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Day Z is insulting to vegans (and animals)

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As a RL vegan

As a real life vegan (and I am only a mere real life vegetarian), I cannot believe that you don't subsist on beans and pasta alone!

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This post was parodying the "DayZ is insulting to transgendered people" thread.

The thread starts off the same, ends the same, changing the words to make it sound even more lolsy.

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WaitWaitWaitwaitwait, wait. So you're not a Rocket Loving vegan?

Haha, yes!

Only spinach for me.

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HMMMM.. I see what you did thur, nice copy pasting OP ... I lolled at your transgender post aswell

You are funny but not enough to post the same thing twice in such a short period :), give it up dude.

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I think this user has shed some new light on a Z-Apocalypse Survival scenario.

VEGANS will be the 2nd inline to die, after obese people.

Edited by Dave_

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Google who give you the option of using search engines that haven't been tested on animals.


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Excuse the developer for creating a game that wasn't intended for everyone, it's not like you have to play it. If you really find yourself with this much free time why don't you make your own zombie game where meat doesn't exist and everyone frolics in the fields holding hands and smelling dayz (pun intended).

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This post was parodying the "DayZ is insulting to transgendered people" thread.

The thread starts off the same, ends the same, changing the words to make it sound even more lolsy.

^ this

How can no one understand the OP was just being funny?

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But what you can do is, don't buy DayZ. Download it for free, because it's a free mod.


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Gotta love all the people who don't realize that this is a mockery of another thread.

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Quit pointing out the obvious! You're ruining our fun >.>

I mean...uh...yeah...DayZ is mean to vegans, mm'k?

Jesus Christ! :P

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I took the time to read the whole thing just so I could laugh twice as hard, at the beginning I could tell it was to be some activist bull crap but I just kept on reading. The more I read the more I smirked, Murder of animals BAHAHAHA. If you can't handle the simple fact that this is a violent game then simply don't play it no one is forcing you to. First of all I am a firm believer in animal cruelty being wrong, cows are animals as well but food is food. And if you were in a "real" apocalypse not only would people be munching on animal's meat but people would even lower to the desperation of eating other people. So before crying about how this game is insulting vegan's remember it is only a game and not everything has to apply to ones beliefs.

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Called this in the LGBT thread.

Side note, there is not a single vegan alive who is not batshit crazy and deluded. That is just a known fact.

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Side note, there is not a single vegan alive who is not batshit crazy and deluded. That is just a known fact.

I beg to differ. Some vegans refrain from eating animal products because there is some evidence that eating plant-based products is healthier for them. I happen to agree with this, and find most corporate-owned meat processing plants are far unhealthier than free range and wild game.


When it comes to the ones that refuse because they claim 'animal cruelty' and want to boycott the industry and ban hunting and that sort of thing, I'm with you 100%. THOSE are the types that just aren't right.

Edited by Captain Q

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