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Been seeing this word thrown around alot...

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Since when has DayZ been about balance? This is, as I understand it, trying to be a Zombie Apocalypse Simulation, and in the real world there is no balance. Let me name a few things that make the game unbalanced:

1. We start with nothing, anyone who has been alive long enough to get gear has the advantage over us.

2. Wire fences are overflowing in spawns, tool kits are rare.

3. All the best gear spawns in ONE SINGLE SPOT (By which I mean night vision, big sniper weapons, etc at NWAF)

Now these are just what I can think of with the few seconds I have right now. Also you have just added Bear Traps to the game. Don't remove a weapon for being "OP" and then add something that YOU KNOW people are going to put at any given rare loot spawn to aid in their camping of it.

Think about your current goal for this project rocket, Do you remember what you said it was in the various interviews you have had?

"I want to make it a more group focused experience, where people HAVE to work together to survive"

How does removing a spotters tool do that? Or adding in a new toy for a camper reward teamplay? I hope you regain your focus soon.

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I agree with this. People that bitched about the thermal L85 were such idiots. It was rare as fuck and if you find it you DESERVE the advantage that comes with it.

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Pretty much. It's very frustrating.

This is Rocket's gig and all, and I'm very thankful for the mod but the guy needs to employ a little more thought and imagination in his game design.

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Sorry, but some of the people on this board drive me up the wall.

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I'm not sure if he intended these things to be removed like the ghillie suit and the l85 but your probably the same people complaining about pvp. This will make it harder for a sniper to snipe you and without the ghillie suit if you can't spot a player without thermal you deserve to be shot first.

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I hope rocket is making the changes based upon his own personal agenda rather then playing catch and mouse trying to balance the game out. Everyone knows a game can't be balanced.

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Sorry, but some of the people on this board drive me up the wall.


Whether or not it was intentional does not change my overall point. Which was that balance is not something to be concerned with in a game of this type. And that the current additions do not make sense when put against his statements in interviews.

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I agree with this. People that bitched about the thermal L85 were such idiots. It was rare as fuck and if you find it you DESERVE the advantage that comes with it.

Rare as fck? I am a solo player... pretty heavily bandit and pathfinder orientated.

Average murder count per char is around 50-100 average lifespan is around 4 days.

Without teammates ive still managed to setup up over 40 camps on different servers and contained within those camps were close to 60 L85A2 AWS rifles...

I have found the m4 camo sd less often then the L85... and the rarest to me is still the dragunov of which ive found only 4.

Thermal is a helpfull tool... but it makes you lazy. Stare down that thermal for too long and you become useless without it. Same as how some servers show your location on the ingame map and others dont.

Relying on that sort of stuff will dull your skills extremely quickly. Although I loved spotting other players Laser sight from the l85 through my NV.... I thought that was brilliant. "Hey a line! lets follow it! oh look! a little player! *pewpew*"

Still I liked the L85A2 AWS but not only because of its thermal... i'd take that rifle back without a ridiculous sniper scope on top of it for sure <3

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Rare as fck? I am a solo player

Average murder count per char is around 50-100 average lifespan is around 4 days.

ive still managed to setup up over 40 camps on different servers and contained within those camps were close to 60 L85A2 AWS rifles...

Server hop much?

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sniff.... thats why my l85 disappeared... thought someone just raided my tent and took only that. I loved using it to scout around me when i'm about to do something stupid like cross an open field.

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Whether or not it was intentional does not change my overall point. Which was that balance is not something to be concerned with in a game of this type. And that the current additions do not make sense when put against his statements in interviews.

Your overall point is moot since there has been no mention of balancing the weapons. The removal was glitch caused by fixing the dupe glitch.

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Welcome to alpha.

If you want a single guy to make YOUR game, Capture him and pay him a $50-$100k salary.

Or, you could wait longer than 3 months to say this game is broken beyond repair. You could let rocket expand or otherwise further develop his IDEA of a game, and see where it goes.

If not, everyone needs to seriously, seriously stop crying about every new update. It reduces team morale, and puts unnecessary pressure on the development team, and everyone else.

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Server hop much?

Change servers after every 5th camp that I lose.

Simple rule of mine... till i find some roots to put down. I am sure you are of the opinion that without a single steady server I am a complete server hopper but i usually stay in the logged in the same server for close to 6-12 hours.. the downside is, i mostly forget which server im on :D so.. I make my camps in the exact same locations(yes multiple :P) on different servers... problem? :D

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Actually anything up to and including standing up will show you that there is, infact, balance in the real world. For a fun a experiment, try leaning left or right until you feel like you're about to fall over. For advanced practice, lift one leg. To improve your grasp of the theoretical concept, close your eyes and walk to your toilet.

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Welcome to alpha.

If you want a single guy to make YOUR game, Capture him and pay him a $50-$100k salary.

Or, you could wait longer than 3 months to say this game is broken beyond repair. You could let rocket expand or otherwise further develop his IDEA of a game, and see where it goes.

If not, everyone needs to seriously, seriously stop crying about every new update. It reduces team morale, and puts unnecessary pressure on the development team, and everyone else.


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