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Streamer on twitch.tv playing with hackers on UK 63

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Watching SixtheDK's stream right now, hes playing with hackers, they are spawning choppers, tanks and more stuff.

The streamer is using the hacked vehicles and keeps saying that he cannot stop the hacker from joining his server but nevertheless he is using the vehicles and even asks him, to spawn him vehicles.

videoproof, thx to mranggan:

stream: http://en.twitch.tv/sixthedk

his ingamename: FloeNiggaFloeKappa

he is/was playing on UK63

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Just posted this myself. and yeah to say "Im not hacking" as a defense but to ask for stuff and then just keep using it is rather sad.

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At least you can clearly see the action here... what you don't see is other "famous" streamers that are getting help from hackers while "offline". When they die you suddendly see them again with vehicles, L85A2, ghillie and whatever after half hour, without knowing what happened in the "middle", you may believe these ppl having tons of tents to restock from.. but when you ask you get kicked from the stream.

There's a streamer that were being helped by a well known cheate/hacker about a week ago, his defense was that he cannot avoid the hacker providing weapons (like this thread) .. but then after a week that same "hacker" started to play with him (without cheating publically.. bt providing weapons and stuff while they are offline). What you would do to being "famous" (or to earn some cents with the streaming donations.. lol).

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Idiots... record yourself benefiting from another player hacking

Yes, I believe Devs have mentioned if you find a hacked weapon your fine just don't hack.

But what they were doing was basically hacking, they were just lazy about it.

They either should of logged or avoided the obvious hacker instead of recording themselves taking items from him...

I believe the person doing the live stream and the hacker deserve some good ole CD key banns.

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The logs are being checked now, requesting the vehicles regardless if you didn't hack them in, I still class that as being a bannable offence, in the last week we've had server issues, server crashes, and now an unbelievable stream of hackers doing stuff like this, all parties found to be involved will be banned and reported to the dayz team. We do our best to try and make sure this stuff doesn't happen so that honest players don't have to put with it. Cheers for publicly making it away to us

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Why do these people do this in dayz?

I thought that this is what Arma is for??

Thing is, if they want to do it, set up their own offline server and do it that way, keep it off the hive, there are thousands of people who play this game genuinely and have to put up with this. We've had so many hackers on the server this week, we're doing what we can to get rid of them but so far looking through the logs there has been maybe 30-40 instances in the last couple of days. We've seen tanks and had to restart, thermal as50's now this shit. I've got 4 guys currently helping me scour through legs and any information we find, will be reported and hopefully their cd keys will be banned, its pathetic, some people need to grow up

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Report him to twitch, they'll take his channel down.

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It's down now

Yup i've stopped the server so this shit cant continue while i find the people involved' date=' so far i've got

FloeNiggaFloeKappa (whose id is the same as DaWigglez)



Taco Tuesday Bitches (hacker)

Also there's a couple of others that i'm looking into, i've got your guid's your player id's and ip's and they're going to be handed over to the dayz team shortly. I suggest if you know the hackers id you save me the trouble and voice it to me. This sort of thing won't be tolerated


It's down now

Yup i've stopped the server so this shit cant continue while i find the people involved' date=' so far i've got

FloeNiggaFloeKappa (whose id is the same as DaWigglez)



Taco Tuesday Bitches (hacker)

Also there's a couple of others that i'm looking into, i've got your guid's your player id's and ip's and they're going to be handed over to the dayz team shortly. I suggest if you know the hackers id you save me the trouble and voice it to me. This sort of thing won't be tolerated


After a lot of looking through logs we've narrowed it down,

Any server admins that want to prevent the hacker who is 'Taco Tuesday Bitches' and the colaborators who are 'Broskih, RalkGamer and FloeNiggaFloeKappa who also goes by the name Dawigglez' please contact me for guid's ip's and player id's, the information is going to be passed over to the dayz team now to relay onto the battleeye global ban list.

4 lamers down, over 9000 to go

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Listening to these morons justifying the use of the hacked items is pathetic. The douchebag with the greasy accent is particularly moronic. These guys sound a little, 'slow', ya know? The fact that the skiddie is using them as his bitch for his amusement without it even dawning on them shows they're probably use to bending over.

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Hello, Sixthedk here. Would just like to say thank you guys for being so obviously understanding about this situation. I'm new to playing DayZ and this was a very welcoming experience. Its obvious you are nothing but a bunch of self-righteous people who think anything outside of your standards deserves to parish. A hacker abused me and my friends by stream sniping for hours until we finally just stopped server hopping and rerolling to hang around. He did some interesting things that we didnt know were possible and how could we just walk away from that? We werent dayz experts, we didnt know that everyone would freak out and attempt a mass extinction of our group. You insist on calling me mentally impaired for this? You know this wouldn't bother me at all because I dont enjoy DayZ that much, but the fact that you people think its okay to try to get my partnered stream banned (my only current employment) because you somehow feel obligated to do so is very pathetic. If you want to attack my livelihood for 30 mins of random entertainment to a new videogame then you better be prepared.

*The reason we stuck around also was because eventually he took us back to the location that he came in and killed us all at, so we didnt lose hours of work*

Have a great day,


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i maek ma moneyz from strum' date='i daserf to be spared from banz!


I'm glad you sent your finest to communicate with me.

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Hello' date=' Sixthedk here. Would just like to say thank you guys for being so obviously understanding about this situation. I'm new to playing DayZ and this was a very welcoming experience. Its obvious you are nothing but a bunch of self-righteous people who think anything outside of your standards deserves to parish. A hacker abused me and my friends by stream sniping for hours until we finally just stopped server hopping and rerolling to hang around. He did some interesting things that we didnt know were possible and how could we just walk away from that? We werent dayz experts, we didnt know that everyone would freak out and attempt a mass extinction of our group. You insist on calling me mentally impaired for this? You know this wouldn't bother me at all because I dont enjoy DayZ that much, but the fact that you people think its okay to get to try to partnered stream banned (my only current employment) because you somehow feel obligated to do so is very pathetic. If you want to attack my livelihood for 30 mins of random entertainment to a new videogame then you better be prepared.

*The reason we stuck around also was because eventually he took us back to the location that he came in and killed us all at, so we didnt lose hours of work*

Have a great day,



Lol i know right this video is funny can you make more and host a weekly video of doing crazy shit in dayZ i particularly liked the part with the jet.

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Lol i know right this video is funny can you make more and host a weekly video of doing crazy shit in dayZ i particularly liked the part with the jet.

No thank you. I'm done playing DayZ regardless of my CDkey being banned or not.

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Sixthedk - I hate to break it to you, but if redit or 4chan get ahold of this, you're stream will most likely be banned, like mine sir.

You are a streamer, with that does come responsibilities. You stream on twitch.tv, which has TOS policies you must follow. I learned this the hard way - Looks like you will to sir!

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Sixthedk - I hate to break it to you' date=' but if redit or 4chan get ahold of this, you're stream will most likely be banned, like mine sir.

You are a streamer, with that does come responsibilities. You stream on twitch.tv, which has TOS policies you must follow. I learned this the hard way - Looks like you will to sir!


I didn't break any TOS from twitch and they will see that. A bunch of kids saying "ban this stream" doesn't do anything. They wont take it down "by popular demand". Twitch is a business and I'm an employee.

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So if you've done nothing wrong' date=' why delete the recorded video?


Yes,why delete such highlights as "I flipped my Helicopter,could you give me another one?"

more legit gameplay

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