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Ghillie Suits Protect Against Thermal

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I'll keep it short. I only briefly skimmed the other threads so I'm not sure if this has already been suggested. However I believe that Ghillie suits should make you invisible to thermal vision due to the fact that they breakup not only your visible signature in relation to the environment, but your heat signature as well.

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Perhaps. You know, that' one of the things that some people don't know about the modern combat uniforms militaries wear today, is that it also seeks to break up thermal and infrared visibility in addition to visual identification. Perhaps extend that to camo clothing.

Of course, they woulsn't be completely invisible. This isn't call of duty, after all. It would just make it less pronounced.

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Ghillie suits are already overpowered.

This would just take them over the top.

You could be inches away from a ghillie suit person and they are impossible to see.

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Exactly against who's thermal vision do you need protection from?

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are you kidding me.. invisible?!.. maybe visible.. it can be really,really warm!.. the temperature in the ghillie suit can reach 50 C

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You can't defeat TI except you kill yourself and become "cold".

There is a way to delay the heat signature buildup by using a blanket or a special uniform but eventually they will warm up and show your position, too.

To be completly invisible you need a cloaking device.

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Gillie suits that mask your appearance from thermal optics are real and do exist. They are just exclusive to certain countries, like Great Britain :D (And possibly some of our allies, but I watched it on a 2-3 year-old modern war tech documentary so my intel is outdated) It also requires separate training with movement so you can keep your temp down.

But for me, it's another sniper wanting more advantage than he/she already has so I say NO to this idea.

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In the game the guy is wearing khakis, a shirt, and a vest...not military issue items by the looks of it. Wearing a ghillie suit in real life does not make you appear less warm on thermals.

EDIT - I'm talking about commercially-available ghillie suits and the ones I've seen at the US Sniper school in Ft. Benning, Georgia. Generally-speaking they are more or less a mesh that you add local flora to in order to break up your silhouette. There may be special ghillie suits out there that do what you are saying (as in Dave_'s post) but those are not very common-place - even in the military community.

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You can't defeat TI except you kill yourself and become "cold".

There is a way to delay the heat signature buildup by using a blanket or a special uniform but eventually they will warm up and show your position' date=' too.

To be completly invisible you need a cloaking device.


What sorcery is this then?

should be added to Dayz in the future.

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You can't defeat TI except you kill yourself and become "cold".

There is a way to delay the heat signature buildup by using a blanket or a special uniform but eventually they will warm up and show your position' date=' too.

To be completly invisible you need a cloaking device.


What sorcery is this then?

should be added to Dayz in the future.

Yeah most modern military uniforms has an IR coating that does exactly that.

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I agree maybe invisible would be too OP, however I think maybe if it somewhat faded a bit, anything would help. BTW, never have had a sniper rifle, and only just got a ghillie suit yesterday. Just something I watched on a youtube video and thought was a bit ridiculous.

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IR coating is for NV not thermal. You can shield yourself from thermal for a short period of time but thermal dynamics says that eventually heat will rise to the cooler surface therefore a thermal signature. fun thing to do with flir and we learned the iraqis did is to use just a regular blanket it will hide your signature for a good while as you will appear to be ambient temp. also if you ever do get to play with thermals you will notice you cannot look through glass. once again because the glass would be ambient temps

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There are Ghillie suits designed for the sole purpose of counting thermals devices, but they aren't common. I think the more common creams and face paints would be a better addition since these are more likely to be found in the real world.

Also can we please make Ghillie suits the satanic fire hazard they are in real life, because if youve seen the videos and read the story's of ghillies burning, you would never wear a Ghillie suit even remotely close to a fire.

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No. These are regular ghillie suits, not some high tech anti-thermal ghillies. I don't get it, people complain about snipers, then make suggestions like these. I have a ghillie suit on right now, so not having one is not the issue.

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not sure if troll or just.. is the ghilli suit not op enough for you? come on, youre nearly invisible in a forest, your backpacks not shown, be happy with that?

not shown on thermal sights? next you want it to be bulletproof as well? then maybe a switch to make it invisible for 5minutes?

pls stay realistic

and offtopic

l85 should be removed anyway,

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How about we give anyone with a ghillie suit active camouflage?

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the op seems got ghillie suite visibility in thermal vision backwards. as people said above, its hot in the ghillie suite, so wearing a ghillie suite should make wearer even more visible through thermal, then without it.

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are you kidding me.. invisible?!.. maybe visible.. it can be really,really warm!.. the temperature in the ghillie suit can reach 50 C

BECAUSE less heat is going outside. Nevertheless the characteristic blackbody radiation due to thermal emission is still visible to all kinds of thermal scopes. So making ghillie suits invisible for them is just stupid. Thats some CoD/BF3 suggestion from little kids who want to rock to the max now they find a ghillie suit.

Edited by Jacy

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The ghillie is perfect for off-road PVP, but terrible in urban environment or againts thermal scopes. Which is, like many said before, as realistic as (in-game) possible.

This doesn't mean other advantages/disadvantages (or different clothing with them) should be added for balancing.

Rocket already "leaked" that more different types of clothing will be added to DayZ, however this isn't a priority yet.

Some clothing ideas I've seen and heard from both the community and Rocket himself:

- "standard clothing": just like now, keeps you warm (higher temp drop) and a perfect all-rounder

- "urban clothing": more 'camouflage' in cities and urban locations, less warm

- "off-roud clothing": more 'camouflage' in forests and fields, less warm

- "rain coat": no negative effect when raining, but bright yellow/orange

- "winter clothing": very warm (perfect during nights), but has reflectors

- "ghillie suit": almost 'invisible' for players off-road, but no warming at all

This could add a "thermal suit", which makes you invisible for thermal scopes but is all black, so visible with the naked eye.

Conclusion: I agree more balancing should be added as for the clothing, but making ghillies invisible for thermal scopes is not even possible in CoD...

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If there is a man in a ghillie suit lying in grass and the area is observed with TI, the man is bound to be found, because the ground is cold and the man is warm there is huge contrast which allows him to be seen, besides since people complain of the existence of military weapons in this scenario i think an advanced ghillie suit is even more unlikely to exist in the scenario.

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You want protection of thermal? Why not just smear mud all over your body to hide the heat signatures like in Predator.

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