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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

PVP is Out of Control.

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so, on my most recent dayz life, i got mauled by a bunch of zombies just outside the southwestern side of cherno. i healed up, ate some food, used my morphine, but still had 6000 blood. not good. so i headed to the lone west hospital in hopes of finding more morphine, because i used my only one; more bandages, because i used 5/6 of mine; and possibly someone to use the bloodbag i had on me. not really hoping to find anyone, but i felt that if i did, and they helped me, i would let them have some of my cooked meat. i had 7 of them, anyway. so i get there, and i hit the residential building just north of the hospital. zombies spawn in there. weird. so i come back outside, ready to enter the hospital, when i see someone being attacked by zombies just outside. so i watch as they deal with the problem, and hide around the corner. i type "friendly?" no response. so i walk around the corner, lower my weapon, crouch, and type "hey".


he one-shots me with a makarov, and i instantly die, losing my m14 aim, blood bags, 7 cooked meats, hunting knife, hatchet, watch, map, binoculars, 3 cans of beans, my revolver, and my czech backpack.


something REALLY needs to be done about the player killing in this game, people do it without thinking, with their only thought being that this is call of duty, and you're SUPPOSED to shoot random survivors. i don't know if we should go as extreme as removing the PVP mechanic, but there needs to be some way for player killers to be severely punished. any suggestions? i say that if you kill someone, ten zombies are alerted to your position. then come running up, and you have to fight them off if you want the person you killed's stuff.


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You saw someone first and didn't shoot. That was your downfall. You said it yourself, you asked if he was friendly and got no response. You have only yourself to blame for your death. There is nothing wrong with the PvP in this game. You failed to take advantage of the opportunity presented to you.

Why should there be a punishment for what he did? You didn't help him. He was being chased by zombies, saw someone with a much better weapon, and shot you. There should be a punishment for people that come onto the forums and cry about PvP being broken.

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' pid='274809' dateline='1341781667']

You saw someone first and didn't shoot. That was your downfall. You said it yourself' date=' you asked if he was friendly and got no response. You have only yourself to blame for your death. There is nothing wrong with the PvP in this game. You failed to take advantage of the opportunity presented to you.


the thing is, i just assumed that he was too caught up in fighting zombies/healing to reply. i refuse to kill someone without reason. i will not drop to your level and kill someone just because they did not reply.

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Had you gotten a friendly reply i could understand you being angry. Since you got none and decided to take a chance, you really can't complain that you got shot.

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So when he didn't answer your query of 'friendly', you leapt in anyways?

Human IQ, ladies and gentlemen!

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Absolutely not.

This is crazy, PvP is absolutely the only thing that makes this game tense and interesting once you've got equipment and supplies (which is 50% of the "fun")

If zombies are "getting you" after you're loaded out, I'm not sure whats going on. I barely get touched now by a zombie.

The sheer terror and excitement come from the idea that you can get taken out by another player at any moment.

If you refuse to shoot first, you're asking to be shot first. It's a zombie apocalypse not a zombie BBQ.

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the thing is' date=' i just assumed that he was too caught up in fighting zombies/healing to reply. i refuse to kill someone without reason. i will not drop to your level and kill someone just because they did not reply.


Then don't complain; you had a valid reason: he didn't answer. Next time give him a counter (5secs?) to respond, after that leave (which is dangerous, since he now knows you're there and then there's zombies...) or remove the threat he poses to your life and belongings. He had his chance and didn't take it.

As long as you have a reason for it and you tried what you could to avoid it (making contact) before you do it, killing is "okay". It's part of the game.

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you all seem to have read the TLDR instead of the whole thing...try reading the whole thing. you'll see why i didn't shoot him or run away.

still too lazy to read it?

i had 6000 blood. i needed someone to use my bloodbag on me.

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' pid='274809' dateline='1341781667']

You saw someone first and didn't shoot. That was your downfall. You said it yourself' date=' you asked if he was friendly and got no response. You have only yourself to blame for your death. There is nothing wrong with the PvP in this game. You failed to take advantage of the opportunity presented to you.


the thing is, i just assumed that he was too caught up in fighting zombies/healing to reply. i refuse to kill someone without reason. i will not drop to your level and kill someone just because they did not reply.

Then you will be killed on a regular basis because you cannot reliably protect yourself. Play the game however you want, no one said you had to play it differently. But don't come onto the forums and whine to the whole damn community because you didn't properly protect yourself.

You don't want to shoot on sight? Cool. You died because you didn't shoot on sight? Don't whine to us. You were presented with a situation where you should have been highly defensive. Low on blood, low on bandages, forced to go into a major city to get to a hospital. You were presented with the opportunity to defend yourself and failed to take advantage of it.

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Oh god, you got shot... in Cherno! I never heard about people shooting each other in Cherno! Oh the horror.

Seriously though, why are you so surprised? A) It's Cherno. B) You got no response.

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i will not drop to your level and kill someone just because they did not reply.

In time you will... You'll see.

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you all seem to have read the TLDR instead of the whole thing...try reading the whole thing. you'll see why i didn't shoot him or run away.

still too lazy to read it?

i had 6000 blood. i needed someone to use my bloodbag on me.

No. You didn't.

Food replenishes blood as well, having some cooked meat on you isn't a terrible idea, and you could have tried to hunt and cook some meat from the hunt as well.

Or of course, eat a ton of canned food.

There ARE other ways to get blood back, you just picked the one that was the quickest and subsequently the most dangerous.

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you all seem to have read the TLDR instead of the whole thing...try reading the whole thing. you'll see why i didn't shoot him or run away.

still too lazy to read it?

i had 6000 blood. i needed someone to use my bloodbag on me.

Yes we saw that. We also saw that you had 7 meats in your bag.

7 x 800 = 5600

5600 + 6000 = 11,600

Again your own fault you died, and your own fault you got one shot by a crappy pistol.

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EDIT: Zipper was faster, but yeah, exactly that.

you all seem to have read the TLDR instead of the whole thing...try reading the whole thing. you'll see why i didn't shoot him or run away.

still too lazy to read it?

i had 6000 blood. i needed someone to use my bloodbag on me.

You had 7 cooked meat. This means you had enough gear to survive. Why didn't you stay the hell out of the deathtraps that are Cherno, Elektro, NWAF and Berezino and just hunt some more till you got healthy enough again?

A few days ago I was down to 3k or 4k blood (because of my own stupidity of course). I carefully went scavenging in the villages, finally found the hunting knive and started hunting animals. Found a boar, a rabbit, a chicken... Try that next time.

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Only 18% of players are bandits. Only 15% of survival attempts end in murder. This does not indicate a system "out of control."

You made a series of stupid choices (not least of which being starting this ridiculous thread). You died. It's okay. You get to try again. Change your diaper, dry those tears and get out there and give it another try, soldier.

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Life is generally shit, but in an apocalypse it gets shitter.

But with 7 steaks on me my priority would have been 12000 blood (Minimising the Morphine need chance) you can cook more rabbits etc.

I happen to agree with you that the PVP is out of control, but this is controled by the players and should not be enforced by any means, there are servers out there who state COOP / friendly play, I used them when I started out to get to grips with the game, you should use them if you dont like killers and murderers et al.

Its a Game, It aint real, I use it as a psychological head fuck experiment, a what would i do? how would i do it? should I offer friendship (And I honestly would / do 100% of the time) or run like a bitch?

I find starting out quite fun, yes, i have lost some gucci kit but half the fun was finding it in the first place.

Ps had i come across someone being twatted by zombies and didnt help, I'd shoot the fuckers too!!

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I have been killed by other players countless times, each time it happens I could kick myself because 99% of the times they have killed me is because I made a stupid mistake like you have done. PVP is part of the mod, like it or not, people dont like to lose there hard earned loot so they shoot first before even asking if someone is friendly.. you yourself will start to take this same approach the more times you get killed for being a good samaritan.

Also, NEVER ask if someone is a friendly on the direct text chat.. unless your completely hidden from them and there is no way they can find or see you, if not the time it takes you to write that out usually results in them already shooting you.

If you want to survive for as long as possible then go into the woods with a water bottle, a knife, a hatchet and some matches and hunt animals for food and use pools for water, hey presto you are now a self sufficient, survivor and have won the game. BUT.. the more you wait, you will soon bore and go looking for loot and blood, I guarantee it :)

I've lost nightvision googles and my first and only ghillie suited character to a noobs macarov, by simply looking for mountain dew in a supermarket at Zelenogorsk.. he was prone in the back just waiting for a target like me to come in.. yeah it sucked, he was NOT a friendly from cherno!

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I know DayZ does and will always have PvP option but it's not the DayZ game's fault for all the PvPing....

It's the player's fault for deciding to make the game into a overly heavy PvP game. Players could easily get past the PvPers and still push for a game of team work. But the Players are the one's with the power.

Those who say I must shoot first before they shoot me is the player entering their Frame/view of the game. If players decided to not accept this and still look to team up. We would see more of this and also a growing trend of players who will find out who these players who simply kill for fun and they will be hunted down by bands of team based teams.

The outcome of the so called Deathmatches happening in Dayz is not the Game's fault but the Players. We can be like lemmings or say fine,..kill me but I will always try to team up and show that this game can be more enjoyable with sharing exciting moments with others.

I have never killed a player. I always try to team up. I have given blood transfusions with a player before. I have been killed by other players. Other players can kill me all they want but i will not change my play style. I will take that bullet and respawn and get back up and help other players. I will defend other players from hostile ones. I will not let this shoot first mentality to corrupt me. I will always be Friendly even if it get me killed. This is who i am...

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I still remember the good old days when people didnt kill themselves for no reason..good times...."you had an advantage and you didnt use it?" Fuck these people.

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well, everyone has forgotten the point of this thread:

what do you think is an appropriate punishment for player killing? should there be one? what should it be?

also, i like the idea of 5 seconds to reply, i will start doing that. but i still refuse to shoot someone the instant i see them. no, i won't change. yes, it's just a game, but it's still inhumane if you ask me.

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It amazes me how many uneducated kids come on the forums ranting about PVP. Before you even complain about the whole thing, let's look at the story line of the game. A zombie Apocalypse starts taking over Chernarus, there is no police, army, and type of government, politics, whatever you want, there is none of it. Do you really think that if this was going to happen in real life (because that's what the game is trying to simulate) that people would give two shits about player killing to live/survive? If your one of those idiots, chances are your going to be one of the first ones to die. It amazes me even more to think you could of easily survived with what you told me you had to get your blood back up, that just shows me that instead of taking the save route, you took the MOST dangerous path to get your blood back. There is nothing wrong with the PVP System, if you want to just kill zombies, play Left 4 Dead. If you want a real life zombie Apocalypse simulator, stop crying and play the damn game.

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Only 18% of players are bandits. Only 15% of survival attempts end in murder. This does not indicate a system "out of control."

Where are those statistics from?

To the OP, I would wait until they reintroduce karma before pressing this issue...in general, I don't believe there should be a straight-up punishment. Killing without thinking in these circumstances is a perfectly viable option whether or not you or I like it (I, too, am of the opinion that the rampant shoot-on-sight mentality sucks but enforcing punishment is not the way to go in my opinion).

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what do you think is an appropriate punishment for player killing?

I thought listening to people like you cry about it was the punishment.

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