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About platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

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  1. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

  2. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    Been seeing this word thrown around alot...

    I agree with this. People that bitched about the thermal L85 were such idiots. It was rare as fuck and if you find it you DESERVE the advantage that comes with it.
  3. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    Having to eat every hour....eh..what?.

    Did everyone in this thread miss the part where you're running consecutive marathons while playing this game? If anything you eat and drink too little.
  4. This is the dumbest tread I've seen in a long time.
  5. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    Vehicles less rare?

    I agree with this.
  6. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    Creating Bandit Group

    I'm looking for a group. I can do any of the roles. edit: Shoot me a PM. edit2: PMd.
  7. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    "Mission DayZ read from bank." Spam

    yeah sriously try defrag
  8. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    ALICE or Czech?

    Google it, damn. Day Z wiki.
  9. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    The ONLY Realistic Way to Prevent Deathmatching: Make DayZ a Living Hell

    Well, no. I don't agree there is too much murder. I don't agree making the game harder will make people kill eachother less. My friends and I will KILL PEOPLE MORE if it is harder to find resources. We will have to steal theirs. Stop trying to make the game harder. All that does is make if more fucking boring. You already have to run for like 30 minutes to NWAF to get anything good everytime you die, and then spend all day trying to get good shit again.
  10. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    Things I wish were never introduced to DayZ

    1. Because they really do need batteries, so really are finite. same with NVGs by the way. 2. Because they are ultra rare for the individual player, but not for the clan loot farmers and hoarders, giving them access to an unrealistic level of map dominance. So you're suggesting we nerf... teamwork?
  11. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    Things I wish were never introduced to DayZ

    Sorry but your points are just bad. All of these things are in Day Z because they are rare. People strive to get these things. It's a sort of end game. If there wasn't better gear why the fuck would people find anything passed an enfield?
  12. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    Where art thou DMR?

  13. platon.khramtsov@gmail.com

    Solution to Lack of Weapons

    Sorry, no.