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My group has information on a group of 2 bandits last seen at northwest airfield on the regular difficulty Chicago 118. They are split up, one of them is at the northern outskirts of northwest while the other is in the middle of the runway past the fire station. Their in-game names are Treefiddy and Craig. They have standard survivor skins, 3 NVG's, 3 GPS's, 2 ALICE packs, an AS50 with about 10 mags, an M4, an M24, an M16, a PDW, an M1911, and various other items. My group will be very grateful for their deaths and enjoy the gear as compensation. There is a possibility of them also showing up on the veteran difficulty Chicago 118. They live on the East Coast of the United States and are generally on at night. They usually go on Chicago based servers and roam the more northern part of the map. If you are wondering how i know all of these details, my group used to play with them. If you do manage to kill them i would appreciate a comment to this thread with the kill confirmation.

Play Safe,


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Three words:

No. One. Cares.

(Unless someone actually cares. In which case: Why?)

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haha awesome! I love these threads. Good hunting!

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Someone who logged at the NWAF saw this thread and definitely checked to see if they were there. I guarantee it. The thought of dropping someone with an AS-50 and NVG is too tempting. Especially knowing that if you drop one of them, the other will DC and not stay behind to protect his buddies corpse and gear. Which I guarantee will happen. 99.9999% sure.

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The thought of dropping someone with an AS-50 and NVG is too tempting.

It is, which is why I was disappointed when I first discovered they aren't compatible in any way.

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The thought of dropping someone with an AS-50 and NVG is too tempting.

It is' date=' which is why I was disappointed when I first discovered they aren't compatible in any way.


Yeah, I know which is strange kind of. Only the DMR works with the NVG, you'd think that was done that way just for DayZ due to the DMR not having any zeroing, so it would be harder to take long shots at night with NVG, but it's that way in ARMA 2 already.

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Shitty post deleted

I like this. The idea of this is interesting.

The fact that someone is pissed about getting outdone by bandits and is now broadcasting their position for petty revenge is interesting to you?

This kind of thing just detracts from what DayZ is about. A mod should know better.

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Shitty post deleted

I like this. The idea of this is interesting.

The fact that someone is pissed about getting outdone by bandits and is now broadcasting their position for petty revenge is interesting to you?

This kind of thing just detracts from what DayZ is about. A mod should know better.

A mod should know better when it comes down to moderating the forums and general respect, not have a better opinion then everyone else and attempt to shove it down everyones throat.

I like the idea of the public giving out player locations and betraying or attempting to backstab other players of the community, involves more risk and fun when it comes down to it. You could be at total risk when you log in and not ever know about it if your location is compromised publicly.

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Shitty post deleted

I like this. The idea of this is interesting.

The fact that someone is pissed about getting outdone by bandits and is now broadcasting their position for petty revenge is interesting to you?

This kind of thing just detracts from what DayZ is about. A mod should know better.

Implying a moderator has anything to do with the game other than moderate its forums. Please.

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Seriously, this community has so many WHINING LITTLE BABIES. Almost every single thread posted gets a couple of jerkoffs condemning it as "not worthy of a thread", or "qq more, welcome to dayz", or "horrible idea, keep your shitty thoughts to yourself". So many egotistical video gamers playing the same game it's amazing.

I think this guy's thread is awesome! Considering we all play on the same 225 km squared map, broadcasting the specific server these bandits are on is fair game as far as I'm concerned. Bounty hunting. Just one of many scenarios that can be made possible when a game like this gets really interconnected on the forums.

Lighten up people... you're playing a video game.

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I am not really sure why so many people are getting mad that i'm giving out a chance to get some really good gear and kill some bandits. If you have a major problem with that then just ignore the thread.

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Don't listen to them beefburger.

They are a PRIME example of why Rocket said he is 100% against having a forum.

Why these idiots bother posting if they are just going to flame is beyond me.

If it honestly makes you that angry, hit the back button and find something worthy to contribute, asshats.

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heh... why not? i see no difference in this thread, than a "real" survivor posting a notice on buildings, etc., in towns warning others of the "bandits."

that being said... i could see threads started w/usernames of wrongly accused (who knows what circumstances brought about you getting shot).

maybe i had a point... who knows :P

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Don't listen to them beefburger.

They are a PRIME example of why Rocket said he is 100% against having a forum.

Why these idiots bother posting if they are just going to flame is beyond me.

If it honestly makes you that angry' date=' hit the back button and find something worthy to contribute, asshats.


To be honest, my very first reply to this thread was out of malice. I was being an ass last nice. Tried to delete it three times and the fucker wouldn't go away.

In reality, though, it's an interesting idea. Dunno how well it would work, but having 'bounties' would be interesting. List last known, quips you saw on them, maybe propose a reward (hah, yeah right; that would never work), and, as they say, 'let God sort 'em out'.

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Ah NWAF, I love that place I remember last night I stumbled upon two server hopping D/Cers, I saw some dude spawn as i was running toward the barracks and he had an M240 and i snuck around to the entrance and threw a grenade in there and it killed him but he D/Ced so I couldn't get his body, then i saw a dude server hop in the firehouse and i shot him and he D/Ced as soon as he heard shots at him, then after all that bullshit some dude tried to shoot me with his dmr but failed and then I unexpectedly ran him over with my UAZ trying to dodge bullets.

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