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Ander (DayZ)

Experimental test patch

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Logged on to this test server for the second time 5 mins ago - I reappeared in a totally different location to where I logged off. Weirdly though I kept all the loot I had round AFTER leaving the location I was in when I logged back in (ie I went to a supermarket, looted, appartments looted, hospital looted etc etc. I log back in and I am in the supermarket again but kept all the stuff I had looted after being their for the first time)

I suppose this is an improvement on logging in and being in the same place but having no gear :D

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Went back into the test server, did my best shooting every single zed I came across (not sure if that helps making more respawn).

I fell down from a chimney and after passing out (shock, broken leg, bleeding, 2K damage, seemed low damage btw, I fell down from a chimney, 15 m. maybe?) the game volume got really really low but never recovered when shocked status went away. I consulted with other players and some guy got shock and passed out on login and had the same audio issue (no broken leg or bleeding). Permanent low volume after passing out with shocked status.

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Went back into the test server, did my best shooting every single zed I came across (not sure if that helps making more respawn).

I fell down from a chimney and after passing out (shock, broken leg, bleeding, 2K damage, seemed low damage btw, I fell down from a chimney, 15 m. maybe?) the game volume got really really low but never recovered when shocked status went away. I consulted with other players and some guy got shock and passed out on login and had the same audio issue (no broken leg or bleeding). Permanent low volume after passing out with shocked status.

Old bug. Relog should help.

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Was only able to hop on for a few minutes. Late notice, gotta get up in the morning.

What I noticed:

Frames dropped dramatically when nearing a town (presumably as infected are spawning - could be related to high ping for me on that server)

Many infected standing around idle is odd places. Not sure if intended.

I was enjoying the random from out of nowhere infected attacks in 1.7.2. I didn't have any of that while testing 2.1 but I was spotted from behind at around 50 give or take meters multiple times (infected walking away from me/back completely to me)

Bout all I had time to notice.

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I'm not ble to join at all. Just got the files, extracted them into my @dayz/addons folder but after i join the server it just says that my version is wrong and that i am using 1.7.2 instead of the required


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Server seemed to load me in instantly. Didn't lose my gear, spawned where I logged out on 1.7.2.

I played for about an hour. I didn't notice a huge difference, except in the "Smoothness" department. I was on 500ms the entire time and it just felt natural somehow.

I went around NE Airfield, shot a few zombies. Couldn't help but notice a lot of them idling though, not sure if this has been noted before.

I would like to try it out again, but the thing is since there is no changelog, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking out for.


* [FIXED] Infected attack those they cannot see ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/36375 )

* [FIXED] Wearing clothes makes you invisible ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/36371 )

* [FIXED] New authentication method causing lockups on full servers (Reverted use of publicVariableServer)

* [FIXED] Pressing ALT key caused spamming of server sync ( No longer spams for sync'ing a character )

If this is truely all that has been changed, then my only response would have to be "Yep, s'alright."

Edited by Snort

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I'm not ble to join at all. Just got the files, extracted them into my @dayz/addons folder but after i join the server it just says that my version is wrong and that i am using 1.7.2 instead of the required


Same here... Wtf are we doing wrong? I WANNA PLAY!

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It says that I'm running an incorrect version of DAYZ_CODE when I try to join the server... Wtf wtf

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i cant join any server higher than beta93965

tried 1.7.2 with beta 9444 = no chance to play

tried with beta94700 = no chance to play

iv got ArmAX

here´s the error i got when i tried to connect (allways loading)

*** Player identity cannot be applied on person 2:0 (1d5ee040# 1055158: proxy_man.p3d REMOTE) - player 1799648825 not found
Client: Object 2:6 (type Type_89) not found.
"PLOGIN: Initating"
"PLOGIN: Player Model Exists"
"PLOGIN: Player Ready"
"PLOGIN: Requesting Authentication... (my ID ..AX)"
"PLOGIN: authenticated with : [,[],[],[0,0,0],,"","",true,]"
"PLOGIN: Model was empty, loading as survivor"
Error in expression <_isNew>
Error position: <_isNew>
Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: _isnew
"Attempting to switch model"
"Swichtable Unit Created. Equipment:"
"Attempting Phase two..."
Error in expression <_myBackpackWpns = [];
dayzLogin2 = [_charID,player,_playerUID];
Error position: <_charID,player,_playerUID];
Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: _charid
had to close the game taskmanager

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 006A1B03
Allocator: E:\Bohemia Interactive\Expansion\beta\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll
graphics: D3D9, Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti , Driver:nvd3dum.dll
resolution: 2520x1575x32

Edited by peppa

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Zeds behaviour is knackered. Many many are stuck and cannot move. i know they have been 'broke' intentionally, but i think that meant just would not despawn. Presently the majority cannot move.. they will attack and aggro if you walk right up to them but as they cant move an inch they just stand there waving their arms...

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1000 zombies :D epic, this can be a fun beta test run :D

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I`ll try this one out soon..

Just wondering.. if i make a new profile in arma 2 (where you create character) on main menu.. wouldnt that let me play this patch without loosing my gear on my other profile right? then i can play on my other(main) profile when things are a little more stable.

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I`ll try this one out soon..

Just wondering.. if i make a new profile in arma 2 (where you create character) on main menu.. wouldnt that let me play this patch without loosing my gear on my other profile right? then i can play on my other(main) profile when things are a little more stable.


your cd key = your character. There will be only one character per key

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How about the vehicels? Did they all respawn or are they still saved?

I played on SE 3 in 1.7.2 and found a couple of vehicels with my friends.

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A few things i encountered:

1. Spawned as a new character

2. Side Channel is activated

3. I hear flies everywhere but no bodys at all

4. Some zombies not aggroing

5. Some zombies aggroing from extremly high range even if I was lying on the floor in the grass

6. Zombies not despawning

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1. Most Zeds on the Cost can't move. If you stand realy near to them they will still hit you. Further inland they became more active.

2. One Zed atacked me crouching with a vision of 12 or 18 over a very long range.

3. Most Weapons don't spawn with ammunition near them. I only found one Crossbow with 6! Bolts on the same loot pile.

4. I encountered heavy lag or low fps at the time the Zed count raised to 11XX of 1499.

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i cant join any server higher than beta93965

tried 1.7.2 with beta 9444 = no chance to play

tried with beta94700 = no chance to play

iv got ArmAX

here´s the error i got when i tried to connect (allways loading)

*** Player identity cannot be applied on person 2:0 (1d5ee040# 1055158: proxy_man.p3d REMOTE) - player 1799648825 not found
Client: Object 2:6 (type Type_89) not found.
"PLOGIN: Initating"
"PLOGIN: Player Model Exists"
"PLOGIN: Player Ready"
"PLOGIN: Requesting Authentication... (my ID ..AX)"
"PLOGIN: authenticated with : [,[],[],[0,0,0],,"","",true,]"
"PLOGIN: Model was empty, loading as survivor"
Error in expression <_isNew>
Error position: <_isNew>
Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: _isnew
"Attempting to switch model"
"Swichtable Unit Created. Equipment:"
"Attempting Phase two..."
Error in expression <_myBackpackWpns = [];
dayzLogin2 = [_charID,player,_playerUID];
Error position: <_charID,player,_playerUID];
Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: _charid
had to close the game taskmanager

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 006A1B03
Allocator: E:\Bohemia Interactive\Expansion\beta\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll
graphics: D3D9, Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti , Driver:nvd3dum.dll
resolution: 2520x1575x32

same problem here!

edit: where can i find this logfile? i'm just gettin the mentioned error message for a few seconds while loading.

Edited by NoHopeNoFear

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- will tents and vehicles retrieved in your server remain after the EXPERIMENTAL testing?

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Well 1100 live zombies seems to be more than my PC/connection can handle. I was losing a lot of FPS in towns.

Consistently taking 'longer than normal' to spawn also. Sitting on the green 'loading' text more than usual, but it does get in every time.

Edited by Rogan

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