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1.7.2 Opinion thread. All your opinions, good and bad, go here.

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my english is realy bad i am sorry for this.

Soe this are ma specs:

win7 64bit

8gig ddr3 1600hz

radeon 6850

intel i5 2500

All drivers are up to date

so the beta files are up to date

and i test 1.7.2 the first time

i join the game at the strand.

i am going to an small house and i hear some flys but i dint see any dead body.

so it was nigth and a strange thing happend

in the night everything is dark and gray BUT wehn i look at the horizon the tonemapping/color corretion begins to flicker that means the dark grad goes to a colorful textures that are brighter than before..... this happends by walking around and standing still.

I tested ist with low graphic settings with middle and with very high but nothing fix it

so the performanc of the mod is bad too you know my specs but on very high settigns and anything on is has only post prossesing disabled

and frames from 27-39

but in Arma2 OA i has with this settings 53-70 fps AND view distance on 10000m

in an house Zombies are fast too and they can go trought walls or other things that not so fat/big

zombies can now see me when in my hud the eye has no lines

and when i am far away from them

when i found after a long time items i put them in my inventory but after it ALL my items are gone is has nothing anymore..... this was the moment i quit the server.

and post her in ver bad english my problems,

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I bet Rocket reads this and when 95% think the new patch made the game less interesting he will do something about it. It would be nice with an answer about it anyways so we can get our hopes up, I think he will keep lot of more players if he does

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This is an ARMA 2 collision issue that probably will not be fixed as long as DayZ is just a mod.

You realize that new beta was released almost exclusively for day-z in order to be able to disable certain chat channels in mission? If they did it once, they can do it again

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I'm just reinforcing what has already been said. The aggro from zombies is crazy. The moment I think I understand it, something else happens that contradicts what I just found.

I loved it before this last patch, but now I feel I have to slow crawl everywhere. Not sure I'm all that excited about that.

However, despite that frustration, keep up the great work Rocket! This is a gaming experience like no other, I appreciate that...

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That was it. The last patch got my 44 days old surviver to die... Saw 3 zeds, shot them, and then there came 15 more from nowhere. Got them killed and started looting. Then while i was at it, 8 zeds spawned on me AND KILLED ME with 3 punchs!... within 2 min!!!! WTF!

This was the last time i will try this shit. You destroyed it for good.

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Agree with the crazy, random zombie aggro. Kills all the fun

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I just have to add this. It is a beta and I feel a bit bad about everyone getting so pissed including me. If something went wrong with this update I'm sure they will fix it and btw he did a great job from the beginning and most of us love the game without these problems so give him a break. Of course we should talk about the problems but maybe in a better way. It's also free btw.

Rocket! Keep up the good work and let's hope you get a fix for this soon :)

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The items disappearing and you character spawning in the wrong place is just fubar. I had that happen twice yesterday and now i only seem to spawn in "wilderness". 1.7.2 / 94700.

The problem is probably related to different patches/betas on different servers.. and them not syncing at all.

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I just have to add this. It is a beta and I feel a bit bad about everyone getting so pissed including me. If something went wrong with this update I'm sure they will fix it and btw he did a great job from the beginning and most of us love the game without these problems so give him a break. Of course we should talk about the problems but maybe in a better way. It's also free btw.

Rocket! Keep up the good work and let's hope you get a fix for this soon :)

DayZ is in alpha(before beta)!

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I have only been playing for less than a week but I definitely noticed problems in the zombies programming with this update.

In fact, I've seen most of the glitches people are reporting, first hand.

I do have faith that the problems will be fixed.

Someone who makes such an awesome game would not likely let it fall apart.

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DayZ is in alpha(before beta)!

Oh I'm sooooo sorry. I bet people know what I mean anyways -sighs-

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I'm still just disconnecting all the time and having to wait forever to login. Caused me to lose my character today, I guess i'll just leave it for a few days!

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Tried 1.7.2 some more now but i still cant get my head around the Aggro.

Even staring at the Visibility value in the debug screen sometimes just doesnt help because the numbers still seem pretty random to me at times. Sometimes you crouch run past a Zombie half a mile away and just because the visibility number randomly jumps up to 1.5 times the previous value you get aggro.

For me the game is pretty unplayable now, getting starter equipment without playing the game in a way it was not meant to be played (Run around cities like a madman picking up what you can) is close to impossible.I dont know, i highly doubt aggro will stay this way, it was probably something Rocket wanted to try and it just doesnt work out. Hope it gets fixed soon, ill be sticking to for now.

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the new zombie tweaks are over the top

what are zombies ? zombies are dead infected degrading human beings

why would a unfit person have super abilites ? they wouldnt they would have less than human abilites in all senses . the bodies are degraded or injured so how can they operate at higher than human ? the answer is they cant !

so the tweaks are not right over done. also alot dont think about the travelling aspect and how the super sensitive zombies actually slow the game down alot which when you have to jog long periods to ge anywhere isnt needed. its adding extra stress when its not needed .

please dont just run with it for a month then go back a notch just use the previous awareness of the previous patch that was pretty much spot on .

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I bet Rocket reads this and when 95% think the new patch made the game less interesting he will do something about it. It would be nice with an answer about it anyways so we can get our hopes up, I think he will keep lot of more players if he does

i dont understand why so many people are desperate for rocket to answer basically EVERY complaint/rant/query on the forum. surely its better off if the devs are spending their time WORKING on patches rather than seeing to all of these complaints (some of which are beyond a joke!)

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I will stay with since the super Zed are back !

I will wait them to get the **** out again :)

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i dont understand why so many people are desperate for rocket to answer basically EVERY complaint/rant/query on the forum. surely its better off if the devs are spending their time WORKING on patches rather than seeing to all of these complaints (some of which are beyond a joke!)

Cool down! So if people keep quiet it helps them?! Btw if you read what I wrote it was something positive so please....

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I used to sneak a lot, just like all of you, but then i took super zombies to the face...

Yeah the new patch is horrible, i could sneak into towns and barns before this patch, but now i have to crawl, all the time. Otherwise zombies see me from miles away, they usually see me before i see them and that ends up in me getting flanked and backstabbed. And i think they can see through houses now, because sometimes they come running from behind houses right into me.

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Had two fairly long sessions since patch, and I can't say I really notice much change in the zombies. Ok, they aggro from further away if you are crouch running or standing, but so what? You should always, always, always be crawling when zombies are in the vicinity.

People who are saying it's too hard should remember that this is a "fucking zombie apocalypse". Here's a test. Go into your home town this weekend and imagine that the crowds of shoppers aren't people, but hordes of zombies*. How scared would you be? How far away do you think you'd have to be before they noticed you? How fast and how far would you have to run before you could get away from them if they did spot you?

This mod's striving for authenticity, and you simply should not be able to go anywhere near one of the infected without risking your life. Last night I crawled through a field full of walkers and survived. I did this by stopping and watching and throwing flares to distract them - and it was immense.

Don't go in front of them. Use your roll to get around. Go back if you have to. Carry trash and flares to throw as distractions. I did all this to get to a market and get some beans, and that's the way it should be.

The virus in DayZ has taken down the world - why should you be any different? Getting loot should be a terrifying experience that leaves you with sweaty palms and the shakes. Experiences like this are what makes DayZ unique. Get into that - don't shout at the devs to spoil it.

*Don't take this too far, obviously.

- Other things about the patch: Have noticed improved FPS performance, but much greater instability. Aside from the initial 'waiting for character to create' problems, I've been disconnected from several servers, had one 'session terminated' rather abruptly. I started characters that never reappeared, and did not get the gender choice on the one I'm using now.

Also came across one instance of 'unlimited zombies' respawning at Bolata. Lickily, two other survivors turned up and the all ran off together :)

Edited by Bottlerocket

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Thew new patch is awful, completely ruined the game experience, apparently not only for me.

Half-dead brainless creatures with broken limbs and open wounds (zombies) can run like Usain Bolt uphill, they can spot you from 75m if you move your little finger, they can see with x-ray vision through walls and have superman's hearing capabilities...

I was on my way to Zelenogorsk, and I decided to visit the supermarket. There is a big empty parking place near it, and there were 2 zombies there. I was about 25m away from that place, crouched into what I thought to be safe, tall grass/vegetation. I decided that entering the supermarket from such a visible location was not so clever so I decided to increase my distance from the town and try from the other side of the supermarket. As soon as I made my first step to move AWAY from the town, the 2 zeds (1 hopper 1 standing) immediately spotted me from +- 50 meters and started running towards me. I had to run towards a nearby barn and take all the zombies that got aggro'd 1 by 1, wasting ammo and gathering more at the same time.

This is only 1 example out of dozens I could mention to back up my claim on the ridiculous zombie detection rate.

The only thing that was different for me for this patch was the terrible changes to the zombie AI. In my opinion not even half of the zed's should be able to run. Zombies are not superhumans. They are sub-humans. Half-dead, with a rotten brain and damaged senses. They have lost all logic and started behaving like animals, trying to survive using the most basic function, eating. They shouldn't be faster,stronger,smarter etc compared to players.

For me this update sucked. I love this mod and I know you guys are doing your best to improve it but this one is a no-go. :(

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the new zombie tweaks are over the top

what are zombies ? zombies are dead infected degrading human beings

why would a unfit person have super abilites ? they wouldnt they would have less than human abilites in all senses . the bodies are degraded or injured so how can they operate at higher than human ? the answer is they cant !

so the tweaks are not right over done. also alot dont think about the travelling aspect and how the super sensitive zombies actually slow the game down alot which when you have to jog long periods to ge anywhere isnt needed. its adding extra stress when its not needed .

please dont just run with it for a month then go back a notch just use the previous awareness of the previous patch that was pretty much spot on .

Couldn't agree more!

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Finally zombies are actually a threat, instead of a minor annoyance like they were before.

This will hopefully discourage lonewolfing and force survivors to work together.

Zombie behaviour makes sense. If you see them they can probably see you as well. But if you stay out of their sight you can run up surprisingly close to them.

Now just fix their zigzagging movement and then make them run inside of buildings too.

This is a zombie apocalypse, zombies should be a bigger threat than players. This version is a step in that direction.

edit: i'm pretty sure rocket said they aren't undead cratures, just humans infected with a virus that makes them rage and behave like animals.

Edited by Buflak

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DayZ summed up in a few statements:

Shots fired!, Disconnect.

Zombies Aggroed, Disconnect.

I was killed, Disconnect.

Losing Battle, Disconnect.

Bleeding, Disconnect.

Farming Barracks, Disconnect

DayZ, Operation Disconnect.

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Am I the only one who doesn't take massive issue with the new Z ai?

They do seem to get aggy a lot sooner - but I've not gone into this game since Rocket added useable hatchets and crowbars and not used one! It's the first thing to find for me....grab a hatchet, get some food, get a gun....

When you have the hatchet (and you've mastered the funny mechanics of hitting a zombie with it - you have to stand a bit far back and aim your reticule at the Z's head.) you're pretty good to go...there are tons of them around too....hatchets solve all problems.

Once you agg a zombie, and it's on it's way to you - take it out with the hatchet and jog on....eventually you'll wake another one, then take that out - the key is not to deal with too many at once...more than 3 and you're in trouble - unless you can back yourself into a corner and take em out as they line up to swipe at you.

My gripes with the game are pretty limited...I think personally the pain of the experience is 70% of the fun. I did think the prior was the strongest version so far. Definitely remove starting weapons from players....

the biggest issue I think needs addressing is potentially the servers not allowing global chat...and also the biggest issue is that it's hard to type "don't shoot I'm friendly!!" before you get absolutely pasted across the floor by a nervous survivor. I think the banditry element needs addressing - the idea that we all look the same is the right idea - but without a function to quickly let someone know you're not hostile it becomes harder to meet and enjoy the game with randoms....and I think its just the crux of PC gaming causing this.

I've yet to try plugging my mic into my controller...my Day Z is hooked up to a 50" 3D TV with surround sound in my living room - so I don't use keyboard and mouse on my sofa....I prefer controllers. So I use the 360 controller with a bit of keyboard and mouse for inventory - and it's served me fantastically so far...I wonder what'd happen if I plug my 360 headset into the controller - in game voice? That's pretty much my biggest issue.

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