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For those who may have missed this video - A reminder

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Just a reminder for anyone who may have missed this A+ video posted by complete idiots, this is what aborting out of combat looks like from the scrubs point of view. That's right folks, WookieTeamEcho is proud to present to you, How to 'Abort like a boss!' in 720p!

Be sure to leave a dislike to show your support for aborting players getting banned. Also this video proves how to be a complete moron and video tape yourself as such.

My favorite line of this video is at the beginning where he says : 'He has blood packs' then later asks if he has blood packs and says 'No blood packs'.



Edit : There we go, that's the right video. Sorry.

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+1 for finding this.

I could of aborted today after hearing gun shots by the stary tents. Peaking my interest a guy unloads a m16 clip in my direction he broke my legs but my blood was good. I instead stood up and emptied my own clip into him. Headshot. +1 Kill

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And a friendly BUMP for those who may have missed this gem.

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Stuff like this really annoys me and ruins the game. When I run around with a group of people and find someone else 90% of the time they just dc to avoid us. This completly ruins immersion and makes playing not as enjoyable.

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that is awesome

i suggest that everyone goes through their canal and jsut 'unlike' the fuck out of all their videos

what i dislike more than suck pussies is pussies making themselves awesome pr0 players. when in reality... lol

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What would be hilarious is if trying to abort after getting hit a few moments before would result in a window saying "Are you sure you want to abort?" with a picture of a big sledge hammer that has a nice, decorative logo that says "BAN" on it.

If you confirm, the Old Spice guy would show up and say "This ban is now diamonds!"

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and you posted it on Youtube :lol:

"Iam suggesting we all log out" LOL

you pussies go play SIMS...

and they calling themselves "Clan" :blush:

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