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1.7.2 Opinion thread. All your opinions, good and bad, go here.

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I found 1.7.0 fun. I don't think 1.7.2 is. You should have made 1.7.0 better as far as fixing bugs, but changing zombie hearing/seeing behavior and starting with no weapons ruined it for me.

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I'm having no problems with the patch. Yes zombies can see you easier, and I'm more cautious if I need to be stealthy, but I have a surplus of ammo and am doing just fine. As a matter of fact, I found some extra winchester and .45 ACP ammo lying around so I sprinted through town and back, and repeated to get about 150 more zombie kills. I even threw some flares to flirt with death and advertise my position to other survivors passing through. Zombies are easy for me to take because even if I'm running backwards in a field, I just wait for them to start the attack animation, run a little back, wait a brief moment, and fire at their chest. They will not hit with their attack because I am now out of range.

However, since it seems the vocal (majority?) don't like the new detection range on zombies, perhaps it'd be better to make zombies more hazardous in a different way. I have an idea brewing, and I'm bringing it over to the suggestions thread: zombies slow you on hit, and you can't dodge by just sprinting forever. Balance it by making them not run quite as fast, and have a smaller chance of breaking your leg.

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Am I the only one that hasn't been able to log in since the patch? Still stuck on loading. :(

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My thread title was changed by the moderator, because he evidently wanted this to happen.

I wanted it to happen insofar that if people needed to vent, without necessarily being constructive (hopefully you'll still try), they could do so here without creating an entirely new thread for it. That still falls under expressing an opinion (as you've succinctly put in your title) and as long as you guys and gals report abuse as normal, it should all be fine.

I will, however, remove the 'Tears and Fears' line because it risks the posters of thinking the OP is trying to incite. That was my own personal flavor and I will adjust it to keep it true to the original intent and good-will.

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Have to agree with the excessive agro being way over the top. There is just not enough ammo to support this nor time to crawl for an hour to search a small town.

Som other things I've noticed:

  • Cows that DC while giving chase
  • floating objects such as tree stumps, loot and even a building or two sorta lifted up to the point I could not enter.
  • Zombos smackin me through walls and even from the floor below me on one case.

Keep up the good work, i agree with progression and love the game but PVP is hard enough to deal with to go adding agro intesity to these undead.


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I got tired of crawling around everywhere, so I decided to hop on a late evening time server as it felt like the game has devolved into monitoring a Visibility index in the upper right corner of the screen. Luckily at night, your visibility rating is down to 0, so I figured I could go back to sneaking around, dodging zombies and, you know, enjoying a suspenseful unique gaming experience. Yet somehow, even though I was crouching and sneaking in grass with 0 Visibility, I managed to simultaneously aggro two Z's from 40 meters. So then I take off running through town and all of a sudden the magic is broken for me. Sure, in this new patch I can probably lose a majority of them zig zagging through the fences, but that is about all this game is to me now; running from zombies. I used to patiently sneak through town, watching and avoiding zombies, taking my time and planning routes. But because its going to happen anyway, you might as well go full sprint through the town and duck into a couple choice houses knowing you can lose the zombies around a corner later, or pop off a couple in town with your 1911 without aggroing any more. Or maybe you do. Who knows what "exponent" you will draw.

I understand that trying to increase the difficulty and engaging the zombies in the action a bit more may be appealing, but the way you could patiently weave through shambling corpses in the really makes them a deeper, more connected part of the game to me. Knowing what moves to make, adjusting your plan on the fly and understanding that when they were on you, you were to blame. That was fun. It made the game so much more suspenseful. The danger was so close and could fall on you at any moment but as long as you kept an eye out, you could successfully weave your way through to your goal. It was like I survived. Successfully navigating towns without aggroing anything felt like tiny victories. I felt I accomplished it. It wasn't luck, it was experience. Each time I got better. I was going to survive.

But now with random aggroes from 100m, each trip feels like a failure. I'm too busy patching up worst case scenarios to take stock of my supplies and plan the next raid. I'm desperately in need of painkillers and am just too frustrated to keep going. Maybe that's the point though? Honestly, I would happily keep playing with all its bugs. I bought Arma II specifically to play DayZ and for the last two weeks it was more than worth it.

I guess my question is, is there a correct strategy here? Is aggro a random element, or am I missing some vital information that will get me through town? I'm afraid I'm done dancing with zombies and it makes me sad.

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Had one bug where I was crawling thru the doorway to the kitchen of a normal house and broke my leg. Sucked too because I was so far away from a town with a hospital and I had been collecting beginner loot for about an hour. I had gotten some pretty good beginner stuff, crowbar, bandages, canteen, chem lights. A broken leg while crawling thru a doorway in a house... to say I was a little upset would be an understatement.

Also, with a broken leg you can go up ladders but you cannot get down from a roof. I found out how, by getting as close to the ladder as you can, go to a sitting position, press V (like your going to hop over a fence) and you will briefly get a down arrow. If you dont hit it fast enough you will fall off the roof. This could be seriously problematic for new players.

Zombie aggro seemed ok today, but I just started playing Now last night I was able to get in on 1.7.2 and it was insane; a zombie ran across a field, passed two other zombies to attack me. Tonight, it seems like the aggro is toned down a lot from the original 1.7.2 release night. I could at least crawl and not be seen by zeds a mile away.

Agree with the one comment that if you are not moving, zombies should not be able to see you unless you are really, really out in the open.

So far tho, it is a great alpha mod. A lot of fun.

Anyone try the new beta 95700?

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The infected AI is much more erratic, which is 100% what they need to remain a threat. They tend to lose aggro too easily now, and can't seem to hear me sprinting right behind them with several in tow occasionally. I have blasted many infected with the Colt and then shot the infected next to them without ever getting aggro. I really like the Hoppers that spot you from across town, creates a good sense of urgency without insta-leg-breaking (which does still happen thankfully).

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Game is nearly unplayable until zed aggro is fixed. Earlier today I was sneaking through a town, when I look down the road to see a zed coming at me... "Fine", I figure "I have a crossbow, I'll just take him down quietly and-" then about 5 or 6 more come around the corner, all charging straight at me. Then there was the time I was proning through a field of zeds. Tricky, but nothing I hadn't done before. Just a matter of paying attention and knowing where is safe and where- suddenly a zed turns around, TURNS AROUND, mind you, and charges fill tilt at me. A zed that was a fair distance away, mind you. I've been closer to zeds who are facing me while moving around prone without them aggroing, and this guy just suddenly turns around and charges me. Esc -> Respawn. It was a brand new life, nothing worth the hassle of shaking zed aggro. I mean, sure, if I had messed-up and a zed spotted me that'd be one thing, but no point in trying to shake-off probably about 10 zeds that were in that field due to buggy AI.

I'm all for making the zeds harder to sneak around, but there's a fine line between "gotta be careful" and "gotta not bother at all". Game isn't quite unplayable in this state, but it's pretty damn close with the way that there's no sneaking around zeds anymore.

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The zombie aggro is buffed, we all noticed that, not much to add to other thoughts.

BUT, I do find them very easy to lose now. Almost accidentally, I zigzagged between buildings looking for openings, and noticed that they weren't aggroing anymore. I tried it out some more, and indeed, if stealth fails I now run to the nearest house and:

* If it's a hatchet-friendly place, I search around, pick the hatchet, and let it loose at the walking zombie train (barns are the best for this)

* If it's not, but the place has 2 exits, I go through there and lose them at a corner. I've lost more than the average this way.

Frankly, since doing one or the other and always knowing where I am (dayzdb.com map), I have rarely died at the beginning.

If the zombies are indeed easier to lose as I've experimented so far, I'm ok with the zombie changes. But what I'd really like to see is simply more official data regarding zombie behavior now. Being correctly informed makes all the difference.



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i like the new Infected detection range/system in general. You need to be far more cautious & careful, which is a good thing. I enjoy the challenge. I had a trip through Cherno covered most of the city without any agrro.. had to be really careful and it was a blast... shame i got blasted in the face by a survivor just as i was about to leave. :P

Bugs aside it gets a big thumbs up from me.

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I adore all-seeing turbozombies, packs of them, endless hordes. this is how it should be

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I just kept playing, and I'm sorry Rocket and crew, but this is fairly awful. At this point I'd advocate reverting back to

I'm taking a break from Day Z until the issue is resolved. And I DO consider it an issue.

I'd rather see more time devoted to patching glitches or experimenting with added content (radios, pretty please?) than toying with game mechanics like this. I appreciate your trying, but I won't be playing this until you restore it to the original system. Not because I'm rage quitting, or because I think it'll hurt your feelings (you don't care if an individual player quits or not- I wouldn't anyway), but because I honestly no longer get any enjoyment from this game.

And it seems I'm neither alone nor in the minority.

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Less range on sight for zombies. Zombies run way too fast. WAY TOO FAST. Range now is between the 1.7 and, patch but leaning to the 1.7 patch. Maybe a little more in the middle would be better.

Tents not disappearing between server restarts would be nice. I can't stand all of my gear being lost. I simply can't play anymore because nothing I get matters, it just disappears.

Edited by AllYoYens

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I already stopped playing a few days before this new patch, it was bullshit enough then, theres only so many times you can die from OP bugs before you get sick of it. The sad thing is, i thought the new patch would at least begin to address these problems, not make them worse. I wont be playing until these problems are addressed, its just too hard when starting out, sometimes you will get lucky and get some good loot, but now that seems even less likely when trying to get into a building. If they had added a starting melee weapon, toned down zombie speed it would have been great and i might have gone back to playing. But for now, i will stay away until i see some real changes. Its sad as i had some great fun at times with this mod, but others were just downright bullshit, would love to see this mod get taken over by someone competent, even another dev who could takeover the idea and run it on another engine that would be more suitable than arma 2.

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I already stopped playing a few days before this new patch, it was bullshit enough then, theres only so many times you can die from OP bugs before you get sick of it. The sad thing is, i thought the new patch would at least begin to address these problems, not make them worse. I wont be playing until these problems are addressed, its just too hard when starting out, sometimes you will get lucky and get some good loot, but now that seems even less likely when trying to get into a building. If they had added a starting melee weapon, toned down zombie speed it would have been great and i might have gone back to playing. But for now, i will stay away until i see some real changes. Its sad as i had some great fun at times with this mod, but others were just downright bullshit, would love to see this mod get taken over by someone competent, even another dev who could takeover the idea and run it on another engine that would be more suitable than arma 2.

You're not experienced in the game enough then. It's very very easy to find a weapon. Spawns were increased greatly, you just need to know where to look.

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I agree im not experienced, but putting in 20+ hours should be ample enough. Some gear spawns just dont work, you can quietly sneak into a barn and there might not be anything, yet in another you get 3 guns and a crossbow, not only that but zeds often just stand inside buildings you need to get into, making it impossible unless your geared.

I think its great to have a game that is hard, but there still needs to be balance, make it too hard and you will only be left with a small section of hardcore players, and thus will have very little funding due to low numbers. However if you get the balance between hard and friggen hard right, you will get a much larger player base, thus increasing funding and enabling rocket and others to make the game better.

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This Mod is nothing less than amazing, both in content and game play. The only thing wrong are the players, Yes I know its a survival game, that its meant to be hard, and the gear is meant to be sparse. But the overuse of barbed wire fencing (coupled with the fact that zombies walk right through it. Why?) the server hopping and camping for players really takes the fun out of the game.

Its awesome when you finally find a town after walking for hours through the wilderness get some good gear and some dick is laying on the floor with a makarof in the best building just waiting. They don't "play", just hop around to other servers and fence off a place and wait.

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Kudos to rocket and crew.Just lasted my longest ever at 4 hours.Was killed because I am stupid and do not count ammo.Must say that now the crawlers and monkey zeds are a BITCH if you play with no 3rd person.They become so hard to spot when lying in the grass and if you pop up and they are looking your way voila!!

Thanks guys for the free mod.When it comes out I'll gladly pay for it since I love this style of game.Hmmmm I wonder what they will categorize this.....Survival genre??

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New patch works decently for me not taking account loss of gear at tents+vehicles. Of course some extra zombie aggro has occured but nothing serious that good ol' hatchet couldnt resolve. And I noticed too that you can get rid of zombies more easily like running uphill with bushes towards treeline with 4 zombies running behind and when I go past tree line I notice only 1 zed following me :) Easy pickings for hatchet and I haven't broke my legs so often now lol

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Less range on sight for zombies. Zombies run way too fast. WAY TOO FAST. Range now is between the 1.7 and, patch but leaning to the 1.7 patch. Maybe a little more in the middle would be better.

I agree. It is just weird when you aggro a Zed which is 10m away from you, turned his back to you while you are lying down, not moving.

This is one downside i experienced. But it already changed my gameplay. I rather try to shoot or distract them from far away to make like a gap when entering or exiting a city/area.

So I'm not sure if it is THAT bad.

What I do like about the new patch is the FPS increase. The game runs so much smoother now, it is really enjoyable to play.

Didn't play much lately so these a the only things I 'discovered'.

Edited by flint

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Let's see, new patch for me so far has resulted in the following... ghillie suit went bye bye for no reason, L85 is gone, and I just now fell to server hoppers.

Seems broken!

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I played two or three lives tonight. 1st life, I logged back in and was on top of the building at the airstrip.

I accidentally moved forward on the "climb down ladder" and must of stopped "climbing". I backed up to climb down and fell down to break my leg. I crawled for a ways then gave up and shot some zombies in the field. overwhelmed and died.

2nd life, I went in to kamenka found a water bottle (which I never do...) and then realized the change in zombie agro. it's a long run to a steep hill from kamenka and I had one zombie follow me for about a minute and a half. I finally lost him and found a gun in a hunting stand. I found a bunch of ammo but not for my gun. getting thirsty, I ran all the way back down to kamenka to run into the ocean to get water.

Turns out, you can't refill a water bottle in the ocean. ponds or water pumps. I had to circle back into kamenka and found a pepsi in a building, drank it and I'm at about half health. crawled to the water pump and filled up then crawled out of town.

Everything was smooth for me. I think I like the new zombies. I had a pretty good rush making my way in and out of kamenka half health and needing water.

I noticed more zombies around deer stands...

Good update for me... I look forward to seeing this mod keep developing. (I'm waiting for hordes to pop up... I'd like to see a horde that heads toward a sound and then just keeps walking)

running 1.7.2 and 94444

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