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About MeatieB

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  1. I really like listening to the Last Of Us soundtrack, I think it fits it perfectly (Dont Know how to embed links ;c) Here
  2. MeatieB

    suicide option

    Why not head to Electro? Thats closer I think...
  3. MeatieB

    What is up with the spammers?

    But I've always wanted some black magic to help me with my love life! Yea...Pretty ignoring
  4. Uhhh, This is the DayZ Standalone section. If you're wanting to find servers I suggest you go to the Server Section
  5. MeatieB


    So with the new physic in the next patch or so, does this mean we might be getting the ragdoll zombies/players soon? :huh: If so I hope its better then the Arma 3 ragdolls, they don't look very realistic.
  6. MeatieB

    Blurry Screen Glitch (SOLVED!!!)

    I knew this on day one but never wanted to tell anyone. Wanted to keep it my little secret :)
  7. MeatieB

    Buscamos Supervivientes

    Uhhhh. I don't know what to say so. Si?
  8. MeatieB

    new health\healing icon in inventory ??

    I never seen the health icon/tag in the gear menu either. Is it only when you regain blood?
  9. MeatieB

    Any good books?

    So two days ago I found out that you can read the books that are laying around in houses by putting them in your hands. What are some good books that you guys have found to read when waiting for someone or having a little rest?
  10. MeatieB

    What Have YOU Found

    That would be the Debug plains. Nothing is out there. You went to far along the coast
  11. I think to be able to play Tavi on Epoch you have to manually install it from http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15085, I had to do that with Panthera. Im guessing its the same
  12. MeatieB

    Rocket AMA poll

    Hmmm.. Google Chrome thinks this page is in Russian. On Topic: Thanks for this
  13. MeatieB

    Dayz: LOST in Epoch

    Nice video. Beans for you (Just a tip: You have god mod in traders city so you don't have to worry about people
  14. MeatieB

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    God I love you all. Awesome vids
  15. MeatieB

    Spawn as bird?

    It can be a problem with the server. I've spawned in as birds plenty of times over the year I've been playing DayZ. The problem is when the server won't load your players data and decides to spawn you in as a bird. Normally aborting well fix it. If not then its something wrong with your copy of the game ~Meatie :thumbsup: