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Ander (DayZ)

Experimental test patch

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As ArmA X user I could finally join even with 94444. Char was resetted but I can live with that.

Rolling back to 1.7.2 -> Stuck on loading :/

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I tried last night, no problems loading, spawned with all my stuff.

Zombies seemed easier to agro, but it's realistic this way.

Still lots of barbedwire around but that won't change unless it's removed.

All in all it seems to be much better than and the loading is more stable than 1.7.2

Going to try and jump on another server right now.. will report more when I'm done.

(or if I can't get in)

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I tried this beta patch out yesterday, and I must say my game has never run better. I actually did good too, I found a winchester 1866 and a makarov! Now hopefully I don't die and lost it all! lol

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Repeating this since people miss it: FPS drop is due to zombie/object clean-up not being performed. Is fixed by re-logging in.

Server login times goes up when zombie and object count keep going up but you'll join eventually - just takes long when the server is bogged down.

"Rollbacks" seems to be related to server being bogged down and not had time to send update to DB about the changes.

Location update when aborting out isnt properly saved currently. We know about this so no need to report it again :)

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can anyone confirm what was said a few pages back about guille suits being fixed please?

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Was on the server for 3/4 hours this afternoon.

Infected not functioning, OK known,,, kill em will not add to kill count ! (can still take loot).

Gutting animals, ok. Not being able to open their assets to take steaks...not working.

1 chicken & 2 goats = zero steaks.

Is that due to server stress.

Just asking.

Good game.

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why don't you test it out and see if its fixed?[talking to the guy who asked about ghillies]

Edited by keosan24

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Weird stuff is: Sometimes, infected appear to get aggro'd even if there is no one that could possibly draw their attention. They'll just start sprinting and after a while, they stand still and don't move anymore. Also in general, there are a lot of infected just standing or crouching doing litterally nothing.

At least I can play again (ArmA X user)

Edited by EpeeNoire

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Ander, could you pretty please (with sugar on top) give us an ETA on the hotfix?

Edited by ED-E

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Well, the hotfix does not cure my issue. I am currently getting stuck at the last "loading" screen on every server. Im running the latest beta patch. I posted a detailed description in the bug reports. Last night i copied the battleeye folder from the OA / Expansion folder to just the OA folder and it let me in, then this morning I couldnt. Ive reinstalled, done manul install, six launcher, dayz updater, and none have solved the issue. I use the OA disc and arma 2 steam. Could this be an issue with my player ID like I was having with everything after 93965?

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After about 2h of playing everything was mostly fine. The zeds dont move on the coast at all or in the cities next to the coast. After heading further inland I noticed the movment and agresivnes near Pusta. Got to Mogilevka and got screwed over by the respawn rate of zombies near a crash site. After dispatching quite a few zeds and eating up two mags for the lee enfield I aproached the crash site. No weapons. Why spawn gods , why treat me like this. Immidietly about 5 zeds spawned and ate me up.

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Is rolling back to going to cause issues for my character? The test server I was on is no longer online... skipping 1.7.2 because I don't want to lose my ghillie if I can avoid it

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i'm still stuck at loading screen...

ArmaX user.... any offical words for this problem?

they doint know wtf they are doing


been broken for months and no real fixes at all

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Hi Guys,

I have a lil problem. I can ONLY play on SE 3 1.7.2 test server. I get an error by starting OA.

It says Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Missons_BAF_2'.

I can join every other server but then i get a stuck @ loading screen.

pls help

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It sounds to me like they've incorporated an animation file from one of the other Arma 2 dlcs, one that some people won't have. I have it because I got "Combined Operations" on Steam, but if you have ArmaX then I'm not sure it will be installed.. Have they made ArmaX players incompatible?

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I played awhile this morning and didn't notice any of the issues with my zombie kill count or with skinning animals.

I killed a chicken and got a raw meat, every zombie I killed counted on the counter, and my loading was almost fine.

I did get stuck at loading at one point and had to kill the process to escape, but when I tried again I got in no problem.

I did get hit at one point and started bleeding, which would be normal except there were no visible zeds at the time, though I did have a pretty high ping, so it could have been related to that.

Aside from that, I also found zeds agro from much further away than in, I was paying attention to my visibility at the time though and it was pretty high, so it made sense at least. It was fairly easy to lose them though. At one point, I led a train of 5-10 zombies into a barn and managed to lose them all without any worries, so the line of sight thing is working pretty well.

As for zeds running indoors, didn't happen for me.. they still slow to a walk when they hit the threshold of the building.. thank god! :P

Anyway, I'm extremely happy with where this is headed. You guys are doing a fantastic job! :)

Edited by Cyanyde

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The test server is nuts. Most of the time I could just run through town and only aggro 1 or 2 zombies that were pretty easy to kill. If it wasnt for the massive FPS drop while in town I would kept playing but 10 +/- FPS just couldnt cut it lol

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Not sure if anyone has asked this yet...

Is this the hotfix I have been waiting to login for? Last I logged out I was wearing a ghille and I dont want to loose all my stuff. Not logging in until I am told it's safe again.

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Not sure if anyone has asked this yet...

Is this the hotfix I have been waiting to login for? Last I logged out I was wearing a ghille and I dont want to loose all my stuff. Not logging in until I am told it's safe again.

looking at servers via sixlauncher there are only 12 servers running this hotfix - as far as I am aware its not been released for publicly for servers to update?

someone more official could give you a more official answer :)

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Not sure if anyone has asked this yet...

Is this the hotfix I have been waiting to login for? Last I logged out I was wearing a ghille and I dont want to loose all my stuff. Not logging in until I am told it's safe again.

You wont lose all your stuff. You will only lose the ghillie suite. But the hell dont try to put on a new one...

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It works (mostly)!

Using ARMA X 94700

Was having huge Loading screen problems, could maybe get into a game 1 out of 20 attempts. Now made it in 2 out of 3 times with < 1min wait at either Character Create or Loading.

Not had long to play but bugs found were respawn didn't work - just left me on You Are Dead screen.

When I disconnected and rejoined I was already half dead with zombies all over me.

Thanks for geting an ARMA X user reliably into the game again though, all going in the right direction :-)

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