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Ok this came to me as a vision. Our forums are plauged by carebears complaining about pvp and how its super bad & out of control.

1. Ok so we add a mist between drakon island & the rest of the map.

2. Add mining

3. Spawn pickaxes on the island

4. Profit?

The mist will stop snipers, anyone swimming across will lose their weapons & all the carebears can ejoy smashing rocks in peace all day long.


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I approve this message.

Should add seeds that spawn around the island so they can play farmville too.

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I know how about there isn't a carebear problem because being friendly without backstabbing is a perfectly fine way to play, although it isn't that fun because arma 2 is a game based around killing.

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Sounds too dangerous bro, are you sure the pickaxes aren't too hazardous to let other people use?!

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I know how about there isn't a carebear problem because being friendly without backstabbing is a perfectly fine way to play' date=' although it isn't that fun because arma 2 is a game based around killing.


There is a carebear problem more then there is a so called "pvp problem"

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Sounds too dangerous bro' date=' are you sure the pickaxes aren't too hazardous to let other people use?!


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I'm glad at the positive the reception of this idea, perhaps we may call this a 'Final Solution'.

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or perhaps you can call it a failed solution, one day all your weapons will rust and no longer work

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The carebear problem is slowly being addressed by the devs.

They took a major step forward when they stopped all the carebears who think the game is about building loot mountains from using their magic loot caves, (otherwise known as tents) of map to store their gold.

That's the sort of carebear goings on that ruin the game. The sort that just farms all day and jerks off over their loot.

People who complain are not carebears. They are just whiny gits who don't get that this game can have all types of play side by side. Whether they are complaining about PVP, or like you complaining about carebears, it's all just whining to my ears.

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Rocket, make it happen!

People who complain are not carebears

The term "carebear" derives from players crying to change gameplay aspects linked to PvP because they don't approve of PvP

It's the same as in EVE Online basically with players spending 100% of their gameplay time in HighSec

People building loot cities in the map outskirts can be called exploiters....

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after the Carebears is there something we can do about My Little Pony?

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Carebear refers to anyone who wants to play a game where pvp is impossible.

There is a PVP problem however, because pvpers are crying to have a fix to something only because it cuts into their kill stats.

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I loled

Unfortunately I also see a solution to this threads existance.


All caps is bad for you.

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Dont forget to charge 50,000$ for the pick axes, courtesy of Peter Molyneux.

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When does school startup again?

Seriously, if you want a PvP only game with no carebears to worry about, you can pick from a whole slew of ARMA 2 servers running PvP campaigns.

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this isn't minecraft, people...and since when are "carebears" a problem? if anything it's codfags that are the problem...

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that idea was almost there but it does not cater to the black community and there problem of not being able to swim..

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First we give them an armband that has carebear shapes on it. We round them all up put them on trains and send them to "work camps" then they have showers.

Too much?

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