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Dead Winter Dead

Spawn as bird?

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Man thats awesome if your friend is just like a bird... It could be like your Eagle eye which scouts out for loots and bandits also make zombies chase the bird. Awhhh You could also command your friend to distract the bandits. Or scaring them that they think your nearby lol. You could just mess up the bandits aiming and taunt him lol

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I spawned as a seagull once, because of some server-issue's at that time. It was great to see Chernarus from the sky. It was only a one time experience, though. Never happened to me since.

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I think you could not be joining a dayz server, when i played arma2 not dayz i spawned as a bird. Make sure the server you join has dayz in the title

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It can be a problem with the server. I've spawned in as birds plenty of times over the year I've been playing DayZ. The problem is when the server won't load your players data and decides to spawn you in as a bird. Normally aborting well fix it. If not then its something wrong with your copy of the game


~Meatie :thumbsup:  

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I spawned as a cow and let me tell you it's fucking awful, you think you have it bad with people killing you on sight? Trying being slow as fuck and about twice the size, freaking cry babies all I want to do is eat grass and people keep killing me even though I moo "friendly!" :'(

Yours was probably the best reply to a otherwise boring thread I've ever seen. Take my Baked Beans!

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