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DCing to avoid players

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I was wondering if people spot another player who then notices them, what do you do? DC to avoid fighting, run away, engage in a firefight, what?

personally if someone has spotted me and I can i'll run or if it's out in the open I may DC and let them pass.

Before someone says, this type of DCing isn't that bad as the other peson hasn't started to shoot at me or I am not in any apparent danger, just DCing to avoid a potential threat, this seems to be the only way to safely let another player live, which is a shame :/

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Soo.......your DC'ing and avoiding mass tension and suspense, which is what separates this game from any other military shooter out there, and the main reason why this game is so damn fucking good!?!?!?

I don't get that, why DC to only avoid death? Yeh you loose your stuff, you miss out on soo much tension and adrenaline rush.

I do one of 3 things when I see a player. Either:

1- Hide and let them pass.

2- Run off in a different direction and hope they didn't see me.

3- Shoot them if they're posing a threat.

People will yell at me for 3, which happens half the time, but with no real feature for communicating and stating that your friendly clearly, there's little option to. Im usually with a group of mates, and very rarely do I trust anyone else but them.

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I was wondering if people spot another player who then notices them' date=' what do you do? DC to avoid fighting, run away, engage in a firefight, what?

personally if someone has spotted me and I can i'll run or if it's out in the open I may DC and let them pass.

Before someone says, this type of DCing isn't that bad as the other peson hasn't started to shoot at me or I am not in any apparent danger, just DCing to avoid a potential threat, this seems to be the only way to safely let another player live, which is a shame :/


It is called being a pussy

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What you're doing is not playing the game. I did the same thing when I started playing Amnesia. As soon as my character started freaking out, I turned the game off. I was so terrified to continue, I stopped playing and haven't been back since. I've owned that game since Christmas.

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Yeah your cheating, there is no way around that. Your literally missing out on the best parts of the game dcing as soon as you see someone.

To me that is being a giant pussy.

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With the latest beta's there is a timer prior to disconnect, this will hold you ingame for a set period.

So pussy's will be exposed alot longer.

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Why DC? If they are unarmed, leave them be. If they have a weapon, shoot them! I'm not taking any chances, and they might have great loot!

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If you DC during a PVP encounter, even if the person hasn't shot at you nor spotted you, you are a chump.

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Usually when I see players I will say over direct chat and the mic: "I see you, if you are friendly, respond or I will engage".

I've had one person respond, the rest respawned.

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This thread was just to see the general attitude of the users on this forum and a lot of you are very angry induviduals that insult others for some reason....

Those of you saying i'm a pussy, what makes this apparent? If I don't want to kill another player but don't want them to shoot at me either what's saying that i can't DC? if somebod ran into you and shot you first i'm sure you'd be on the forum straight away starting a thread titled "Bullshit PvP everyone is a KOS'er!"

This thread was to see other peoples opinion, NOT for hate and name calling.

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I honestly don't see a problem with dcing to avoid combat, or even to dc after being shot. It all boils down to both players trying to deny the other player loot.

People call it cowardly to dc after being shot, but then again shooting someone in the back is cowardly too.

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I honestly don't see a problem with dcing to avoid combat' date=' or even to dc after being shot. It all boils down to both players trying to deny the other player loot.

People call it cowardly to dc after being shot, but then again shooting someone in the back is cowardly too.


Thank you, people seem to stick to this idea that people have to let themselves be killed by a sniped 1km away. (although we know they'll DC as soon they get shot at from no where).

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I like that you use the excuse of 'only seeing what the forum users think' to escape from accusations of cheating as well. You must be really bad at confrontation. Did you hide in lockers when people walked by you in school because they might have hit you? Do you swerve off the road when oncoming traffic gets close? Learn to live life and not worry about some imaginary loot you picked up. Take a risk and just shoot the person and see what they have. If you die, big fucking deal, you can get everything again in like 20 minutes.

Here's how you should probably play the game. Get a water bottle, find a lake away from any towns and hunt food to stay alive. Now there's no chance someone will kill you and take your precious makarov.

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Let me get this straight:

You DC when you encounter another player because you "don't want to engage him or let him through". That, my good sir, is plain cheating. Rules say you only log off if you HAVE to disconnect because you want to stop playing and do something else or if you have internet issues. When I read your OP, I just started to burst out laughing, because I would have thought no one was as dumb as you admitting this on a main forum of the game itself. No honestly, this isn't just ranting and raving, rocket has stated clearly that DC'ing for any other reason than I stated above is cheating and isn't part of the meta-game, it all stands on (I know, cliché) internal realism. Joining or leaving is either the start, continuance or end of your journey that day/moment you're playing, DC'ing just because you are a little chicken shit who can't stand being shot in a PvP game just sounds so.. Hmpf.

This may sound harsh but really, let's just think about it: this game is about PvE (zeds) and PvP (players) so eliminating half of it just doesn't fit. At all. I know you don't always do it but that really doesn't matter, that'd be like only using certain cheats/hacks that doesn't apply to or effect other players, they're still cheats or hacks.

If you don't want to get shot or shoot another player, hide. And if you don't want to do that, I would seriously consider not playing this game. I'm not calling you a "noob", "faggot" or "dumb CoD/Wow player", I'm just pointing out the absurd argument you try to make for your even more absurd thoughts about this game and still think it's a reasonable argument that you can put up for discussion. I know it's a sandbox game and it has little or no rules at all, but if you can't figure out this stands outside of that, just to have a framework for a game like this, we might just allow cheats and hacks. "Because why can't I don't do something that doesn't directly affect the other players????"

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With the latest beta's there is a timer prior to disconnect' date=' this will hold you ingame for a set period.

So pussy's will be exposed alot longer.


I don't believe you. Show me where.

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Rocket just needs to add an option to go invisible.

While invisible you can not shoot, or melee, or pick up items. You can run around and thats it.

Now people like the OP doesnt have to DC, he can just be invisible so he doesnt have to play the actual game.

Man I wish that single player version would have worked out.

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And I might overdo it with my cheating statement, but I noticed that speaking that way gets the message over much clearly (and faster.) Especially if I make a statement like this after my first post. :p

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