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Military base

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I think it could be interesting to put military bases with non-infected soldier inside. They would shoot the zombie but also the survivors which -according to them- could be infected. The soldiers could patrol around the bases in Humvees which would profide to the survivors a high-risk way to get good equipment. That would also strengthen the ambiance of fatality for the survivors which would be killed by the governmental force instead of being safed by them as expected.

Thank you for reading,


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I've though about this... But more of a military convoy of some sort.

A convoy that will travel from A to B, set up base for a couple of hours. (To round up civilian survivors) Then leave. It's easier to kill it off with planning when it's on the move 40-50 speed. Following the road, but when it is deployed. It has Sandbag bunkers(LMG/HMG nests) that protects it.

Would add a heavier no pain no gain to DayZ though.

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Yeah, that's what i was thinking about yesterday!

A convoi, that moves across the map in a random pattern, and at night, they could

build up a camp.

Hard to take over, but if you manage to put the soldiers out, you

will get nice loot and one of their vehicles (if not destroyed during the firefight).

+1 for that!

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NPC's are never going to be a part of this mod. The only time you will see a moving military convoy or an army base if it is player made.

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Two things can happen... Player gets shot from 1000m due to the super AI or easy picking, too much military loot flowing around = ruined game.

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Or neither of those two things happen. There is already an ArmA II AI for common soldier and the military spawn can be limited.

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Part of me likes this idea because it would give players with full gear something to do other than banditry, and it does sound like fun. But overall I am against this idea because part of what makes DayZ great is how emergent and unpredictable it is. Also, if you want this experience just go and play some ArmA coop missions...

A much cooler way to make this kind of thing happen is if you made more reason for players to do it e.g. make some item that takes way too much space in backpack to realistically carry around. Maybe it makes you walk really slowly when you carry it. This way you would have to get a vehicle (or two!) to use the item.

Chopper rotor assemblies / vehicle parts would be a great candidate for this sort of thing imo. Would mean that you would need a land vehicle before you could fix up the chopper, making a higher barrier to entry and greater sense of accomplishment.

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For me, NPCs are a no-go, just because everything they could do players could do as well.

The ONLY time I'd like to see NPCs is in the form of attack helicopters like Hinds that fly in and roast you when you try to leave the illustrated boundaries of the map. It would be an easier fix to off-map stashing than a fence or a "RETURN TO THE APOCALYPSEFIELD" message, after all...

But I do think it would be okay to have DEAD convoys around, that spawn randomly on the roads like heli crash sites. A salvageable military truck or two, some gear from the soldiers, their cargo (half a dozen heli rotor assemblies, a dozen vehicle engines, a case or two of shotgun ammo, or things like that.) I'd also like some way to notify all players of their location, or at least some players. Perhaps when they put in radios have a distress signal that was broadcasted and looped minutes or seconds before they were overrun...

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Ok first OMG I found about this mod yesterday and I am like OMG This is F-ing cool. There is one thing I found out I was kinda upset with and sure some are too, no starter weapon anymore. Could you at least give use a knife or something to start with, tired of seeing people die all the time lol.

Well start with money, A couple ideas well one is at trading zones you can trade items for cash and/or killing zombies gives you random/set amount of cash.

As for the trading zones it may get a little complicated, first friendly NPCs are god mode I guess, that way players wont get trigger happy. A computer or some way to interact with person/object were you could sell/buy stuff.

When I mean safe zone I mean safe zone, anyone firing at a player/Friendly NPC in or into the zone well get auto killed or/and banned.

One last thing maybe later added if going this route. Random Infected attacks on zones.

Ok reasons I could think this be a great idea, one yes buy stuff, two place to hang out to figure out game a little better, last and mainly a place to meet other players and maybe make friends and if they are welling find help about game.

I do have many other ideas for the game but I well leave this at the programers discretion.

Another idea I have seen was Creating your own base/compound. Like idea, if you do add this With idea above if added, These are not safe zones.

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For Turnipski, I think a slight presence of militaries would make the game even more unpredictable. You can prevent the spots of the zombies but not the move of a patrol.

The role taken by the militaries can not be remplaced by the player. The idea with those militaries is that there is another actor which is way more powerfull than the players and there is a need for those players to be well-prepared and coordinated with other ones in order to defeat them.

A point everyone spoke about by pointing precises points in the gameplay : it would change the experience of the game. That's why I think it would be important to restrict the zone of activities far from the coast in relatively small areas.

PS for Brewdoggy : Sorry I didn't see your post before posting.

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I really want to see some military soldiers in this mod, just sweeping towns or trying to recapture their own bases.

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The only concern I have with this, really, once we get past the whole NPC debate, is how we're going to handle their gear. On one hand, I refuse to be cheated out of the gear that I can clearly see they have. It would be stupid to be fired at by guys with assault rifles when I have a revolver, and then not be able to take said assault rifles afterwards simply because the developers didn't want me to have those guns yet, I remember raging about that when I was younger because that's how a lot of games worked back then.

On the other hand, if every soldier in a patrol of six or eight had an AK-74 or something, and two to four magazines each, and perhaps a grenade apiece, with an officer that had a map, a Makarov, ammo, and binoculars, it would be so easy (if one had a good backpack or some friends) to take multiple assault rifles and plenty of ammunition, which would be a better loot supply than the airfield or base itself. I'm at an impasse at how to handle this...perhaps one could rip off the Hunger Games and have a medevac/casevac take the downed soldiers away in thirty seconds or so if you don't get to the bodies fast enough. That way at least the first half of the soldiers you kill wouldn't leave their loot because their buddies suppressed you long enough to haul him off to some distant and inaccessible military hospital, presumably outside the country.

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I totally agree on your second point. Making the patrols an easy way to get good weapons and ammunitions is not the aim. After I think the "30 seconds" system seems too strange and not really realistic.

I was more thinking about patrols of your first category. Of course I don't think patrols of tanks is a good idea, I was more thinking of two full Humvees with turrets in order to make hard enough the attack of the convoy. Of course that can create a frustration for the survivor with a revolver or an ax who has as an only option to flee but that's the aim! Such convoys become a good option only for well-prepared groups of survivors.

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I think that can be a good part of the reward. And during the fight they would be damaged. But a lock system can still be put for the survivors if that seems too much.

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I think eventually Rocket will need to modify the vehicle spawns to match the weapons, because obviously no one wants him to do vice-versa. If he makes RPGS a little more common, then I would have no problem with incorporating military grade vehicles. It seems like a Humvee with an M2, while it sounds absurdly unbalancing, is actually less so than an M-107. Think about it.

If bandits want to careen around the roads, mowing down everything in front of, to the sides of, behind, above, and sometimes below them, they're going to make an awful lot of noise. Enough so that new players (smart people know to avoid walking down the middle of the highway anywh, by the way) wil be able to dive into cover before they get in range.

Unlike a sniper rifle, of course.

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