then if another zombie joins in, the struggle meter goes up ect, your getting hit and damaged but if you get too many on you at once it fills up and you get pushed to the ground and eaten.

BAM (obviously people say the game cant handle that many zombies but, I think its a cool idea)

Edited by Guest

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for people saying the slow zombies aren't a threat. Picture yourself running passed a shit load of zombies into like the apartment buildings, you didnt even think to close the door because "fuck it".

This horde of zombies have now come into the apartment you ran into blocking in the exits while your trapped in the corner a room.

add that + a struggle mechanic that gives a chance for a zombie to grab you making you immoble until you kill them to get them off you to make it go back down to normal. Then if another zombie joins in, the struggle meter goes up ect, your getting hit and damaged but if you get too many on you at once it fills up and you get pushed to the ground and eaten.

BAM (obviously people say the game cant handle that many zombies but, I think its a cool idea)

maybe Arma 3 can, we don't know right now

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Ok, travel faster than the speed of light. Not everything is possible and not NEARLY everything is PLAUSIBLE. A virus that readily mutates its hosts into superhuman creatures or changes/enhances the behaviors/senses to anything above normal human activity at the current time (or near future). Brain capacity is lessened. Of everything that science has observed, there is no readily available evidence of anything NEARLY like that, so its sudden development would be highly improbable.

The most likely outcome would be slow, movement impaired animals. There is a possibility that muscular fitness and age would have something to do with it, but there are not going to be super-powered hulks or acid-spitting mutants. And this doesn't even take into account the Russian demographics.

Russia is currently in its worst population decline ever (http://www.telegraph...on-decline.html) and that means that soon, the majority of their population will be elderly. Their bones frail and most not over-fed as Russia is also in a semi-repression/depression. This puts a lot of slow, saggy, shambling corpses roaming around Russia. They will not mutate more powerful muscles, nor will they develop sentry or pack-hunting skills.

The most logical route for zombies is for there to be (relatively) a lot (Just enough to average the population of their spawn area, be it industrial/rural/urban etc.) of slow, shambling, not-coordinated, and averagely built zombies.

Put this in a bad thread. I whole-heartedly agree with what you said! The Walking Dead/Romero zombies are the best, most logical choice.

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That video in the OP was simply amazing.

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I agree that the animations from the Undead Mod are amazing. That struggling shamble is awesome. I also agree that having a mixture of runners and shamblers would up the fear factor. And, lastly, I think - get rid of the Benny Hill zombies, make them run at normal speed, and make all zombies headshot kill only, with maybe the breakable legs mechanic like survivors have.

Maybe reduce ammo loot spawning as well, so bullets are more valuable.

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one of the massive limiting factors to slow zombies, is that the engine cannot handle large enough hordes to ever become a threat if they are slow. even 1500 zombies in the size of the current map is nowhere near enough to become a threat.

the other problem is, what slow zombies represent vs fast ones in other aspects, such as psycological. rocket has went pretty in depth with this over the course of many posts. fast zombies work for todays mindset far more then slow ones.

the other problem with slow zombies, is even in large numbers, they generally never become a threat, until you give them extream numbers (such as 5 zombies witin every few feet of the player at any time) no more room in hell does this nicly, but it is vastly smaller maps, so its easy to crowed.

also id really love to not refer to slow zombies as romaro zombies, the guy did a couple of good movies, but then he ruined them b having zombeis develop feelings, the ability to play instruments, and work firearms, yeah he did some major thigns for zombies, but he did alot of really really terrible things too.

I joined a server with 2,589 zombies before no lag whatsoever and it was a foreign server and no lag at all.

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I just consider them 28 days later type zombies which are really just people with advanced rabies or something. I only like George A movies but 28 days ISN'T a zombie movie and this is why I love it. Cilian Murphy and the little girls Dad are awesome actors.

But this also explains why one or two bullets will kill them instead of it always being a headshot. It should just be left like this.

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Slow zombies, head shots.

It's a different type of scary. It's a survival scary, not a "OH SHIT" scary.

It's a never being able to feel safe scary. A relentless, innumerable fear of inevitability.

Maybe make zombies able to alert one another. This would draw a huge amount of them, shambling, jaws gaping, moans echoing, towards any disturbance and most likely, your tasty flesh.

Fast zombies are a target to shoot at, slow, numerous zombies are a game mechanic, an ever-ticking timer of mortality, and exactly what this game deserves.

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I prefer standard shufflers but there's a place for runners too. The best description i heard in a zombie movie (i forget which one) was that the runners are freshly turned zed's where as the slow movers have decomposition & rigor mortis setting in etc.

I agree. The further along the decomposition timeline, the slower they get. Just remember Rule #1 CARDIO :)

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I would love slow zombies in the woods! Imagine a sniper who is killing for teh lolz and a zombie is aproaching very slowly step by step and then him ate the sniper face :D

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This is what we need:

A few slow crawlers or "Shamblers" Would be nice too. I just like the feel of running zombies. That is my opinion though.

You may have to skip through the video a bit to see the actual zombies :P Sorry it was the best one I saw, featuring the night fear feeling.

Note how all the zombies pathfinding programming aren't buggered up.

Edited by AntiSaint

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If they're going to only walk they need to actually prove a threat with damage and health.

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This is what we need:

A few slow crawlers or "Shamblers" Would be nice too. I just like the feel of running zombies. That is my opinion though.

You may have to skip through the video a bit to see the actual zombies :P Sorry it was the best one I saw, featuring the night fear feeling.

Note how all the zombies pathfinding programming aren't buggered up.

What I like about the atmosphere in that mod is the 'slow and steady' type gameplay.

Everything seems so speed up in DayZ when you (and all other players) are sprinting all over and forever across the map and the zeds are flying across the screen at 20 km/h whenever aggroed. Add to that you are always traveling and are usually geared just a few minutes after a respawn. You become careless and the atmosphere becomes incredibly game-y after playing 50+ hours.

I love DayZ and all, but I would appreciate a more serious atmosphere. I want more "life" in the world, especially at night. I want a burning campfire, or a lit house powered by a generator in the dark night to inflict a sense of hope and comfort in players and not "Players! Loot!". Seeing that broadcast tower being lit up and that computer up top running gave a sense of the world being alive or at least not completely empty.

I realize DayZ Chernarus is supposed to be dead and deserted, but even with 100 players surviving in that 225km^2 it is still always just dark and dead. Stumbling upon a band of bandits only happens through NVGs or during daylight.

I guess I just want more possibilities for organization and a more serious pace of gameplay. The infected plays a part in it. Their animations and pathfinding should maybe be prioritized.

The testing of DayZ becomes more enjoyable and there could finally be some valuable feedback on the atmosphere, since it will heavily change with tweaks of infected AI and texture, making feedback right not useless on that aspect of that game.

Sorry for getting a little sidetracked. But when it comes to the infected AI more specifically, I think they should be exactly as fast as the player while a stamina-system stops you from sprinting forever. I think there should be a "fuck fuck fuck fuck" panic feeling when aggroing (and please make ammo more valueable, resulting in wanting to try loose the zeds instead) because you need to be smart about where you make your turns. The zed is not getting tired, but you are.

Edited by Athrins
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I would like having both fast and slow zombies and different types (young/old, slim/fat, small/large, injured, crippled ones)

I think hunger zombies should move slower, some should be in the throes of death and only be a threat if you are very cose to them and well feed zombies should move faster having more energy.

Edited by Wili

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In my opinion, it's like the difference between No More Room in Hell, and Left 4 Dead.

They each have different dangers and fears.

I have felt both the horrible "Oh God, I'm going to die..." as I used my last few pistol rounds available as the walkers corner me in a hallway, and the unintelligable moment of terror as you get pinned to the ground out of nowhere by a hunter, or turn a corner to have a charger destroy you.

I'm for both, honestly. I don't know if I could decide. It's fear, for sure, but it is a different fear, and fear affects people differently. Some people don't find walkers scary, and some people just don't jump to surprises.

We can't cater to the whole community, but we can go for the majority, and what fits the theme.

My vote to the Romero Walker. The last 30 seconds of your human existance ticking away along with your ammo count, your character screams "No more mags!' (Thank you, NMRIH, for that phrase, which has killed my hopes too many times to count.) as you throw your spent handgun to the ground and you watch with horror as you are holding on for dear life with your machete, even though you know in your heart and soul you have no chance that you will ever escape the corner you have become entrenched in, and nothing will stop the zombie in your face from grabbing you, and biting you to death, as you become one of them.

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Slow zombies are only a threat, when you're forced to take shelter. In DayZ, when players are exhausted they log off and go to sleep. If you guys remember the browser game Urban Dead, you'd get an action point every 30 minutes and you'd basically make sure you took shelter, before you ran out of action points or had to leave the game for several hours. Sometimes you're log in to find the mall you were barricaded in, being breached and zombie players busy killing afk players.

Slow zombies only work, if players are forced to stop and rest ingame.

Edited by Dallas

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I think rocket mentionned in an interview that it will be a mix of walkers and runners. It depend on how long they have been infected. If they are rotten they walk slowly and if they have just been infected they run. Exactly like in the walking dead.



Edited by Nikiller

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I personally prefer the slower headshot only zombies however if you look in things like the walking dead they can come to a jog. I think implementing a far larger zombie population and having varied decomposition so that some will be stumbling and some will be going perhaps as fast as a crouch run. Of course numbers and headshot only is a must for these kind of zombies. You don't need copious amounts for them to be dangerous. Think about 10-15 moderately paced zeds coming towards you and you must take them out by headshot. How many can you take out before they're right upon you. So you'd need to move away from the zeds and in doing so will likely run into more and more. Personally I think the game would be much improved with the slower zeds but unfortunately I see them keeping the rage infected which I'm sorry rocket are not zombies - not simply because they run but it's the headshot that almost defines a zombie. Destroy the brain. ATM what we have in DayZ is a rage virus NOT zombie virus.

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