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L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

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I Dont want them gone, i like them but i would like them to require battery's that are rare and only at super markets or something :P and matchs to run out of uses!

The battery for NVG's (or any other electrical powered gizmo) and matches suggestions sounds good to me! Seems logical too.

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I would say just get rid of matches and add a flint and steel which would be unlimited but more realistic.

The battery for NVG's (or any other electrical powered gizmo) and matches suggestions sounds good to me! Seems logical too.

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Dude......chill the hell out. It's a FREE mod for an already existing game. You would have a legitimate reason to bitch so blatently if you had to pay for the mod DayZ. Trust me, I would too if I had to pay. But in the end, it's FREE. It's ALPHA. It's still just a "baby". It has alot of room to grow.

So you would just stand by and watch the Mona Lisa be altered into a duckface, because you never payed for it?

Art is art, this was once a mod with great potential and I wanted it to be more than what it's turning into, and it pisses me off.

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Nothing was removed, these are all bugs that are affecting certain items. I had an L85 and knew before I patched that 1.7.2 broke it. I logged in anyway. Its an alpha and sometimes its refreshing to start over; have a bit more fear of death... Also, using a high end weapon is completely ineffectual if you are stupid with it AND alot of times, when someone does get a high powered weapon, an inevitable sense of false security crops up and they get lazy. Then then die.

Funny cause when I get a high end weapon I become a scared little bitch lol

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So you would just stand by and watch the Mona Lisa be altered into a duckface, because you never payed for it?

Art is art, this was once a mod with great potential and I wanted it to be more than what it's turning into, and it pisses me off.

I keep hearing from Rocket that he did too much change of code and that is why things are disappearing, but I have not heard if he on purposely tried to remove the L85 and ghillies.

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I keep hearing from Rocket that he did too much change of code and that is why things are disappearing, but I have not heard if he on purposely tried to remove the L85 and ghillies.

supposedly one admin or somethin or other made it seem like it was all on purpose.

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So you would just stand by and watch the Mona Lisa be altered into a duckface, because you never payed for it?

Art is art, this was once a mod with great potential and I wanted it to be more than what it's turning into, and it pisses me off.

I assume you didn't read the last two sentences I wrote. It's an alpha mod and it has a long way to go before it becomes a great piece of art. Right now it's just an outline on a blank canvas (using your art references). It'll be the great when it is fully done. We are just testing it out to see what works and what doesn't and all that. We are doing the creators a favor by playing and giving back constructive feedback whether good or bad.

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I assume you didn't read the last two sentences I wrote. It's an alpha mod and it has a long way to go before it becomes a great piece of art. Right now it's just an outline on a blank canvas (using your art references). It'll be the great when it is fully done. We are just testing it out to see what works and what doesn't and all that. We are doing the creators a favor by playing and giving back constructive feedback whether good or bad.

How is bad constructive feedback a favor, when you're making the game retarded, like if they complained about sniper rifles, and rocket actually listened, or complained that the zombies should fly and he ACTUALLY listened, not all feedback is good, and I feel like a lot of devs listen to the wrong ones lately.

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