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DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

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it probably has to do with the new patch everyone connecting and stuff some people are getting their chars reset others aren't so idk i assume its something to do with the amount of people trying to play with new patch just be patient i was stuck at waiting for char to create now it says loading so i made some progress

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I have tried on 3-4 servers - I only ever got to the "Waiting for Character to Create" screen.

I assume the update has some server work that is still on-going.

If you can get to that stage then I wouldn't go messing about with your install.

Personally I am waiting.......


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Yeap, tried to connect so many servers for one hour, and nothing.. hope this will be fixed soon. Can't wait to play!

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just gonna downgrade to 1.7.1 and play old patch as i have been today :>

can u walk me threw the down grade? untill the newupdate has time towork itselfout?

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why no official response from the developers yet? we need to know this problem has been recognized and is being worked on!

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Same, can't join, tried for 1hour. 3 times I got frozen in a debug area.

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I figured out how to get the Six Updater working and updated to the current beta patch and ran Dayz.

I was able to load and play for the first time in WEEKS!

It did take about 5 mins at the loading screen though, and another 2 mins at the Waiting for Charactar to Create screen. 7 mins total.

I would guess this is from the main servers being overwhelmed today.

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I've got it working after trying for 20 minutes.

Updated the game to 1.7.2 using Six launcher, then lanched the game, found a 1.7.2 server, but was stuck on the "Waiting for character to create" screen for ages. Quit, tried a few times, same issue.

Eventually found a server with very low ping, connected, and after what seemed like ages on the aforementionned screen, I finally got to the loading screen. Then after more waiting on that, the game finally loaded.

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It has something related to this maybe?

* [NEW] Authentication process streamlined with new ArmA2 Beta commands (publicVariableServer and publicVariableClient)

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same. blargh. Want to post suggestion that 1.7.3 is only an improvement in launcher and download. I feel like every patch is like working on my Russian Sidecar bike when it breaks down. Find some bailing wire, a Rock, a Tree Branch and some duct tape and hit things. Maybe it will work then.

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Bought the game today and stuck a loading screen. Don't know if it's wrong with my installation or the servers... :(

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Server side update released, details emailed to all server providers. This solves the loading issue. Confirmed on multiple servers with full client numbers.

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Still can't get past the loading screen and sometimes the character won't create

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Same here i pick a server join it go to the pool press join then the tanks and cars loading screen loads but then i get this black screen with loading in the middle and the bars full WTF i badly need help

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I'm pretty sure the never-ending "Waiting for character to create" screen is the server's fault, as I've tried many different servers and some work while others do not.

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Same problem here. I get past the character creation screen, but DayZ gets completely stuck on the "Loading" screen. Latest patches here, steam version of ARMA2 with OA. Everything worked fine yesterday, before the new patch. :(

UPDATE: It's FIXED!!! What I did was deleted the C:\Users\Username\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\CharName\Saved\mpmissions folder, and I'm in!!!

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