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Frozen (DayZ)

Guns? Why need guns?

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Your basically making this game into dead island. In dead island the zombies didnt run and they don't horde you as much as compared to DayZ. Rocked was inspired by Dead Island AND Left 4 Dead... and left4dead uses guns only. So I believe he's trying to incorporate both games + his own preferance.

I dont think removing weapons + ammo to the extent your saying would make the game better. -1 to this

and what is bad about when DayZ was inspired by Dead Island? and if you say that in Dead Island zombies arent fast and donsnt run in horde, you probably dint play the game. and i cant remember hordes in DayZ. Left 4 Dead 2 have melee, and since Dead Island came after l4d2, Rocket could have been inspired by it.

and noone talking about removing firearms, just make them rare as morphine outside hospitals.

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and what is bad about when DayZ was inspired by Dead Island? and if you say that in Dead Island zombies arent fast and donsnt run in horde, you probably dint play the game. and i cant remember hordes in DayZ. Left 4 Dead 2 have melee, and since Dead Island came after l4d2, Rocket could have been inspired by it.

and noone talking about removing firearms, just make them rare as morphine outside hospitals.

What part of 'the engine wasn't built for melee' don't you understand?

It's all fine and dandy if DayZ was based off of Madden 2012. But there aren't any football mechanics in ARMA II. So it won't work until it's ironed out.

Edited by KWilt

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I think what OP is trying to say is that not every house has a gun granted this is a rural Russian location, but countless people already looted those buildings so guns would be significantly harder to find if this were a real situation. I have at least 20 different items I can use to beat the living shit out of somebody within arms reach at the moment.. I support

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What part of 'the engine wasn't built for melee' don't you understand?

and that is your only argument? its not the engine, its ArmA2 wasnt built for melee, wich is kinda retarded for military simulator, because in case of war knife is your best friend. but thats not the point.

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I think what OP is trying to say is that not every house has a gun granted this is a rural Russian location, but countless people already looted those buildings so guns would be significantly harder to find if this were a real situation. I have at least 20 different items I can use to beat the living shit out of somebody within arms reach at the moment.. I support

wow. i dint expect someone will throw something like this. yep that is one of ideas that drives me out this thread.

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and that is your only argument? its not the engine, its ArmA2 wasnt built for melee, wich is kinda retarded for military simulator, because in case of war knife is your best friend. but thats not the point.

Please, oh intelligent sir, tell me what what games the engine runs on have the use of melee weapons in frequency. Please, oh please, name one.

(And I'll give you a hint: The engine was built for ARMA II. So if ARMA II isn't built for melee...)

Edited by KWilt

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Please, oh intelligent sir, tell me what what games the engine runs on have the use of melee weapons in frequency. Please, oh please, name one.

(And I'll give you a hint: The engine was built for ARMA II. So if ARMA II isn't built for melee...)

Unreal Engine was built for FPS, so its not possible to create games with other genre on this engine.

recognize the style?

i`ve already explained about melee in current state of project, and the most possible workaround. if you cant read i cant help you.

Edited by Frozen

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Unreal Engine

Stopped reading there.

That's not how you spell "Real Virtuality".

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as it was said many times before, arma doesnt have a melee system in it, so thats why it isnt perfect

i like the idea of less weapon and ammo, fire weapons are way too common in this game,

it would be better if military weapon changed rarity to very rare

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i`ve noticed that.

Well, since you're going to act like an ass and ignore my point there, let's drop back to your former point.

What are your claimed 'workarounds'? Saying 'fix melee weapons' isn't exactly a work around, skippy.

Also, slightly off-topic, but I'd love to know what alse DayZ was inspired by. Hopefully you've remembered by now. It's been a day and a half.

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Well, since you're going to act like an ass and ignore my point there, let's drop back to your former point.

What are your claimed 'workarounds'? Saying 'fix melee weapons' isn't exactly a work around, skippy.

Also, slightly off-topic, but I'd love to know what alse DayZ was inspired by. Hopefully you've remembered by now. It's been a day and a half.

i see your point, you say that engine cant handle melle. but i could handle this if changes to engine were made, wich is almost impossible in current state of the game.

not complete workaround already made - melee its a gun that shoots 1 bullet at melee range. its would be fine if accuracy penalty for melee were removed, wich seems cant be done atm. but should be done if game become standalone or part of arma3(not sure about this part though).

and for offtopic question you can read first page

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i see your point, you say that engine cant handle melle. but i could handle this if changes to engine were made, wich is almost impossible in current state of the game.

not complete workaround already made - melee its a gun that shoots 1 bullet at melee range. its would be fine if accuracy penalty for melee were removed, wich seems cant be done atm. but should be done if game become standalone or part of arma3(not sure about this part though).

So, pretty much, you're asking rocket to rewrite the whole combat system, simply so we can have melee weapons. As in, change so much about the engine, simply to compensate for melee weapons. But then go on to say that you understand it's impossible in the current state of the game. But still continue to lobby for this suggestion.

Excuse me while I'm utterly confused.

If the game goes standalone, I'll agree. But I'll go back to the first post I made in this topic, and that's as far as any argument is going to sway for me. It's just not feasible for rocket to have to rewrite so much just for the addition of maybe ten or so weapons, at the most. The melee system we have at the moment, with maybe a little polish and shine, is the best you're going to get. Unless you want to change melee attacks to the middle mouse, which may be completely cool for you, but I'd rather not burn out my scroll wheel just because I can't find a gun.

So until we get a standalone release (or BIS goes insane and decides to put in a melee component into ARMA III) it's just nothing more than a pipedream, because I guarantee it's coding suicide.

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I'd prefer more melee, it is a shame the engine doesn't support it as it would be far more realistic and with various other changes (zombie AI etc.) it would encourage cooperation.

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So, pretty much, you're asking rocket to rewrite the whole combat system, simply so we can have melee weapons.

pretty much yes. i`m not asking to do it right now, but when it become possible. and such change will fit the game just fine.

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sorry, but I cannot read everything you all posted here. (i'm at work...)

but here are my 5cents to the idea of reducing guns:

it's (after the update) already hard enough to play, reducing guns would only help the existing elite players. they would hord guns and as a new spawned player the only thing left is being a helpless victim to the armed ones out there.


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More melee use is not realistic, and it is hard to add more melee weapons that work with such a buggy engine that does not support melee weapons.

Taking into account realism, it seems most people think melee weapons (like knives) are all powerful superweapons at close range. They aren't. Infact, without proper training, I doubt anyone in this forum can kill a man with a knife before he unloads an entire magazine of 30 rounds, SEMIAUTO, into you. Slice his throat? Cool, now he has ~30 seconds or more to kill you with his gun. Hit him in the stomach with a pitchfork? Awesome, let's just hope the shock doesn't cause him to blow you away. Have you even hit anything with a fireaxe? Cool item you can use as a weapon, but it won't lop off arms and legs, or do much more than create a fatal wound on a target that will have plenty of time to shoot you to death (unless you somehow hit a person in the head, and in reality, good luck with pulling that off).

I liked Dead Island, but like many recent zombie games the thing was based around horribly unrealistic melee concepts. Also, these zombies aren't half rotting undead, they are ALIVE infected people, with what seem to be increased muscle strength and a decreased sight capability (compared to people). Have you tried taking on a crowd with just an axe? You come out bleeding with a lot of missing blood, or dead, unless you exploit slowed zombies indoors or get lucky.

Ending that, I would agree that AMMUNITION, not weapons, needs a reduction. Guns don't simply disappear because their owner died, and people leave perfectly usable guns laying around based on the absense of ammo, not because 100 rounds made the gun suddenly disappear. Guns would be found anywhere there were people (ignoring, of course, places were the government steal the ability of ranged self defense from individuals, but this place isn't one of those locales). Adding more melee weapons? Might happen. Basing the game more on melee and less on firearms? That won't happen, and I don't support it either.

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More melee use is not realistic, and it is hard to add more melee weapons that work with such a buggy engine that does not support melee weapons.

Taking into account realism, it seems most people think melee weapons (like knives) are all powerful superweapons at close range. They aren't. Infact, without proper training, I doubt anyone in this forum can kill a man with a knife before he unloads an entire magazine of 30 rounds, SEMIAUTO, into you. Slice his throat? Cool, now he has ~30 seconds or more to kill you with his gun. Hit him in the stomach with a pitchfork? Awesome, let's just hope the shock doesn't cause him to blow you away. Have you even hit anything with a fireaxe? Cool item you can use as a weapon, but it won't lop off arms and legs, or do much more than create a fatal wound on a target that will have plenty of time to shoot you to death (unless you somehow hit a person in the head, and in reality, good luck with pulling that off).

I liked Dead Island, but like many recent zombie games the thing was based around horribly unrealistic melee concepts. Also, these zombies aren't half rotting undead, they are ALIVE infected people, with what seem to be increased muscle strength and a decreased sight capability (compared to people). Have you tried taking on a crowd with just an axe? You come out bleeding with a lot of missing blood, or dead, unless you exploit slowed zombies indoors or get lucky.

almost no guns and lots melee "weapons" is actually realistic scenario. why? because there is no official back story, and thus it could be a country with peaceful citizens, that dont have guns so common. and it also seems that Chernarus is agricultural country, and thus agricultural tools should pretty common.

i also doubt that most of this forum can kill a person even with a gun. but here killing is common.

30 rounds semi auto? what is that gun? guns with such mag capacity usually have full auto mode

zed here are still humans(biologically but not by state of mind), but they are driven mad, and in most cases they run towards you mindlessly, and with axe(or something similar) you can easily knock them down with one precise hit, and chop(smash) their head off.

knife ist better that nothing, and against an armed person raise chances greatly

and noone was talking about cutting horde with an axe. even in tight corridor, cuz in real scenario they will just zerg you. but against one zed it rise your chances close to 100%

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Given the overabundance of firearms players are left with no alternative than shooting rather than using their brains. I liked the the scene in The walking Dead where they found out that using melee weapons is more useful for them than shooting around like crazy. First it conserved their ammo and second it was a stealthy kill. As long as i have 1000 rounds of ammo for my fancy M4 SOPMOD that shouldn't be there in the first place i'd rather shoot than use an axe which would be risky for me because i could break a bone and because i'm an ammo junky i wouldn't have any space left for a morphine shot let alone for food and water anyway.

Edited by Enforcer

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